Miyumero — Steampunk Elegance

Published: 2012-04-20 21:49:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 5702; Favourites: 108; Downloads: 90
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Comments: 27

andream55 [2013-05-22 02:11:26 +0000 UTC]

What is your asking price?

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Miyumero In reply to andream55 [2013-06-25 22:46:47 +0000 UTC]

Oh woops, I didn't realize I forgot to update the description! I sold this a while ago, so sorry about that. I'll go fix that now...

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VictorianRedRose [2012-04-27 14:18:42 +0000 UTC]

Ooh that's very nice Did you decorate the fabric yourself or did you buy it like that? So cool you wore it to your prom by the way weren't people like 'what the **** are you wearing' though? I've tried to explain Steampunk once and I failed miserably xD It just sounds weird to someone who isn't familiar with these kind of things. Anyway, super good looking

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Miyumero In reply to VictorianRedRose [2012-04-27 19:11:53 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much! I ombre dyed the silk but I was lucky enough to find the fabric with the clock print.^^ As for prom, I was expecting more people to just be confused by it, but the response was overwhelmingly positive and many people thought I was the "best dressed" girl there. Sometimes it's really worth it to just wear whatever you want. xD Not too many people asked for an explanation though and thank god for that, because I have also tried and failed to explain steampunk many a time.

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VictorianRedRose In reply to Miyumero [2012-05-01 14:56:08 +0000 UTC]

Oh what a nice discovery to find such a print on a ready to buy fabric
Haha indeed most people find such things very pretty and elegant but lol just don't try to explain the reasoning behind it because that just ends in general confusion and me saying 'you know what, nevermind, I can't explain, you just have to see or feel it yourself on a renaissance/fantasy fair or something like that' xD

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SiouxzieQ In reply to VictorianRedRose [2012-07-21 16:22:46 +0000 UTC]

I too have tried to explain SteamPunk and failed. How about. Queen Victoria Meets Annie Oakley Meets Princess Leia.

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VictorianRedRose In reply to SiouxzieQ [2012-07-23 18:53:15 +0000 UTC]

Haha that's one very original explanation Probably followed by 'But... who is Annie Oak-whatever and that Leia girl, that's Star Trek or something, right?' xD

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Ratsukorr [2012-04-22 18:22:32 +0000 UTC]

this....is so gorgeous!!

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Miyumero In reply to Ratsukorr [2012-04-22 20:00:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank you Liz!!

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Ratsukorr In reply to Miyumero [2012-04-22 20:14:32 +0000 UTC]

Welcome!! :3

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DeadDancers [2012-04-21 11:25:56 +0000 UTC]

That is gorgeous! You should look into doing this kind of thing professionally!

What size is it?

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Miyumero In reply to DeadDancers [2012-04-22 20:00:08 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much! I really appreciate the encouragement. I plan on trying to run a professional costume/apparel business someday. As for the size, this costume would fit a US women's size M or L. The vest would probably best fit a 31"-35" waist, and measures 14" across the shoulders. The arm holes are adjustable. The skirt has a drawstring waist that can stretch up to 40". From the navel to the bottom front, it's 27" and from the waist to the floor in the back it's about 44/45". The undershirt is loose-fitting and can fit up to 40" around the waist. I'll add this info to the description.^^

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DeadDancers In reply to Miyumero [2012-04-25 14:42:47 +0000 UTC]

I'm amazed you haven't sold it already! If I didn't live in such a provincial area, I'd have snapped it up myself.

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Miyumero In reply to DeadDancers [2012-04-27 18:58:59 +0000 UTC]

Ah, well thanks for the interest.^^ I only just put it up for sale and if I'd known so many people wanted to buy it, I would have done so sooner!

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KairiPoo [2012-04-20 21:51:37 +0000 UTC]

How much are you willing to sell it for? I absolutely loooove steam punk~ <3

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Miyumero In reply to KairiPoo [2012-04-20 23:35:29 +0000 UTC]

Probably for around 200 USD, but it's negotiable.

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KairiPoo In reply to Miyumero [2012-04-23 01:19:03 +0000 UTC]

Hmmm...The material looks lovely and the quality of your clothes making design is fantastic! >w< I shall think about it~

Would a $150 be too low for your taste?

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Miyumero In reply to KairiPoo [2012-04-23 04:04:54 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! It is probably too low, sorry to say, since as of today I have a few people interested in possibly buying it for over $200. But if that falls through I'll let you know. I really want to get rid of this outfit. xD

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KairiPoo In reply to Miyumero [2012-04-27 00:16:19 +0000 UTC]

I figured it was a little to low. Well if I save up and get $200 then I'll get it! Unless someone else buys it of course. ^^

Are you still making clothes? :3

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Miyumero In reply to KairiPoo [2012-04-27 18:54:07 +0000 UTC]

There is always the possibility.^^ I am! Right now I'm in a clothes making limbo simply because I don't have the money to make much of anything, but I have lots of projects planned and I hope to start a costume/apparel business at some point.

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PlumRiot [2012-04-20 21:51:04 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow, this is just stunning!

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Miyumero In reply to PlumRiot [2012-04-20 23:25:05 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! :3

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hawk-flight [2012-04-20 21:50:42 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goodness, this is so beautiful!

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Miyumero In reply to hawk-flight [2012-04-20 23:32:14 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the comment, fav and watch! Glad you like it.^^

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hawk-flight In reply to Miyumero [2012-04-20 23:58:50 +0000 UTC]

Oh, no problem ouo

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Jezzy-Art [2012-04-20 21:50:15 +0000 UTC]

This is so beautiful!!!

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Miyumero In reply to Jezzy-Art [2012-04-20 23:32:28 +0000 UTC]


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