painesgrey — a terror to behold..

Published: 2008-11-12 07:25:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 1872; Favourites: 44; Downloads: 36
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Description every broken enemy will know
that their opponent had to be invincible
take a last look around while you're alive
i'm an indestructible master of war

kiiro. again.

full view please.

i haven't felt much up to drawing lately.. so i'm surprised this came out at all.

i'm not really fond of the shading, but oh well.

art ©
night elf druid cat form © blizzard entertainment
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Comments: 8

TheNecrom [2012-01-12 04:20:11 +0000 UTC]

I think you'd like to know I'm using your drawning as a Elven guardian Beast in my d20 tabletop game, your drawning alone inspired me to create this character. He'll be the "boss" of a dungeon. Thanks for the Drawning you're a great artist! And go Disturbed!

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painesgrey In reply to TheNecrom [2012-01-15 19:19:54 +0000 UTC]

thank you! i'd love to know what kind of character you made him out to be.

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TheNecrom In reply to painesgrey [2012-01-22 19:55:24 +0000 UTC]

Its the "true form" (a kind of shapeshifting, a tradition to an ancient elven civilization) of an elven warrior-palladin like. He was a great guy at first, a visionary and a good hearted hero, but with the death of his beloved in defense of his city against an orc attack, revange was all that he could think and see. In his madness he took all the survivors of the city to a hall and sacrificed then all to improve his true form (originally a standard panther) turning himself into your drawning, with spears sprouting from his back, and blades from his legs. He became the ultimate chalange of the group who defeated him and sent his soul to the final judgment, in his last moments he "Imprinted" his blood magic on the group sorcerer and showed the way to awaken the true form of another character of the group.
Sorry for the long post, and for turning your character into a darth vader of sorts XD, his name was Ilir btw.

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TwilightAlchemistX16 [2008-11-13 00:26:42 +0000 UTC]

Nice snarl! And I really like the shading on the teeth.

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mitties [2008-11-12 16:54:55 +0000 UTC]

Wow, that looks really good! I think the shading looks great, the only part that seems a little off is around Kiiro's shoulder. The lines in that lighter area look a little off compared to the other fur. But that is like a tiny thing. But, seriously, beautiful!

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painesgrey In reply to mitties [2008-11-13 04:17:30 +0000 UTC]

yeah. i worked on it a little but by the time i got to her shoulder, i was so burned out on the shading. x_x i'll go back and poke at it when i'm not disgusted with it. lol.

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Atherist [2008-11-12 07:58:40 +0000 UTC]

Wow. o-o I love this. The shading is awesome. X3
D: I know that feeling when you just don't feel like drawing, I don't like it. DX But it seemed to vanish when SBP came back...

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painesgrey In reply to Atherist [2008-11-12 09:51:46 +0000 UTC]

i'm still suffering from it. i have ideas for SBP but i just haven't had the patience or energy to work on any of them.. it's pretty frustrating. :/

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