Comments: 32
Demianya [2018-03-25 09:54:52 +0000 UTC]
I love this picture! I'm always so impressed when people can draw characters exactly how they're supposed to look. I personally can't even draw a stick so I bow down to anyone with a talent for drawing JakexTrixie is seriously my favorite non-cannon pairing ever! I finally posted the first chapter of my JakexTrixie fanfic and I'm so anxious for them to be together already! XD
If anyone wants to check it out the link to my page is:… I'll be posting more chapters soon
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cindys-broken-glass7 [2012-07-02 02:47:50 +0000 UTC]
I agree with you 110%!!
There are barely any pics or fanfics of this couple!
I mean seriously,what's up with that!?
Don't get me wrong,I don't hate Rose.
In fact I think shes a pretty cool person.(despite her split personality)
I just don't understand how Jake can be attracted
to someone who basically wants to skin him alive
to become an official member of a bloodthirsty cult!!!
I mean is it just me or am I the only one seeing a little red flag going up!
Trixie on the other hand has been with Jake though it all.
Even when Rose just up and left Jake after finding
out he was the dragon she had to kill.
She didn't even write a goodbye note,nothing but a picture!
Not even a note on the back of it!!!Talk about harsh!
But enough Rose bashing,the point is that I believe that Trixie and Jake belong together!
And for anyone who feels the same, please make some TrixJak pics and/or fanfics
for fellow TixJak lovers to enjoy.I promise to try my best with thinking up some
stories for the couple.I just hope that someday this couple will get the respect and attention they deserve!
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Mrs-Cannibalistic [2011-07-25 05:17:51 +0000 UTC]
i must agree but know there are a few fanfic out there of Jake/Trixie yet in the show it didnt happen which pissed me off greatly because one she was the one who was always there for jake not rose. even tho she didnt have any power still there an she didnt get kidnapped it that wasnt the sign for the perfect gf i dont know what is.
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agustinaldo [2011-03-18 09:37:41 +0000 UTC]
If Jake wants to be with Trixie, first he has to get over his obsession with Rose.
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DylanNColeshipper [2010-03-06 02:43:26 +0000 UTC]
P.S. If any of you want me to, I will write Jake/Trixie fanfics <3
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Orange-Ratchet [2009-06-14 13:31:31 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, this pic was drawn WAY back before 'Sweet Like Cereal'...
Anyway, I love this picture! And you're right! Jake and Trixie do belong together! WHY WON'T ROSE JUST DIE?!
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Orange-Ratchet In reply to blahblahblah628 [2009-08-12 12:20:15 +0000 UTC]
(blinks, then turns to the camera) Like I said. WHY WON'T SHE DIE?
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blahblahblah628 In reply to Orange-Ratchet [2009-08-12 14:14:33 +0000 UTC]
'cause she likes jake and NOTHING will ever change that! (oh and i reccomend watching the episode hong kong longs) ^^
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Orange-Ratchet In reply to blahblahblah628 [2009-08-12 14:54:54 +0000 UTC]
Maybe you don't get the picture here. This is a Jake x Trixie picture, and in Jake x Trixie pictures, we leave comments about Jake x Trixie. This is completely an AU kind of thing.
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DinocoAiko002 [2007-11-04 20:23:16 +0000 UTC]
What is my old account trying to say is that maybe you could draw a picture of an Ojamajo Doremi characters someday.
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DinocoAiko [2007-06-27 22:16:49 +0000 UTC]
Excuse me, but have you ever heard of Ojamajo Doremi? It's a magical girl type of anime starring a girl named Doremi Harukaze, that thinks she's "the unluckiest pretty girl in the world".
One day, after unsucceding in declaring herself to her crush Igarashi, Doremi saw this store named Rika Makihatayama's Maho-Dou. When she entered it, she saw this woman, the certain "Rika Makihatayama". By looking at her, Doremi got scared and pointedat her shouting "MAJO!" (or "WITCH!")
Then, Rika became a green frog-like thing (a witch frog) and revealed that her actual name is Majorika. She also tells Doremi that after discovering her, Doremi must become a witch apprentice. More information at this link:
About the pic, I say it's lovely!
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ToxikChaos [2007-05-07 09:26:39 +0000 UTC]
oh im on myspace/toxikchaos if you want to chat
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ToxikChaos [2007-05-07 09:25:50 +0000 UTC]
trixie and jake do long to be together, I grew up just like that, it was me and my best friend, I was black he white. I ended up marrying someone else now(hes white too) and he has been with other girls(all races) but I wonder what would of happened if I stayed in that same state. I still fantasize about it. So whenever I watch American Dragon I get a little turned on
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SapioAsexual [2007-01-24 05:47:36 +0000 UTC]
Ehm... >.> I luv Rose, so... And... Trix's just a friend >.> And... Well... She's like 1 o da boyz!
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Puchiko-Chan [2006-06-30 17:14:31 +0000 UTC]
Awww. :] This is very sweet. However, I must say that even though Rose and Jake are rivals, in the second episode of the new season, Rose and Jake seem to still like each other. And Rose even let Jake go in the Hunting episode. But, I'm open to all pairings, really, so I hope you do more AD art! <33
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BigBlackWoman [2006-05-22 04:58:18 +0000 UTC]
they might work out better, since Rose and Jake are enimies
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nintendomaximus In reply to BigBlackWoman [2006-05-23 23:57:03 +0000 UTC]
Exactly! I don't see why there's barely anybody on supporting this pairing! It's definitely more likely to happen than Jake/Rose!
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BigBlackWoman In reply to nintendomaximus [2006-05-24 20:22:57 +0000 UTC]
I know! Well understand i wrote and i support this pairing!
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Skooterwolf [2006-05-19 07:02:55 +0000 UTC]
These two deserves to be together!
Like Danny and Sam.
Why are there so many damn Jake and Rose fanfics there hardly any Trixie and Jake fanfics.
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