nickyflamingo — Guardian Titan

Published: 2013-09-05 16:30:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 1289; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 13
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Description Hey Nicky, remember how you've been wanting to draw Titan? Yeah, but then you remembered be has a shirtless dude, and you are not good at drawing dudes? Then you were all "I'm gonna draw his staff too!" Yeah. Why do you hate yourself so much, Nicky?

For serious, I have to get more practice drawing guys, and so I'm drawing out the male cast members of my in-the-works fan comic Sailor Moon: A Different Destiny. This is Guardian Titan, one of Saturn's guardians, who has reawakened. He represents Saturn's moon Titan en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titan_%2… He's not Mr Friendly happy talkative dude. He is a wild-haired monk-like fighter and he's kind of saucy looking. He may look a bit like my hubby, now that I think of it.

Guardian Titan and SM:ADD is mine.
Sailor Moon belongs to Naoko Takeuchi.

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Comments: 20

celamowari [2013-09-07 03:09:52 +0000 UTC]

Look at you, drawing a manly man.  WHAT IS THIS WITCHCRAFT?!?

Looking good!  You are making the progress!

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nickyflamingo In reply to celamowari [2013-09-07 21:35:15 +0000 UTC]

*wiggly fingers* something like that!

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WanderingKotka [2013-09-06 11:59:22 +0000 UTC]

That is one handsome dude!  I like the incredibly ornate belt.  For a monkish type, he certainly knows how to accessorize.

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Levia-the-Dragon [2013-09-06 01:46:43 +0000 UTC]

Heh, he does indeed look a bit of a grump.

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nickyflamingo In reply to Levia-the-Dragon [2013-09-06 01:50:07 +0000 UTC]

He is not Mr Snuggles

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Levia-the-Dragon In reply to nickyflamingo [2013-09-06 01:51:25 +0000 UTC]


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LuluBearDesigns [2013-09-06 01:25:38 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goddess he is gorgeous~ *^*

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nickyflamingo In reply to LuluBearDesigns [2013-09-06 01:39:09 +0000 UTC]

Amen! Thank you!

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tolipe [2013-09-06 01:20:42 +0000 UTC]

Yay for shirtless smexy guys! XD

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nickyflamingo In reply to tolipe [2013-09-06 01:33:41 +0000 UTC]

Yay indeed!

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rindaimaiou [2013-09-06 01:04:59 +0000 UTC]

Even your guys have long crazy hair!
I really like the way you inked this. Very wild and sketchy. Seems to really suit his personality.
I think you're harder on your male anatomy than you should be. I think he looks pretty darned good. The cool shadows really bring out the muscles in his abs/torso. You did nice hands too, just so you know.

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nickyflamingo In reply to rindaimaiou [2013-09-06 01:43:08 +0000 UTC]

What can I say, I like long hair on guys Jacob's is down to his elbows almost.

Hey, what can I say, you and I and all artists see their flaws magnified, and while I'm usually okay with this, guys are my torment. But I take heart that you can see what I'm trying to do with it. And practice is what I need, so more guys to come!

Victory for hands! It's an eternal struggle, getting hands to look right ^_^

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rindaimaiou In reply to nickyflamingo [2013-09-08 14:04:26 +0000 UTC]

So Jake's hair is longer than I could ever grow mine? I'm jealous.

And yeah, we all see our flaws magnified, but that's what our artistic cheerleaders are for, looking at our art objectively and being able to focus on the greatest parts. Go cheerleaders!!!

And hands... HANDS!!!

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Unisamas-Art [2013-09-05 22:43:55 +0000 UTC]

Ooooooh myyyyyyy

I was thinking he reminded me of nathan explosion >_> 


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nickyflamingo In reply to Unisamas-Art [2013-09-06 00:30:48 +0000 UTC]

Lol, that would thrill my husband, he loves that show, and thinks he looks like Nathan Explosion.

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iambai [2013-09-05 17:30:46 +0000 UTC]

*hug* I know dem feels. I know them very well. D:

He turned out really well. : D I'm envious of your man drawing skills.

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nickyflamingo In reply to iambai [2013-09-06 00:51:44 +0000 UTC]

*hug party* I just keep seeing flaws, but it's getting better, slowly.

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iambai In reply to nickyflamingo [2013-09-06 01:46:12 +0000 UTC]


We're all that way, as I saw you comment down below. We can just all stick together and form our own little artist support group and just keep trying. <3

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nickyflamingo In reply to iambai [2013-09-06 01:48:21 +0000 UTC]

You're 100% correct, we could be golden with our art and have our own published works and fans in teh millions, and we would still say "I can't draw this" because it still isn't where we want it! Thanks for the reminder we're all in it together as we improve!

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iambai In reply to nickyflamingo [2013-09-06 01:55:40 +0000 UTC]

Very much, it's hard to think that way sometimes. There will be those days where we feel A+ on our game and everything is right, but we will always have those down moments where nothing is right at it all falls apart, but we can always remember everyone that cares and that we're all trying and feeling the same when we're drawing.

You can always send me a message if you ever just wanna vent.

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