PaulineFrench — Shiloh

Published: 2009-09-10 04:21:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 762; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 0
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Description Shiloh is a girl who started her singing career right here in Edmonton, as a thirteen year old girl in a simple radio station contest.

Well, she won.

And she's amazing Last month she released her first full CD, and next weekend I'm going to her concert. I can't wait I've been a fan since her first single was released on 91.7 The Bounce about two years ago (I think?)

This was referenced from her CD Cover here [link]

Although I own the CD, and didn't use a digital ref.

The idea was that lately my work has been off. The anatomy was horrible, and I haven't been able to get the results that I've wanted. So I'm going to practice till my fingers bleed!

Drawn in about 3 hours

2H-8B Pencil, Prisma Color Pencil Crayon.

Drawing (C) Pauline French

Shiloh - Picture Imperfect (On Canadian Itunes)
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Comments: 10

Lime-Plutonium [2013-02-09 15:35:48 +0000 UTC]

This got featured on her video! [link]

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PaulineFrench In reply to Lime-Plutonium [2013-02-10 21:08:49 +0000 UTC]

AAHH Thank you SO much for sharing this link with me! That's so cool!

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Lime-Plutonium In reply to PaulineFrench [2013-02-11 22:04:18 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome, just thought I might share just in case. Awesome drawing by the way! xD

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CherryAndThePack [2011-10-06 15:16:02 +0000 UTC]

OMG I SAW SHILOH... LIVE!!! u lucky thing.

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gatica [2011-07-28 20:33:16 +0000 UTC]

She has an account here on DA 8D

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CriMindsAddict [2011-06-12 08:12:38 +0000 UTC]

Woah, is this Onision`s girlfriend? I think it is I never knew they were the same people, lol! She is amazing and so is this drawing it looks just like her

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PaulineFrench In reply to CriMindsAddict [2011-06-12 16:22:55 +0000 UTC]

I had no idea who that was until I done some googling. Yes, this is Shiloh, but it's from her first album cover at age 13-14. I seen a show she done last summer and she has dramatically changed her look since then... not to mention lost a lot of baby fat. She looks great(er lol)!

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doriito [2010-03-23 13:35:37 +0000 UTC]

Good job! :3

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Makyui [2009-09-10 06:54:34 +0000 UTC]

I like your value work in this. They're nice and rich on the jacket, and I like the texture in the hair.

Haha, yay for practice! It's the bastard we love to hate.

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PaulineFrench In reply to Makyui [2009-09-11 00:41:55 +0000 UTC]

Ya, if there's one thing I've learned it's that scanners EAT HB, and the H line of pencils. Everything darker shows up beautifully. Which is why the jacket looks rich, and the face looks deathly pale

As for practice, I love it... or at least, this kind of practice. Improvement is always something we can work on, but when I do things like this, and I see that I'm not as bad at it as I thought, it makes me super happy.

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