MirrorandImage — Grlz Bariss

Published: 2011-02-05 20:45:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 3013; Favourites: 83; Downloads: 144
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Description And now we have Bariss Offee.

To the, like, four people who are always nice enough to leave a comment and way they can't wait for Bariss, may I ask: What's so special about her? She had one cameo in the second movie and has a recurring part in the Cone Wars series. Is there something in her EU that I missed?

Anyway, for Bariss I tried to mix and match a few things. First up she finally has the "attitude hips" that I wanted Padme to have (you should have seen her undersketch with the legs. Awesome ) I also tried to mimic her lightsaber after Ahsoka's, where it's coming out at you with forshortening and, while I know what I did with Ahsoka's 'saber that came out great, I couldn't seem to mimic it with Bariss'. In the end (which is coming increasingly common with this series) I threw my hands up and said "Good enough."

Her face tattoos didn't come out particularly great either. Some of them should be cut off or shortened because of the angle of the nose, but every attempt I did tried to do that it didn't look right unless I actually added the line of the nose in the lineart. With this oversimplified style that just wasn't going to work, and I'm once again reminded of how much improvement I have ahead of me.

Anyway, as I round off the series I know I'll do (and suffer through I'm sure...) Ventress; but now I'm looking at Senator Chuchi and wondering if she's a well-known enough character to do her. The others are at least recognizable, but Chuchi...

Anyway, as always, let me know what you think.

Bariss <-- You are here.
Senator Chuchi
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Comments: 25

Commander-Tano [2012-06-30 11:31:59 +0000 UTC]

Goog job!

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MirrorandImage In reply to Commander-Tano [2012-06-30 15:05:53 +0000 UTC]


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Commander-Tano In reply to MirrorandImage [2012-07-01 07:09:05 +0000 UTC]

I Like her pose!
Verry good!

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MirrorandImage In reply to Commander-Tano [2012-07-01 12:35:57 +0000 UTC]


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talonhand94 [2012-02-13 04:27:37 +0000 UTC]

Ve~ So cute!

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MirrorandImage In reply to talonhand94 [2012-02-13 13:25:39 +0000 UTC]


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djklink20009 [2012-02-01 16:48:13 +0000 UTC]


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MirrorandImage In reply to djklink20009 [2012-02-01 17:28:59 +0000 UTC]


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DarthWill3 [2012-01-31 14:33:18 +0000 UTC]

Very awesome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MirrorandImage In reply to DarthWill3 [2012-01-31 15:36:17 +0000 UTC]


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DarthWill3 In reply to MirrorandImage [2012-01-31 16:07:09 +0000 UTC]

No prob!

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PeculiarChildofGod [2011-08-29 05:36:46 +0000 UTC]

W00t! This picture is great! Barriss Offee is the greatest Jedi padawan EVER!

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MirrorandImage In reply to PeculiarChildofGod [2011-08-30 21:02:16 +0000 UTC]

So glad you liked!

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BluUnduli [2011-06-02 15:56:58 +0000 UTC]

Really cute

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StarWarsWarriorsFan [2011-05-08 17:51:03 +0000 UTC]

EPIC! I was made fun of for liking Star Wars so I agree. Star Wars is for girls and boys and some people don't see that. Awsome job! I love Barriss Offee!

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SvalaW [2011-02-16 15:58:50 +0000 UTC]

This is simply so very cute!

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MirrorandImage In reply to SvalaW [2011-02-16 20:31:08 +0000 UTC]

So glad you like.

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Zoe-the-Pink-Ranger [2011-02-06 23:01:43 +0000 UTC]

Yay! Barriss looks so adorable

She was very good in the MedStar Duology of books, and also an interesting character in 'The Approaching Storm', which detailed the "border dispute on Ansion" mentioned at the start of Attack of the Clones. Luminara & Barriss were there along with Anakin and Obi-Wan.
She's my favourite from "Yoda's Jedi", and 4th favourite female character after Tahiri Veila, Jaina Solo, and Mara Jade.

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MirrorandImage In reply to Zoe-the-Pink-Ranger [2011-02-06 23:04:20 +0000 UTC]

Er, well, the only name I know is Mara Jade, and only vaguely as the girl who eventually married Luke. I guess I need to spend more time on wookiepedia.

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Zoe-the-Pink-Ranger In reply to MirrorandImage [2011-02-06 23:13:27 +0000 UTC]

Jaina Solo is Han & Leia's daughter. She grows up to become a seriously awesome fighter-pilot and eventually marries Jag Fel... which may or may not mean she ends up as the Queen of the Second Galactic Empire.

Tahiri Veila is a human girl who was raised by Sand People before being taken in by the Jedi. She was Anakin Solo's best friend (later girlfriend) and got captured by the Yuuzhan Vong, who implanted a false identity into her mind to try to make her into one of them.

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the-ghostcat-pir8nin [2011-02-05 21:58:57 +0000 UTC]

I have to say, I'm kind of excited for Ventress. Sorry I haven't commented before, I really love this series that you're doing but I'm too lazy to wiggle my fingers over a keyboard and tell you how cute I think this is. In any case, I think you should do Senator Chuchi because... I don't actually have a convincing argument, I just think these are really adorable.

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MirrorandImage In reply to the-ghostcat-pir8nin [2011-02-05 23:20:48 +0000 UTC]

Well, I somehow managed to get her done! Have a look.

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the-ghostcat-pir8nin In reply to MirrorandImage [2011-02-06 00:16:54 +0000 UTC]

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callmeroth [2011-02-05 21:41:03 +0000 UTC]

She has been in several books yes.

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ecanerdygirl [2011-02-05 20:55:56 +0000 UTC]

Her EU is really cool: she's a healer who played a somewhat-big part in the EU part of the Clone Wars. Read the Medstar Duology ([link] ), it really forms out Barriss' character and stuff!

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