Comments: 28
RepoGentleman [2013-01-09 02:29:48 +0000 UTC]
I absolutley love the joyous "Don't look at me, you said it" vibe from the first picture. The emotion protrayed is just so clear... and I just feel happy when I look at it, Heh. What brand of guyliner does he use?
As for the second, Lord Bravery looks so unamused. I loved his side series aswell, but I can't help but think being held in a horizontal positon by the neck seems a bit... Uncomfortable. Yeah.
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Murielle In reply to RepoGentleman [2013-01-09 06:51:36 +0000 UTC]
He is such a little passive-aggressive joy.Haha, like he needs guyliner. That's natural.
It isn't meant to be comfortable, Lord Bravery is attempting to apprehend the villain with face-noogies! Granted, he has picked the least-likely to fight back villain in the series...although The Lobe is pretty darn punchable too...(I have secret fantasies about Lord B actually accomplishing something vaguely heroic.)
Thank you very much for the fave!
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RepoGentleman In reply to Murielle [2013-01-09 17:48:38 +0000 UTC]
Yes, he very much is. I remember watching the Candle Jack episode with commentary- this being on the Freakazoid! season one DVD- and I didn't quite understand what they meant when they described Candle Jack as passive-agressive. All I knew that day was this it was my new favourite adjective, haha. But I know now.
Maybe he was born with it. Maybe it's maybelline.
I don't blame him, wanting to do somthing herioc and all. He's had a hard time. A really, horribly hard time. Heh.
I have overall fantasies about the show coming back in general. Makes me wonder what normal people use that time to think about.
You're very welcome.
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Murielle In reply to RepoGentleman [2013-01-10 07:13:02 +0000 UTC]
Haha, I only knew it because I was accused of being it. XD
Oh I wish fervently the show would come back, as unlikely as that may be. Although if it did, I kinda would like to see some of the group NOT in failure mode. Like, with Lord B or the Huntsman actually doing what they are supposedly doing in their credit sequences. Again, most unlikely. Probably dull things, I wouldn't know.
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RepoGentleman In reply to Murielle [2013-01-11 22:20:22 +0000 UTC]
I'm an absolute and complete pacifist with the most malicious thoughts you will ever know. I suppose being labled passive-agressive is better than that, right? Heh. Hurm.
Honestly, I'd like to go into the field of animation one day. And amoung my dreams of original works and whatnot, I'd like to revive Freakazoid. Unlikely, but hey. I'd like to give it a shot. Someday.
I'd like that alot too, actually. I'd also like to see an episode centered around the history of the villians- You know, Lobe, Candle Jack, Caveguy, Cobra queen, Guitierez... That would honestly blow my mind.
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Murielle In reply to RepoGentleman [2013-01-12 06:40:41 +0000 UTC]
I would LOVE me some villain back story, I cannot tell you! Ugh, sometimes I feel so silly for wanting serious development from a long-gone comedy series. ;_; At least there are others out there who desire the same.
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RepoGentleman In reply to Murielle [2013-01-12 15:49:16 +0000 UTC]
Hah, yeah. When I was younger, perhaps six or so, I didn't think about that sort of thing- I just watched the cartoon. I mean, I think there are select episodes that give just a little background information on about every main villian...
...All exept for Candle Jack. I allways figured he just had socializing issues.
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Murielle In reply to RepoGentleman [2013-01-13 05:54:24 +0000 UTC]
I don't know when my villain thing started...but lets just say that as a child, Skeletor was my favorite on He-man (Woo, I blame the Christmas special!) and it snowballed from there.
And of course, he is the one I REALLY WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT. :C
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RepoGentleman In reply to Murielle [2013-01-20 21:00:19 +0000 UTC]
I've allways kind of rooted for the villains- and to be honest, Candle Jack may have been the first. Aleast, he's in my earliest memories... But I've liked countless villains since. I don't know, I guess they just don't over-do the villains like they might the protoganist; and the villains just end up being more original and likable and whatnot.
Yeah, I'd like to get to know him. I mean, I have a lot of questions about him. Hurm.
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hailenvy [2011-06-17 19:00:39 +0000 UTC]
the heck is candlejack all beat up for?
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Murielle In reply to hailenvy [2011-06-17 22:33:37 +0000 UTC]
He and Lord Bravery were duking it out? Idk.
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Murielle In reply to sideshowbobfanatic [2010-03-21 01:17:36 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! It was such a great show, I think we all look back on it kindly.
Mr. Bennet does some pretty awesome impressions in general. It is really surprising how often his name pops up if you look for it.
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armageddonsAxis [2010-01-01 04:24:58 +0000 UTC]
Freakazoid!!!! Man I miss that show. I saw a Candlejack cosplayer at a con back in February. (And a Freakazoid too)
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Murielle In reply to armageddonsAxis [2010-01-01 04:50:30 +0000 UTC]
!!!!! Really! A cosplayer?! XD Did he have enough rope?! XD No, that is so awesome.
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armageddonsAxis In reply to Murielle [2010-01-01 22:24:14 +0000 UTC]
Yeah a real one-- he was awesome-- maybe I have a pic of him (or her). Probably- I couldn't get too close- fangirls. It was!
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Lexamaphone [2009-12-10 18:56:26 +0000 UTC]
Oh this is Awesome! Poor candlejack, he was my favorite
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Murielle In reply to Lexamaphone [2009-12-10 23:16:05 +0000 UTC]
He is my fave villain from the show too, but alas, villains exist to be beat up by heroes.
Thanks for stopping by!
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BenSoulstone [2009-11-20 03:53:48 +0000 UTC]
Man oh man do I miss Freakazoid. Hooray for Candle Jack, Lord Bravery AND their voice actor Jeff Glenn Bennett!
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Murielle In reply to BenSoulstone [2009-11-20 04:51:58 +0000 UTC]
He is arguably my favorite American voice actor.
Thanks, as always for the fave!
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BenSoulstone In reply to Murielle [2009-11-20 04:55:26 +0000 UTC]
He's one of the best!
You're welcome!
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Murielle In reply to inkscribble [2009-10-28 20:04:56 +0000 UTC]
I just pick what I like...or am currently obsessing over, that's all. XD It can get pretty random.
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sororabbit [2009-10-26 21:51:29 +0000 UTC]
Mary you are my hero Please spread the word of Lord bravery I miss him sooo much
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Murielle In reply to sororabbit [2009-10-28 20:39:03 +0000 UTC]
I wish he had more air time when it was on. It would have been nice to see him get to actually fight crime once...*sigh*
You know Freakzoid is all out on dvd now?
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