nickyflamingo — Galaxy Portrait Coma Berenices

Published: 2017-07-23 20:04:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 449; Favourites: 46; Downloads: 5
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wandering-kotka 's Sailor Coma Berenices, as she appears in the Constellation-Senshi Artifact and Answers event story ending, "The Library's Secret". wandering-kotka was one of three winners for that event so Bernie was featured as one of the main characters in that story. Thanks for being such a great, active member!

Sailor Coma Berenices/ Bernie belongs to wandering-kotka  

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Comments: 2

wandering-kotka [2017-07-24 11:17:09 +0000 UTC]

I swear, Bernie looks more and more gorgeous each time you draw her.  Love the volume in her hair here and that bemused smile she has.  She has no idea what she picked up (I mean, in basic terms, sure) but hey, everyone seems impressed, so it's all good!  

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nickyflamingo In reply to wandering-kotka [2017-07-24 17:56:52 +0000 UTC]

It's shiny, and therefore quite possibly important. With a lock. Obviously a big deal.
Some day I will have Bernie fully down! *^*

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