NekoRinaArt — Tutorials
Published: 2013-08-17 18:03:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 112761; Favourites: 1355; Downloads: 0
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If you would like to see a specific tutorial from me, leave a comment below. I may not have time to make it right now but I'll take it into consideration.
I apologize in advance for any mistakes, as you may know English is not my native language. I try my best to simplify the explanations so everyone can understand them but sometimes it's hard for me.

Press Ctrl+F on your keyboard and type the kind of tutorial you're looking for for a faster search.

♥ Consider sharing/supporting my Patreon or Gumroad. You'll help me to make tutorials more often ♥

You can also check my Youtube channel for more video tutorials and speedpaints!


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How to color



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Comments: 247

NekoRinaArt In reply to ??? [2020-12-23 23:42:34 +0000 UTC]

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painappurusuta [2020-12-15 06:21:40 +0000 UTC]

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NekoRinaArt In reply to painappurusuta [2020-12-17 15:34:13 +0000 UTC]

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etrackstar [2020-06-21 00:34:32 +0000 UTC]

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NekoRinaArt In reply to etrackstar [2020-06-27 20:50:52 +0000 UTC]

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Pioxit [2020-03-31 15:59:00 +0000 UTC]

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DamienPaulinOmen [2020-03-06 10:20:52 +0000 UTC]

I want say something very important (i know it's old journal but anyway)

That be very usefull for me , and i hope one day i be like you or person like you ( be in the page of deviantart ) and maybe be one day good artist ! I go use all you tutorial you make here , and i maybe have some inspiration from you (and another artist )

I hope you pass good day/ night , and thank you !

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NekoRinaArt In reply to DamienPaulinOmen [2020-03-10 21:01:51 +0000 UTC]

awww you're welcome! I'm glad my tutorials and art can inspire you to create! ^w^
I'm sure you'll be an amazing artist someday too! Keep going and always enjoy what you do ♥

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DamienPaulinOmen In reply to NekoRinaArt [2020-03-11 07:24:30 +0000 UTC]

i hope that much ! and im happy you respond to this comment ^^

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chaqqy7 [2019-11-21 10:34:33 +0000 UTC]

All of your tutorials is so helpful! I watch most of your speedpaint on youtube and learn so much from it! Thank you very much! Also if you can, please make a tutorial about how to draw shoes like how you usually do when you drawing full body art. Your artworks are so neat and you're my biggest inspiration TvT 😤😤😤💞💞💞♡♡♡♡♡

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NekoRinaArt In reply to chaqqy7 [2019-12-02 18:35:15 +0000 UTC]

Aww thank you! It makes me happy that you think they're useful!

Aah, I still struggle when drawing shoes and feet in general. I need to practice more until I get the hang of them enough to explain the process :'D

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Snowflakekit [2019-03-02 23:43:33 +0000 UTC]

These are really amazing and helpful so thanks for making these! Also I was wondering if you could make a tutorial on how to draw plants because I need help with that TvT. If you can't then it's fine!

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NekoRinaArt In reply to Snowflakekit [2019-03-04 09:31:49 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!
Aww I need a plant tutorial myself x'D I barely have any experience drawing them. The best advice tho is to always use references

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Aqualimey [2018-12-16 22:10:01 +0000 UTC]

Aw, your tutorials are so helpful! Thank you so much! >u< 

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NekoRinaArt In reply to Aqualimey [2018-12-19 18:05:27 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

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Mimiiyo [2018-07-06 11:18:14 +0000 UTC]

EEee your tutorials are so helpful and inspirational!!  They really helped me out a lot <3
I wonder if you'llever do a tutorial on maybe lighting placement? Or backgrounds/choosing (simple) bgs to fit best with the character?

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NekoRinaArt In reply to Mimiiyo [2018-07-26 19:51:47 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Glad you find them useful!

Uhm... The thing with a "light/shadows placement" tutorial is that I can't still come up with a good explanations because I think it involves a lot of 3D knowledge more than just a trick you can re-use for everything >w< but I'll keep thinking about it! ~

As for choosing the background, I did a couple of video-tutorials on my channel about that, maybe those can help you! They're on the "Welcome to Digital Art" playlist

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Kiyachu [2018-06-12 17:09:58 +0000 UTC]

Your chibis are perrrrrrfect! I would suggest an updated really DETAILED tutorial on your chibis. That would be amazing! ^u^ It should cover lineart, coloring, proportions, and shading! >w< That would help a lot of people especially me because I want to do cute digital art chibis like yours and I am getting a drawing tablet soon, yey! waaaaah teach me ur ways \(O  n O)/

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NekoRinaArt In reply to Kiyachu [2018-06-21 20:08:38 +0000 UTC]

Awww you're welcome!

I really want to update some of my very old tutorials but I gotta find the time first x'D

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KelpoBbyBoo In reply to Kiyachu [2018-06-15 02:12:23 +0000 UTC]

I was just abt to say that but what she said!! Yay lol <3

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LegacyZeta [2018-04-27 17:28:18 +0000 UTC]

Aaaaah this'll be really helpful~~
Thanks Neko-chan
Your drawings are amazing btw

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NekoRinaArt In reply to LegacyZeta [2018-05-09 13:14:42 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome ♥

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VoidUniverse [2018-04-16 14:47:31 +0000 UTC]

You have an incredible way to make art more beautiful than it is normally. Nice videos!

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NekoRinaArt In reply to VoidUniverse [2018-04-18 15:18:04 +0000 UTC]

Aww thank you >///<

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ChibiAppleVamp [2018-03-12 15:48:59 +0000 UTC]

thank you for the tutorials they are really helpful

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NekoRinaArt In reply to ChibiAppleVamp [2018-03-17 00:00:55 +0000 UTC]

Glad they are! You're welcome ^w^

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TheMegaMeowstic [2018-02-12 21:16:23 +0000 UTC]

Sorry to bother you, but the fav.me links are not working for me.

Each time I click on one, a screen comes up that says "403 Forbidden".

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NekoRinaArt In reply to TheMegaMeowstic [2018-02-13 00:19:41 +0000 UTC]

Uhm that's strange, it must have been an error from dA cause I've tried it myself with some friends and they're all working for us. Maybe try it again tomorrow

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Sharidaken [2017-09-26 16:49:33 +0000 UTC]

You think you could do a tutorial on how to draw clothes onto the human body both male and female?

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NekoRinaArt In reply to Sharidaken [2017-09-29 17:22:52 +0000 UTC]

If I can find the right way to explain something like that rest assured I will do it!
It's one of the most requested tutorials so far I think xD

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Sharidaken In reply to NekoRinaArt [2017-10-04 18:05:59 +0000 UTC]

Believe me, I wouldn't just ask you for a tutorial on clothes, pretty much anyone I'd ask that question to. It's always difficult to imagine how the clothes would fight on the characters along with adding the extra details to make it believable which is why I struggle at it sometimes and revert to looking at other art forms to help me draw it out.

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LadysGusting1 In reply to Sharidaken [2018-01-06 15:38:53 +0000 UTC]

I think the same thing than Sharidaken  
to this day it is difficult for me to make wrinkles
on clothes, and not only to make them, but to color them.

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Sharidaken In reply to LadysGusting1 [2018-01-08 16:53:21 +0000 UTC]

You see... that's exactly my problem with drawing clothes these days onto people. It's one thing to draw shapes but its another when to draw the details onto them making it just right.

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Sanabe [2017-09-07 08:16:17 +0000 UTC]

Sé que explicaste en un vídeo que no tienes una regla o similar para pintar el pelo pero por favor T_T. ¿Podrías hacer un tutorial de colorear cabello? Me cuesta horrores últimamente y no me termina de convencer ningún tutorial D:
Gracias por leer ^^.

PD: Si existe y estoy ciega y no lo he visto, dime, por favor xD''. Tampoco pretendo molestar repitiendo cosas que ya tienes ^^. Gracias~

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NekoRinaArt In reply to Sanabe [2017-09-07 14:26:29 +0000 UTC]

En ello estoy justamente! Tengo previsto sacar este mes en Patreon el de cómo dibujar cabello (que en público probablemente no llegará hasta un mes o dos después), y en cuanto pueda quiero ponerme también con el de cómo colorearlo porque hay muchos que me lo estáis pidiendo. Sólo necesito pensarme un poquito más cómo lo explico para que se me entienda xD

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Sanabe In reply to NekoRinaArt [2017-09-08 08:03:42 +0000 UTC]

Oh, entonces me toca esperar un poquito, no pasa nada ^^. Lo esperaré con muchas ganas *^*. 
Normal, espero que encuentres las forma.Ánimo y nada,no te preocupes que seguro que se te entiende.
Que vaya bien .

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lorye-lizzy [2017-09-06 22:12:36 +0000 UTC]

creo que ya lo comente alguna que otra vez, un tutorial de pies xdddd
malditos pies omg ;O;

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Daffolyn [2017-09-06 20:33:28 +0000 UTC]

How to do dynamic poses, and maybe how to work with different light sources like you do!

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CutePastelStars [2017-09-06 19:56:55 +0000 UTC]

One for anime anatomy would be really helpful.

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Hoshihana-uchiha [2017-08-08 18:58:58 +0000 UTC]

ahh!!! eres mi salvación !!!
muchas gracias por compartir estos hermosos tutoriales 
me he salvado de un gran artblok 
gracias a tus maravillosos tutoriales

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NekoRinaArt In reply to Hoshihana-uchiha [2017-08-09 12:29:43 +0000 UTC]

De nada! Me alegro de que sean útiles ^w^

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daulli [2017-06-02 20:29:13 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for taking the time to do all of this for everyone it means a lot!!

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NekoRinaArt In reply to daulli [2017-06-04 13:26:28 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! I'm happy I can be of help ^w^

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nosoradesu [2017-06-01 05:39:46 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for tutorials! you're my teacher > <

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NekoRinaArt In reply to nosoradesu [2017-06-04 13:26:06 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome

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Myuuna [2017-05-31 22:16:21 +0000 UTC]

Ahh these are so handy!! //you're soo good at giving resources and tips <3
Maybe a tutorial on how to keep motivation/how you keep yourself from getting artblock or getting uninspired, I'd love to see how you keep yourself up and doing so well!! <3

Either way thanks so much for all the tutorials <3

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NekoRinaArt In reply to Myuuna [2017-06-01 19:38:27 +0000 UTC]

Aah ~~ I actually wanted to talk about this someday! Thank you for the suggestion, I'll probably use it to make a Voice Over video ^w^

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BWGCQ1Qstar [2017-05-31 18:23:27 +0000 UTC]

ooh this really helpfull i willprobley  get a ArtTablet this week =3 it will my first time drawing on it so this can be really helpfull but i whould still Contine with drawing Digital on y phone sometime and tradisional art >w<

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NekoRinaArt In reply to BWGCQ1Qstar [2017-06-04 13:25:51 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! Hope you enjoy your new tablet ^w^//

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ACuteBirb [2017-05-31 17:58:12 +0000 UTC]

podrias hacer un tutroial de boobies/tetas/ubres  ?  a mi me suelen kedar deformes ;W;

(losiento si suena brusco)

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