NeverLookBackk — Tears of Pain

Published: 2012-06-06 04:20:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 2349; Favourites: 47; Downloads: 60
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Description Trying out a new technique.

Watercolors and Acrylics
12" x 18"
Took about 2 hrs.

Inspired by my favorite artist Agnes Cecile [link]
I had to try my hand at one of her paintings, so maybe if i'll get lucky, I'll also learn some of her techniques.
This is the painting!
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Comments: 11

Amanda-Graham [2012-10-01 02:30:47 +0000 UTC]

featured here - [link]

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wilhelml [2012-09-30 21:46:16 +0000 UTC]

Woaw! Great mix of techniques!

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NeverLookBackk In reply to wilhelml [2012-10-01 03:28:02 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much my dear! I tried adding as many colors while still creating a balanced composition =]

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Jack-Nobre [2012-09-17 16:30:12 +0000 UTC]

beautiful work

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The-Purring-Teapot [2012-09-16 19:02:45 +0000 UTC]

xD Just like the one commenting before me, I totally recognised Agnes Ceciles influence on this work.

But I don't really think it's bad (you just might think about giving her credit... you know, some people might think you "stole" her style on purpose and sell it as your own... etc. people can get rather nasty about this)

I myself once tried out if I could paint something in her style, but it definetly didn't turn out as well as your artwork here

If you like it, you should definetly experiment and peronalize with it (again the "not that people think you're a bamf stealing other peoples styles...)

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NeverLookBackk In reply to The-Purring-Teapot [2012-09-16 21:43:48 +0000 UTC]

Aww you are so right! Agnes is probably my favorite contemporary artist!
She developed this amazing style of watercolor paintings that, I must admit, influenced my direction in art completely! I do need to give her credit and ill do so the moment I get on my computer. It never occurred to me to do so before but it makes total sense now that you mentioned it!
Thanks for the critique, it really is appriciated. I think that's a key point in an artists career is to be critiqued and learn upon peoples opinions and how they observe your art.
Thank you my dear..

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The-Purring-Teapot In reply to NeverLookBackk [2012-09-27 18:56:25 +0000 UTC]

argh, sorry that it took me so long to answer you. real life is killing me atm >.<""

I always stare at her artworks in awe. It's so amazing

yes you're right. Critique is something very important!
Even if I have to admit, that it's sometimes rather annoying for me. You know, when you did something more or less on purpose and someone comes and tells you in a tone like speaking to a child: "well, anatomically correct it should look like... etc."
Sometimes it's really hard to not get angry at them, for they only want to help >.<

you're most welcome

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NeverLookBackk In reply to The-Purring-Teapot [2012-09-30 01:06:26 +0000 UTC]

I totally understand where you coming from. I used to have this awful art teacher back in High School who NEVER said anything good about my art, NEVER. I was always at the top in my art class and , you know, I knew she was pushing me and all to do better, but it was so frustrating and on the borderline on annoying.
Well, now I know better lol..

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The-Purring-Teapot In reply to NeverLookBackk [2012-09-30 10:27:58 +0000 UTC]

oh my >.<

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schzimmyDearr [2012-06-06 11:42:52 +0000 UTC]

great job, well done you are inspired by [link]

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NeverLookBackk In reply to schzimmyDearr [2012-06-06 14:03:54 +0000 UTC]

Thank you sweetie =] You definitely got it right haha..I just HAD to try my hand with this concept.

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