Comments: 49
silwena [2004-05-20 22:49:51 +0000 UTC]
The deatils rock! Great inking. Lovely work!
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MJBivouac In reply to silwena [2004-05-21 02:39:56 +0000 UTC]
I still think this is one of my worst pieces!
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MJBivouac In reply to silwena [2004-05-21 03:51:24 +0000 UTC]
We are all our own worst critic!
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MJBivouac In reply to silwena [2004-05-21 04:11:53 +0000 UTC]
Yes! Fortunately! We MUST be tough on ourselves if we are to improve out skills. Never be satisfied with your work!
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MJBivouac In reply to silwena [2004-05-21 04:26:35 +0000 UTC]
You HAVE to learn to take criticism! It's the only way you improve your work!
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MJBivouac In reply to silwena [2004-05-22 02:02:14 +0000 UTC]
You have to learn to take seriously, serious criticism, and to ignore ignorant criticism.
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silwena In reply to MJBivouac [2004-05-22 02:19:23 +0000 UTC]
Yeah. I like serious criticism. But always the most painfull is ignorant criticism. And cruality.
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MJBivouac In reply to silwena [2004-05-22 02:26:30 +0000 UTC]
Yes, but you must learn to dismiss stupid criticism. Why get worked up over meaningless comments?
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ChaosKatie [2004-05-12 03:46:51 +0000 UTC]
I love her!! I did one similar to this that I never finished because I had screwed up the face. I should redo it, one day maybe.
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MJBivouac In reply to ChaosKatie [2004-05-12 03:50:44 +0000 UTC]
Ha Ha, I have recieved a lot of comments on this drawing, but in truth of fact, it's probably my least favorite. It has a a great many problems, but many people seem to like it! You say that you drew one that was similar, but the face was not right...well I feel that same about the face on mine! It's really flat and lifeless, and kills what ever else might be sort of working in the rest of the drawing.
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MJBivouac In reply to DelightfulDes [2004-05-03 05:21:55 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much! Quite a revue, Des, you are truly delightful. Actually, I have a love-hate relationship with this piece. I never quite became what I wanted it to. I won't bore you with details, BUT, I've recieved some good comments on this one, so I guess the things about it that bother me don't bother everyone else.
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MJBivouac In reply to DelightfulDes [2004-05-03 05:33:42 +0000 UTC]
You are a sweetheart, and you are right about an artist being his/her own worst critic! But I think that's the way it should be. Otherwise, you will not improve. However, this particular drawing is one that I feel has way too many flaws in it. There are other drawings of mine that I like much better and am actually proud of. I'm not even sure why I posted this one, frankly and honestly,, this is most likely my least favorite piece in my gallery! I guess I posted it because it was there, ready to go, and I wanted to get my gallery filled up! Seriously, I'm not just saying this to get sympathy or attention. But, if you like it, that's okay with me. I won't hold it against you.
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MJBivouac In reply to DelightfulDes [2004-05-03 05:47:25 +0000 UTC]
It's not sad, it's just the way it is. I'm not going to loose any sleep over what has come before. Time to move on. There are more drawings to be done before I die! BTW, I love your sexy pin-up photos. I'd like to do a drawing of you sometime if you are interested, as long as it doesn't cause any problems with boyfriends or anything.
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MJBivouac In reply to DelightfulDes [2004-05-03 06:07:16 +0000 UTC]
I'm not talking about any overt nudity. Topless is nice, but I don't want to do anything you'd be uncofortable with. If you have a photo or photos of yourself that you like, and think might make nice drawings/paintings, let me know where I can find them. I've always wanted to work from a model that I didn't find in an adult magazine. My days are pretty full with Real Life, and I can't promise when I'd get this done, but I am on the level! I'm not some weirdo trying to con you into something. But of course, that's just what some weirdo trying to con you into something would say. MJB
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MJBivouac In reply to DelightfulDes [2004-05-03 07:14:12 +0000 UTC]
Okay, that sounds good. I respect your non-nudity preference. Fear not, I'll make it sexy without any nudity! I'll take a look at the collection and see what I will see. I think that must be what I find appealing about your 'look', you aren't a super model, but you're sexy and appealing in a REAL way! If and when I get this drawing/painting done, how about if I allow you to do whatever you want , self promotion, with my drawing in exchange for permission to use your photo? Does that sound reasonable?
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MJBivouac In reply to DelightfulDes [2004-05-05 03:11:26 +0000 UTC]
Thanks Des, For what it is worth, and this isn't some creepy come on, a woman like you I find a thousand times more appealing than any super model. Everyone talks about Jennifer Lopez's backside being so big...What? I think she has the best ass in Hollywood!You know, it's all about attitude too! A woman with a less than perfect body, who is comfortable with her body and feels desirable will get my attention over some svelt aloofe conceited prig. Thanks for allowing me to use your photo. I hope you like what I craete from it.
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MJBivouac In reply to DelightfulDes [2004-05-06 01:30:03 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, "Gigli" sucked, but JL looked great in it!
Several years ago, my wife (girlfriend then),talked me into going to a Society for Creative Anacronism event. While there I met this woman who by most people's standards was fat, not particularly pretty, and she also wore glasses. I started to talk to her a bit and realised that she had a great sense of humor and was really comfortable with herself and her body. About the same time, a kissing game broke out and she chose me to kiss her. I wasn't all that interested, but wanted to be civil. She threw her arms around my neck and gave me one hell of a kiss! All of a sudden I found myself thinking that between her great attitude, sense of humor, and high self esteem, suddenly she was much more attractive to me. I've NEVER forgotten this incident. How you appear to others is so very dependant on your personal attitude.
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MJBivouac In reply to DelightfulDes [2004-05-08 03:57:05 +0000 UTC]
The fact that you allow yourself to be photographed in sexy outfits clearly shows that you are happy and confident with yourself.
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MJBivouac In reply to DelightfulDes [2004-05-08 15:31:11 +0000 UTC]
Only YOU can make that judgment about yourself. But from my observations, and what little I actually know about you, I'd say that 'if' you were talking dirty to the geeky little boys who contact you, (and you are not)and 'if' you were a promiscuous person,(which I believe that you also are not) only then I would say that you might have a problem. There is nothing wrong with feeling sexy or attractive, THAT doesn't make you an 'object' although some groups/people believe that it does, and they want everyone else to believe it as well.
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MJBivouac In reply to DelightfulDes [2004-05-09 01:15:30 +0000 UTC]
I sincerely believe that most pin-up images or erotic photos show women as figures of power not as victims. When some self-proclaimed femanist group, who claims to speak for all women, speaks out against erotica or even pornography, they fail to recognise that these value judgements must be made by the individual not some group with a handfull of people deciding what is best for all. I also believe that you have a lot going for yourself. You have no reason to feel doubt about what you do oir how you look and you certainly don't need any validation from me.
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MJBivouac In reply to DelightfulDes [2004-05-09 16:57:09 +0000 UTC]
This is true. As a matter of fact, I have done some work with a second banana porn star named Taylor Wane. She isn't as attractive as Jenna, but she is a smart business woman and she sells herself as a product. She has a website, makes personal appearances, and she does quite well for herself! She lives in Beverly Hills!
Like anything else, if you don't like something,(erotica, porn, Rush Limbaugh) don't look at it. I don't tell people to 'Not Go To Church', because perhaps I don't share their religious beliefs. It's none of my business what they do with their life, and I expect the same in return.
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MJBivouac In reply to DelightfulDes [2004-05-09 18:42:06 +0000 UTC]
Years ago when I was in college, they used to do that shit too. I guess they figure that they have sort of a captive audience on a college campus. How would they like it if I came into their church on a Sunday, interupted the preacher to triy and give a talk on evolution? One time, on campus, some rolly-polly ultra conservative preacher was spouting his nonsense near the student center. He finally pissed off enough students and a group of big guys actually picked this clown up and carried him and his loudspeaker equipment down to the main road(off campus) and set him down. Those religious nuts certainly don't let things like scientific facts get in the way of their emotional beliefs. If their personal convictions are so unshakable, I've never understood why they can't just accept scientific fact ,yet still maintain their philosophy.
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MJBivouac In reply to DelightfulDes [2004-05-09 19:04:42 +0000 UTC]
You see, he's is secure in his philosophical beliefs, so he need not be threatened by scientific fact. I knew another so called Christian, who claimed that he was a very logical person and emotions didn't color his beliefs. He's talk about what vitamins you should take everyday and other health issues. He'd sight scientific fact when it supported something he believed in, BUT the moment you mentiuoned evolution...scientific fact went right out the window, and his emotions took control! I asked him about the fact that we have found bones of dinosaurs, didn't that prove the Earth was more than 2000 years old? His response was that dinosaur bones where a trick by Satan! Satan placed them in the Earth for man to find and consequently man would doubt the Bible and the word of God! Anyway, you couldn't have a serious conversation with him, because he was right and you were wrong.
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Theotormon [2004-04-10 05:32:42 +0000 UTC]
What's to finish? It conveys the appropriate feeling.
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MJBivouac In reply to Theotormon [2004-04-10 05:37:25 +0000 UTC]
For one thing, her staff, needs more definition. If you will notice, it's all the same color/value. I wasn't 100% happy with the original drawing, the face really falls flat, so as I did the digital coloring, I lost steam and just never finished it. BUT, I guess I like it enough to post it here, so go try to figure the artistic temprement/ego.Thanks for your comments.
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Theotormon In reply to MJBivouac [2004-04-10 05:40:03 +0000 UTC]
Yea, I understand what you're talkin' about. I'm not an artist of the graphic or drawing type. I think your work is pretty outrageous.
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MJBivouac In reply to Theotormon [2004-04-10 05:58:35 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, I'm glad you like it, but you understand as either a writer or visual artist, YOU must be your own worst critic or you'll never improve your work.
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ktee [2004-04-08 04:15:45 +0000 UTC]
AHHHH!! She's mad lookin! And the background and prettiful, teh colours are perfect, gives it a sense of old times when Barbarians wandered....*2 thumbs up*
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MJBivouac In reply to ktee [2004-04-09 06:41:16 +0000 UTC]
I guess you more or less like the Big Girl Drawings I posted.
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MJBivouac In reply to MJBivouac [2004-04-10 03:48:58 +0000 UTC]
Oh no, I'm not down. I guess I just wanted to acknowledge your comments but really didn't know what to say beyond what I did! Glad you enjoyed the Big Girls. Are you familiar with the artist "Coop"? He does big girl art and is he ever great!
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ktee In reply to MJBivouac [2004-04-09 11:38:29 +0000 UTC]
You sound down, wazz'up? Of course i like teh big girls, its so different to the skinny ass ones you see around. Real women are more unique.
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