ninjaink — BTTF Heroes and Fantasies Variant

#bifftannen #heroesandfantasies #backtothefuture #bttf #delorean #docbrown #hoverboard #idw #martymcfly #normanrockwell #fluxcapacitor #idwpublishing #ninjaink #bttfart #bttftimemachine
Published: 2015-09-16 23:52:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 10062; Favourites: 341; Downloads: 61
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Description Announced at the Alamo City Comic Con: I designed a limited 1000 issue variant cover for “BACK TO THE FUTURE” #1 by IDW for the  Heroes and Fantasies store in Texas! I am very happy, since it is my very first published comic book cover and with a franchise that is very close to my heart. We will have a midnight celebration on October 20, 2015, and an in-store signing on the day itself. See you in the future!

EDIT: Wow, thanks for the great responses from the DA community! I know that leftover copies will be sold online and that I will have a few, so check with Heroes and Fantasies about pre-orders or online sales !
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Comments: 16

Aileea [2017-06-04 20:57:16 +0000 UTC]

Is this book still available? I must have this... <3

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ninjaink In reply to Aileea [2017-06-05 14:43:56 +0000 UTC]

Yup! www.heroesandfantasies.com/pro…

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Aileea In reply to ninjaink [2017-06-05 20:11:08 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!
I tried to purchase it but it won´t let me put a different country than US... is there an opportunity to buy it in Germany?

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MettaPax [2015-11-03 03:58:04 +0000 UTC]


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Shinjuchan [2015-10-18 19:29:08 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, sir. I came, I saw, I bought it. I actually and honestly believe this is my favorite of the variant issue covers. Fabulous work.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ninjaink In reply to Shinjuchan [2015-10-19 17:21:16 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, Shinjuchan ! Please share with others so people know that the variant is for pre-sale! I appreciate the kind words!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shinjuchan In reply to ninjaink [2015-10-27 01:54:36 +0000 UTC]

I have and it also arrived today. (And besides Who can pass up a Rockwell Saturday Evening Post homage?!) I love it it even better in person.

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Nonagesimal [2015-09-18 19:54:51 +0000 UTC]

When I first spied this, I could not rally hard enough. My six year old has been wearing your duds for years. Now I am proud to be looking forward to nabbing this copy when I get the chance. I am hoping I do not miss it due to work. I provide senior care help (understanding Medicare, etc) in Houston that week but we're going to try to make it to San Antonio for the signing.

If not, thanks for providing the link, old friend.

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Screwmon [2015-09-18 16:15:32 +0000 UTC]

This is awesome!!

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steave1425 [2015-09-17 20:23:54 +0000 UTC]


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Lugia20711 [2015-09-17 16:04:59 +0000 UTC]

This is so neat!

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SteampunkSherlock [2015-09-17 15:33:24 +0000 UTC]

Is there any possible way for me to get a print of this!?! I'll pay you anything, ANYTHING!

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FatHobbit [2015-09-17 14:05:21 +0000 UTC]

YES GOOD!! Love the homage to Norman Rockwell/The Saturday Evening Post!
Also, I appreciate how fluffy Einstein looks haha

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Neonskyes [2015-09-17 09:40:32 +0000 UTC]

This looks amazing.

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scrumpyj [2015-09-17 08:28:57 +0000 UTC]


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Shinjuchan [2015-09-17 03:24:18 +0000 UTC]

OMG, is this the actual cover too?! I am SO all over this book for real! *Rains money over you*

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