NamelessPL — The Symbol of Torment

Published: 2007-07-16 17:13:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 10772; Favourites: 113; Downloads: 0
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Description Design from Planescape: Torment - great cRPG by Black Isle

It is a Symbol of Torment - a combination of Symbol of Anguish that is wrapped around The Nameless One's right biceps and Rune of Torment which (as I remember) was found on dismembered arm from catacombs.

There is a quote from Fall-from-Grace in upper left corner :
" flesh knows it suffers, even when the mind forgets"

I used these resources to make a background texture:

emanuel cain by lebstock
texture 0000000022 by temabinastock
My own Texture II by wojtar
Were-Aardvark Tracks by tExTuReMaTtIc
Backblech 01 by sundel
Backblech 02 by sundel
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Comments: 14

FernForest [2012-11-08 00:41:04 +0000 UTC]

Świetna robota! A gra należy do moich ulubionych.

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cfster [2011-11-27 05:36:34 +0000 UTC]

What Can Change the Nature of a Man?...

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TasmaN361 [2011-06-29 12:22:27 +0000 UTC]

Miło że ktoś w ogóle kojarzy tą grę. Co do pracy to oczywiście świetna, zwłaszcza tło, oraz "aura" wokół run i łez Deionarry. Jedyne do czego mógłbym się przyczepić to do tego, że dolna (złota) część runy udręki mogłaby być, że tak to powiem, bardziej złota. Musiałem dokładniej się przypatrzyć, aby zauważyć różnicę w kolorze pomiędzy górną a dolną częścią. Heh, ale to pewnie ja tak mam.

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kawashima [2011-05-02 14:14:29 +0000 UTC]

Loves it, frequently tempted to save up my money and get that tattooed on me some day...

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ReynevanShadoweyes [2010-11-09 19:54:00 +0000 UTC]

Chyba jedno z najlepszych wykonań tego symbolu, a przynajmniej najlepsze na jakie trafiłem.

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Etharion [2009-12-12 12:51:50 +0000 UTC]


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gerundium [2009-06-23 09:23:34 +0000 UTC]

Nameless One for the win

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Soego [2008-09-15 18:28:49 +0000 UTC]

i simply adore this picture. definite fav!

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F8thLeSS-Priicher [2008-08-25 23:43:35 +0000 UTC]

did you DRAW this??? if so omg your are amazing if not still, wow...

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NamelessPL In reply to F8thLeSS-Priicher [2008-09-14 21:42:10 +0000 UTC]

It was designed by Black Isle's artist. I based it on various appearances in the game (Planescape: Torment if you dont know )

Personally, I think that the game would be much worse without this symbol

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LadyRedfingers [2008-03-23 07:34:27 +0000 UTC]

"What? Oh- Pie, of course."
-The Nameless One(incarnation #1205, AKA Puppyfist of the Xoasmne)'s answer to Ravel Puzzlewell's famous "change the nature of a man" question.

It took almost three months for the bits of him to fuse back together, and another 2 weeks for his head to return to his shoulders.

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xargasandanisher [2008-01-20 05:20:20 +0000 UTC]

GENIALNE! Swietne wykonanie,bardzo mi sie podoba.

Szkoda w sumie,ze tak mało w ogole o grze slyszalo,nie mowiac juz o przejsciu i *zrozumieniu* () jej

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wojtar [2007-07-17 15:14:50 +0000 UTC]

O polak!

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wojtar [2007-07-17 15:14:09 +0000 UTC]

thanks for choice my texture

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