Mistresselysia — Valen - Quick Sketch

Published: 2008-10-28 11:35:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 2901; Favourites: 40; Downloads: 53
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Description A very quick sketch that I did of Valen a little while ago... nothing special!

Valen Shadowbreath is a tiefling Weaponmaster from NWN - Hordes of the Underdark and belongs to Bioware.
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Comments: 19

WaspWaistLover [2019-07-03 17:56:56 +0000 UTC]

Not a bad pencil drawing at all. This male elf gives a great impression of power! I want to update my old fashioned artwork to include more elves, male & female. My best WWL

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Sarishje [2010-12-18 00:53:26 +0000 UTC]

I absolutely love your interpretation of Valen!

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Shane-01 [2009-03-08 10:30:17 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for your kind comments about my work. However your so many stages of amazing above me that i feel insignificant to everything in your gallery. This illustration alone is absolutely amazing.

You're an incredible artist.

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Elrith-Shadowstepper [2009-02-24 10:34:21 +0000 UTC]

Omg! Omg, omg, omg! (Hyperventilates!)
Vaaaaaaaaaaaalen!!!! I love him!
I too, wrote a fic of HotU, and I would update it, but FF.Net hates me at the moment
I've read yours, and it's awesome! When are you updating? cause you left me squealing with the Xen'shaii-Valen-Jen thing, not to mention the battle!!
Btw, your Valen looks EXACTLY how I always pictured mine!!

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Mistresselysia In reply to Elrith-Shadowstepper [2009-02-24 19:17:04 +0000 UTC]

Got to love Valen! (I'm sure there's some kind of unwritten rule, you know... Are you female? Play HotU a lot? Like chaps? Then you must love Valen - IT'S THE LAW! )

Thank you! I'm trying to get back into writing again, but it's a bit difficult at the moment - I've just had a baby (she's 4 weeks old today! ) and so finding the time to sit down and breathe is hard enough right now, let alone sit down and concentrate on writing!! Which fic did you write? (I also think FFnet hates everyone right now - I haven't been able to log in for quite some time... )

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Elrith-Shadowstepper In reply to Mistresselysia [2009-02-26 07:58:32 +0000 UTC]

I've been working on one called Natha klez d' ssin wund l' oloth, about a drow, named...Elrith Shadowstepper, lol. It has 90 reviews, all positive, so it can't be that bad, rofl. Plus, Valens in it...and he's nekkid!!!!
FF.Net is now WORKING!
Grats on the baby! I hear having one is a joyful occasion, but I wouldn't know

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Mistresselysia In reply to Elrith-Shadowstepper [2009-02-26 10:17:30 +0000 UTC]

Lol! Ironically, I was literally just looking at your fic with much interest, but then the baby started hollering, so I am just sorting myself out to feed her... upon seeing this, though, I just had to comment . As soon as Lucy lets me, I shall definitely be checking it out...

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Elrith-Shadowstepper In reply to Mistresselysia [2009-02-26 10:59:12 +0000 UTC]

Ah, irony...Don't ya just love it some times?
I would be very happy indeed if you were to check out my fic, it's not that good compared to YOURS, which inspired me and gave me several good ideas...don't sue, I didn't copy, I SWEAR!!

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LichGodlike [2008-11-08 23:40:10 +0000 UTC]

wow lady, greath job!
i dont remembrer him in the game... well, in most the time i was exploding something with my sorcerer... ¬¬
thanks for the coment!

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missragdolly [2008-11-08 15:50:19 +0000 UTC]

GAH! *<-epic gasp* this is.... *swoons and faints*

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Mistresselysia In reply to missragdolly [2008-11-09 14:51:18 +0000 UTC]

I think about Valen far more than any sane person should do...

:hug; Thank you very much!!

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missragdolly In reply to Mistresselysia [2008-11-09 16:00:46 +0000 UTC]

meh. i know the feeling. but sane people are boring.

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3D-Fantasy-Art [2008-10-31 22:51:18 +0000 UTC]


He ... looks like someone... I used to know ... and fancy quite a bit.... Course, he didn't have horns...

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Ryddyl [2008-10-29 20:25:26 +0000 UTC]

I love the way you draw Valen. And if you start the fic up again, I'll be bouncing-on-the-bed happy. However, I can certainly uderstand you being busy lately, and I wish you every happiness with "the spawn." Hope you feel better!

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Lava-DelVortel [2008-10-29 18:12:28 +0000 UTC]

Even as a man I have to say that he is sexy... drawn by a genius deviant...

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DarrkestDrow [2008-10-29 05:49:09 +0000 UTC]

Nothing special? ...Except that his face and anatomy looks perfect...also really like the hair.

...I actually have that game but haven't played it yet. I forgot I had it...I got it as a B-day present like...a year (damn, maybe 2 years?) ago but I never open it and played it because I knew I'd get wrapped up in it and I didn't/don't have the time for that. It was the boxed set with all the NWN games up to the HotU release. Old now, but I still wanna play it sometime... *stops rambling*

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Mistresselysia In reply to DarrkestDrow [2008-10-29 08:55:14 +0000 UTC]

Aww, stop it - you're making me blush! Thanks!

Ooooooooo, HotU. Such a good little game. I've played it through many times... I do enjoy it - definitely the best of the NWN crop, including the newer games. Heh heh, it even inspired me to write a stupid fic based on it - one of the reasons I posted this now is because I am considering starting that back up again (I stopped it because my main laptop broke, trapping a nearly finished chapter 38 inside it, and then found out almost immediately afterwards that I was preggers; then the nausea kicked in... not very conducive to the creative process, trying to get your head around the fact that you're going to be a mum and constantly throwing up!) and I was rummaging a bit and found it in a sketch book... does make me want to go back and at least finish up the first 'book', especially since I left the story at the beginning of a bloody great big battle!

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PlushKraken [2008-10-28 20:24:15 +0000 UTC]

And is probably the single most popular romance interest of all Bioware games. For women, that is.

Nice picture.

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Mistresselysia In reply to PlushKraken [2008-10-28 20:31:07 +0000 UTC]

Ooo, you're not wrong there... Valen is indeed 'teh luff' (as the youngin's would say)!! Since I've got a bit of time on my hands (not much I can do right now, and there's only so much daytime TV one can stand in a day...) so I thought I might dust off all my old HotU fic stuff and try to get back into writing again (or at least drawing silly HotU cartoons... haven't made my mind up yet!) and found this lurking in a sketch book .

Thank you!

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