Nightmare583 — [PTS] Keitaro Rin

#groupapplication #nightmare583 #pokemontownship
Published: 2015-10-13 15:20:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 908; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 0
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Description my babe for


General Information

Name: Keitaro Rin
Nickname: Kei
Age: 20
Gender: male
Job: Guitarist

Personal information


ll happy ll jokes around ll stubborn ll sort of an airhead ll likes a good battle ll weird ll clingy [when he gets attached to someone] ll graceful




- his hair
- red, blue, gold, and black
- sweets/candy
- coffee
- small cute pokemon
- music
- all weather


- his hair being pulled
- badly written music
- when his strings snap
- cinnamon 
- green veggies
- bad sense in clothing
- when hes made fun of
- cheating in battles
- many other things XD

Fun Facts

- he already has his future team in mind [but it might change XD]
- he cant swim. like, at all 
- he plans on never evolving his cute whismur
- likes to chew on candy while he battles
- his hair is natural
- paints his nails black
- he has 2 piercings in each ear
- doesnt prounoune the d in friend or friendship



Nickname: Whisp
Level: 39
Gender: ♂

Nickname: Torpedo
level: 15
gender: ♂

Nickname: marshmello
level: 22
gender: ♂

Nickname: Icu
Level: 8
Gender: ♂

Nickname: Alley
Level: 5
Gender: ♀

Nickname: Ned
Level: 5
Gender: ♂

Nickname: n/a
Level: 8
Gender: ♂

Nickname: Pearl
Level: 8
Gender: ♀

(PINK) Solosis
Nickname: Sully
Level: 8
Gender: ♂


14,600 PD
Related content
Comments: 81

Nightmare583 In reply to ??? [2016-09-02 02:53:12 +0000 UTC]

Pfft why hello there tamber XD
Tyty tho hes quite the nerd more then the hottie XDD

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-02 04:20:58 +0000 UTC]

mah homie you probably know of (iwanna-b-da-verybest) slid me over a pic of your boi and he was instant bae uwu <3 so that's how i found his app
i actually heard of him a month or so ago, but was waiting for an opportunity to slide on over
but yes hee he's a hot nerd >w>

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Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-02 18:30:35 +0000 UTC]

Pfft ye
Red and ae were having a comp to see who could set kei up first LOL

pfft nahhesjustanerdlol

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-03 00:08:16 +0000 UTC]

Oooh~ o: how is that goin? have you found any cuties?


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Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-03 02:58:00 +0000 UTC]

Lol no one so far actually lD

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-03 04:17:49 +0000 UTC]

I gotchu homie, imma advertise your cutie by spamming the group with art of him
that should help boost finding a babe for him uwu/

whispers also i was hoping that we could rp with my water baby qwq (his art is old i so need to get his new app done orz)

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Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-03 04:24:03 +0000 UTC]

Pfft omg yes i would love too

alsoredactuallywantedtohookwaterbabeupwithhim XD

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-03 04:48:10 +0000 UTC]

yaaaay~ //happy shakes// <3 Is notes okay? :3 they're the easiest for me to keep track of, oh and is it okay if you start? .w. my idea pool is stunted cuz it's been a little bit since i seriously started rping again

actually fun fact milo and his boyfriend are breaking up and iwanna scooted your bae to me and i considered scooting over here and seeing if you'd want to but tbh i dunno if they'd be compatible + if he's milo's type so i wanted to try to have them be friends to start .w./ (also i'm not sure if this should be set before or after the break up so //confused shrugging)

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Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-03 05:47:30 +0000 UTC]

Yup! Thats tots fine and I can but we'll have to discuss setting and such XD

And ah i see i see, ye we'll have to see bout that XD
Iwasactuallythinkinthesamethingtbhwhenredshovedhimatme LOL

And maybe after? Maybe kei sees him all depressed and tries to cheer him up? lD

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-03 06:36:38 +0000 UTC]

That's fine :3 

yeah that makes most sense and that's what i was initially thinking of. the only point in time after the break up where he could make it outside would have to have been at least a week or two afterwards, he'd probably be sitting in the park under a tree, with his knees pulled up to his chest. actually now thinking about it i can start it o:

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Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-03 07:44:26 +0000 UTC]

Pfft omg if you could that would be great
Mostlycauseimgoingtobednowtho XD;;

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-03 08:15:03 +0000 UTC]

yeah omg rip XD it's late for me too so i might end up doing it in the morning if i can't tonight

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Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-03 13:44:06 +0000 UTC]

Lol thats fine
Note me whenever~

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-04 17:41:51 +0000 UTC]

also quick question but how tall is our baby Kei? 👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-04 20:20:12 +0000 UTC]

Um about 5'3-5'4? XD

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-04 22:01:25 +0000 UTC]

omg bless, milo is like 5'8-5'9
tiny baby aw <3

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Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-04 22:23:24 +0000 UTC]

Lol almost all my babes range around the same height lD;;

But yes
Tiny babe XD

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-04 22:44:51 +0000 UTC]

hee XP lil babus

he will have tol friend it's ok

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Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-05 00:26:09 +0000 UTC]

Lol he will

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-05 01:15:32 +0000 UTC]

he will lift tiny frond and can carry him if needed
cuz water bae is strong and fit
and teach tiny babu how to swim cuz he triple A+ good at it

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Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-05 02:09:08 +0000 UTC]

Omfg plz do
That would be so cute

Andkeibabeneedstolearntoswimcausehehaslotsofwatertypes XD

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-05 02:28:22 +0000 UTC]

yes omg i wanna draw it now hee~ //makes note of it

omgandmilohasabunchtooandtheycanplayatthebeachwhileheteacheshim XP

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Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-05 02:51:06 +0000 UTC]

Pfft omg that sounds sp cute

And hnnngh <3

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-05 04:29:49 +0000 UTC]

yeah omg hee~ it's kind of a shame that kei met milo when he was so polar from his usual personality, they will both be energetic children when milo gets out of his mood uwu/ (which probably won't be in the current rp unfortunately orz)

yes hee lookit this, giving me more things to draw once he's sorted out XD

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Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-05 04:47:51 +0000 UTC]

Hnngh thats tots fine XD keis just gonna try and cheer him up lol
But hes also doing this to try and cheer himself up since his friend left not too long ago and i havent done any rping with him after that lD

At least its not as bad as my babe shadow tho
His partner and only friend left (was also the owner of keis friend hnngh)

But omg im so gonna draw these two as well XD

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-05 05:09:00 +0000 UTC]

yeah aw, both of the little darlings can be cheered up together qwq/ //throws love and attention at them

omg rip aw that is just the worse heck

yes hee do it >:3 draw da cuties~

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Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-05 05:35:42 +0000 UTC]

Hnngh yaaas they can
Itll be a cute bonding rp XD

It is, made me sad ;;
Nowidkwhattodowithshadow,hesjustmopingathome lD

And yaaas. I will~

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-05 05:59:15 +0000 UTC]

yaaas hee, i can't wait to see how it turns out X3

:c iwouldhelpbutevenwithmycurrenttrainersandmyideasforfutureoneswillthinkheisabuttandwon'twannainteractwithhim 👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-05 06:04:04 +0000 UTC]

Pfft ah i see XD
Shadowhasareasonforthethieving. Itsnotjustpokemonhesteals lD

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-05 06:15:47 +0000 UTC]


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Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-05 06:21:20 +0000 UTC]

Pffthetakescareofhispokemon XD

He actually only stole when icarus made plans, now that hes gone, he doesnt know what to do with his life lD

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-05 06:41:21 +0000 UTC]

imeanofthepokemonhestolecuzalliknowisthathesendsthemtosomeoneelseorhasmaliciousintentforthem :v

icarus sounds like a butt too :v and i suppose if that's the case, i won't guarantee a partner, but there is a chance he could potentially befriend one of my to-be trainers. she's gonna be a thug, but she really dislikes hooligans and pokemon thieves. however since he doesn't really steal on impulse like that then i'm sure it'll be okay

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Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-05 07:12:45 +0000 UTC]

Pfft omg he doesnt send em to someone XD
The only one hes successfully stollen that ive actually rpd is his castform lol

But icarus was ok, we never really got any rps done of the two, but shadow blew up all his watermelons with elastic bands LOL

Oooh that sounds like fun~
Just know shadows a tall babe XD

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-05 07:59:29 +0000 UTC]

XD the evil professor oak is where all the thieves sell their stolen pokemon to
he knows what EVERYONE's gender is >:3
and okay XD coincidentally, milo has a castform too

omg rip that kinda sucks, but at least you two had concepts of what they'd do together down :3 and omg XD lil butthead, that is fun tho not gonna lie

too tol for meh
but yeah she isn't massively tall, only around 5'9, but she is highly aggressive and strong to match so XD she will fight >:v but it's okay she has good intentions uwu/

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Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-06 04:13:27 +0000 UTC]

Pfft omfg XD evilprofessoroaklawl

Omg, shadows castform is a special castform XD

Yeah, we were really excited about those two, its a shame the owner of his partner had to leave ;;

And lol shadow is like 6'2-6'3ish, but hes not all that strong tbh XD

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-06 04:28:59 +0000 UTC]

yes hee it was necessary XD i could have said like giovanni but i didn't think of it + evil oak is funny

oooooh~ o: what's special about it? the only thing special about Milo's is that he adopted it from the center

yeah aw :c i hate it when that happens to pairings, or when the other person just stops doing it all together and you're like ??? are they a thing still??? should I put my babe back on the market???

yeah omg rip in pieces, and she could break him XD however she has a personal policy to never fight someone who can't/won't defend themselves. actually tbh i'm still juggling her design around, i have yet to actually set it to something :c i thought i did but this other song i listened to make me think of her as designed differently. blaaaaah, i really want to add her but there's that issue and i need to save a lot to get a voucher and that's gonna be hard cuz i wanna save up for an evolution item for milo's clamperl 8( //distressed gurgles

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Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-06 15:10:43 +0000 UTC]

Pfft XD im still laffing over that lol

Oh i took it to the pokepuff thing and i got a special one ;v;

Omg that too, and then when you do, they finally get back to you and question it

Pfft omg shadow would try but he'd lose terribly XD
And omg i had that trouble with my fourth babe, but i finally got her design done (mustve gone through like 3-4 different designs XD)

Oh if you need some help lemme know! I just got my fourth voucher so im good on that for a bit XD

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-06 16:07:18 +0000 UTC]

huehuehue   vs      

yeah that makes sense o: i never had enough money at the time, or i was too late to get anything. besides i dunno if i wanna traumatize one of my babies
yeah omg rip like what the heckie, bro make up your mind. and you even note them about it and they never respond to you, like i did that back in january and i STILL haven't gotten a response, i looked at their gallery and i'm just assuming they're not doing the group at all anymore. so i know that character isn't gonna hook up with them anymore (they weren't already, but the rp was in the process of pairing them up) there is this other one tho that we WERE in an rp midst of pairing them up but i was like 'heck it' and started drawing couple stuff of them anyway XP i'm laughing tho because we both unknowingly put them in the same gay bar (after this stuff was going down, cuz this member made thing in the group came up and i thought it'd be funny for him to work a side job there. plus it was only for like personal story things and we could draw/write them working there n stuff) so that was entertaining XD

rip in pieces depressed delinquent
yeah omg it sucks XD but i'm glad you figured her out. i'll eventually get my own done orz

and i couldn't take your pd 👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-06 16:44:29 +0000 UTC]

Lol omg XD

Yeah, that makes sense. Shadows castform got drunk before i got lucky the second time XD

Omg thats not fun, but that other one sounds entertaining XDD

Well i cant wait to see her!

Ahh do you want the 4k? ;v; imnotusingmypdatmsoidontmindhelping~

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-06 16:56:34 +0000 UTC]

omg rip in pieces tiny baby. i kinda want my thug's mawile to get a unique trait o: so maybe i should do that once i get her... (i have pokemon saved for her so)

yeah rip orz and yes XD but they too i haven't really been able to interact with them much so i dunno if they're still a thing either. i'm actually in the process of taking characters out of that group since my main focus is here now, so i'll see what happens.

yes hee, i think i got part of her outfit down so that's progress qwq


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Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-06 17:51:09 +0000 UTC]

That would be pretty cool! I love seeing unique designs~

awh man that sucks ;; but im also in alot of groups myself so you know lD;;

Nice! Its always good when you get something done ;v;

Omg just draw our babes XD

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-06 17:58:06 +0000 UTC]

yeah omg i want her design to be cool, but imagine if she got a cool mutation like an extra maw like holy heck

yeah rip in pieces, in this group you gotta be in teams so you either make two characters yourself, have one be by themselves, or pair up with someone else, and i have 2 teams that are a collab and 2 teams that are just me so orz

yeah, but her hair is the disaster part 8(

yeah rip i will XP i was planning on it anyway so~
i'll let you know when it's done

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Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-06 18:37:36 +0000 UTC]

Omg that sounds so cool! To both the mawhile and group XD

Just look at different hairstyles for inspiration? ;v;

And kk~

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-06 18:45:12 +0000 UTC]

yeah hee. the group isn't bad, but not only do i have more passion here, there isn't any story progression going on in the group at the moment since the mods are constantly having issues. i've already pulled one team from the group roster, i'm going to do the same with the other two that are just mine. maybe that should help alleviate things for me, i'll still have the two collab teams there, but i can keep those and in case i get into that again i can just use them.

yeah i guess that can help, there's this game i have that you can customize hairstyles of your character and they're really cool so maybe i can give a look at that and sketch up some more ideas for her

i'll get started on it after art class, it starts in a lil less than an hour so in a few hours i'll get started on it uwu/

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Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-06 19:04:38 +0000 UTC]

Yeah that sounds like a good idea.

Yeah, normally when im having trouble with hairstyles, ill either go on google and look up hairstyles or look at different adopts for inspiration XD (though i dont copy the hair ;v; )

Alrighty! I just gifted zei a job change so i only have about 3,900 left but ill doodle a little bit to gain more pd for ya XD

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TamberMana In reply to Nightmare583 [2016-09-06 19:10:59 +0000 UTC]

yeah rip, the game was my first thought since their styles were cool. but yeah that's also a thing i can look into.

XP that's fine, now we both have work to do~

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Nightmare583 In reply to TamberMana [2016-09-06 19:36:58 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, it works since theres so much out there XD

Lol yes yes
Gonna do some crafts when i get home ;v;

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LPAki [2015-11-08 03:44:20 +0000 UTC]

She looks so cool, I think half my brain stopped functioning!
That was a compliment, but I'm really bad at those kind of things.

And would you perhaps want to rp sometimes?
Akira kinda has no one at the moment XD

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Nightmare583 In reply to LPAki [2015-11-08 03:54:45 +0000 UTC]

pfftkeitaroisaheactually XD
and tots~

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LPAki In reply to Nightmare583 [2015-11-08 04:01:22 +0000 UTC]

Oh my, I'm so embarrassed XD
Sorry bout that   

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