Odahviing — Caution: Goblins Bite.

#adventure #dnd #goblins #oc #dungeonsanddragons
Published: 2016-05-14 10:25:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 586; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 0
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Description This was just a relatively quick drawing I did based on my DnD adventures with my friends. While upon the back of a shapeshifted Druid, his companion Thaemon, Scander was pounced upon by a goblin, which eagerly latched onto his forearm with a vicious bite. Turns out they aren't nice.
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Comments: 15

Ashlmet [2016-08-19 15:25:41 +0000 UTC]

//rubs my face because I absolutely love my current DnD campaign.

MM. Well Scander, this is just the goblin way of saying 'hello.' 'Shit' is not in fact. the proper response to such hospitality. LOL.

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Odahviing In reply to Ashlmet [2016-08-19 21:50:51 +0000 UTC]

-sobs- DnD has become my life LOL I looove it ;v;

LOL I'll have to pass that along to Scander, he clearly doesn't understand goblin customs XD

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Neko-The-Dragon [2016-05-15 02:49:51 +0000 UTC]

If I was bit by goblin I would suddenly have a new menu item.. ):< Let me tells you I woulds NOT be a happy Neko D:<
I bets they taste just like broccoli!

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Odahviing In reply to Neko-The-Dragon [2016-05-15 03:37:41 +0000 UTC]

THEY ARE MEAN LIL THINGS ;-; BUT YES. You should eat them. Do that so they no longer bite poor Scander LOL 
I dunno, they seem kinda gross LOL

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Neko-The-Dragon In reply to Odahviing [2016-05-15 16:21:27 +0000 UTC]

They honestly probably taste like BOOGERS but I've eaten worse.. ;-; 


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Odahviing In reply to Neko-The-Dragon [2016-05-16 05:25:57 +0000 UTC]

;^; That doesn't sound good! You should uh, not eat them! I would highly suggest that -v-

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Neko-The-Dragon In reply to Odahviing [2016-05-17 19:33:27 +0000 UTC]

Probably won't for loooong time but if they bites you or any of my friends I'll eats them anyway VwV
Its what they get! D:<

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Odahviing In reply to Neko-The-Dragon [2016-05-19 04:40:02 +0000 UTC]

;^; Huuush! It's okaaaaay! I'm sure that everyone will be okay -v-

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Neko-The-Dragon In reply to Odahviing [2016-06-20 02:50:49 +0000 UTC]

Yes, once I give them goblins a piece of my mind it will allllll be good! -w- Yes, very good indeed.

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Odahviing In reply to Neko-The-Dragon [2016-06-23 04:54:20 +0000 UTC]

;^; good! Thank you for protecting us -v-

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morArthfael [2016-05-15 00:46:24 +0000 UTC]

... Ouch LOL. I still really love how you expression XD also, if you say you can't draw horses again, I may punch your arm xD and maybe do a back of the head slap >_> this is really awesome XD

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Odahviing In reply to morArthfael [2016-05-15 01:51:57 +0000 UTC]

Ouch indeed LOL ;-; Well thank you, really. GNAH BUT... MY HORSEHS ARENT VERY GOOD -sobs- Thank you though, really ;-; -hugs-

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morArthfael In reply to Odahviing [2016-05-15 02:34:26 +0000 UTC]

poor beb LOL. he needs more hugs from me XD YES THEY ARE! -punches your arm then slaps the back of your head- You's very welcome XD -hugs-

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valachhim [2016-05-14 10:46:55 +0000 UTC]

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love this sooo much QQ Hahha and Cross's face is hilarious xD Goblins must have very pointy teeth huh? xD And the horse is badass QQ

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Odahviing In reply to valachhim [2016-05-14 12:01:49 +0000 UTC]

;v; Thank you so so much! XD SCANDER DOESN'T LIKE GOBLINS LOL XD Yes, they have very pointy teeth!! 
;v; Thaemon is a good horseh-man-druid XD

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