Comments: 26
Worlds-in-Miniature [2013-02-10 20:44:41 +0000 UTC]
The details and colours are impressive! Well done!
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isissousa2 [2013-02-01 07:05:58 +0000 UTC]
Lovely work, indeed a very good piece! I am impressed by the complex pallet, perspective and amount of details! Bravo!
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xArtl3ssx [2013-01-19 21:22:02 +0000 UTC]
Pretty nice painting!
The colors are wonderful and the details are great.
It's well-drawn! (:
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AstroBoy1 [2012-12-17 03:15:23 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for including my space art in your favourites.
Best regards,
Michael C. Turner
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dana-redde [2012-07-22 21:06:18 +0000 UTC]
AAHH amazing! She is fantastic!
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gagatka27 [2012-03-06 08:42:13 +0000 UTC]
Really best of your works so far. Full of details and great colors. The composition is great and the character - WoW! Very well done - and it's going to my favorites!
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perverstlitedyr In reply to gagatka27 [2012-03-06 18:30:21 +0000 UTC]
thanks , was a fun drawing to do lol
the first one iv started and finiched this year
all my other works where started round a year ago and older
still working on pictures i havent finiched from when i started digital
thanks for commenting ^_^ love your art style
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gdpr-15773391 [2012-03-02 19:23:57 +0000 UTC]
All those details... It really looks wonderful!
I would've tried to give you some constructive critique, but -honestly- there's nothing to complain at.
And I can't even imagine the time it must've taken you to draw those scales, not to mention the wings/fins * o *
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gdpr-15773391 In reply to perverstlitedyr [2012-04-06 11:12:51 +0000 UTC]
it looks like you had a lot of fun with it ~ there's really a big difference to when people draw stuff just for fun and when they have to draw something ; u ;
hmm, well, yeah, but there's still a sick amount of detail in there !
really? I think I like it the way it is, it's kind of like a character reference, but still looks great, and it has this wonderful unity and artistic "strenght" (if that even makes any sense) I don't think another pose would have been able to have this impact c; different opinions for different people, though lol
I wanna do it sooo baaaaaad! I've drawn a few sketches in my notebooks at school, but it seems to be a totally different thing digitally with colors and stuff.
this'll be the first thing I'll draw when I finally get some free time!
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perverstlitedyr In reply to gdpr-15773391 [2012-04-22 11:54:21 +0000 UTC]
commisions are fun too thogh if u get freedom to make it your own ^^
fun chalange drawing somthing ud never thoght of your self , just playing whit shades light and colors ^^
thanks alot for liking fishy lol brightens my day ^^ and yeah think this gonna be the version of it i put in the book
might repaint it a fjew times for fun thogh lol
when i sketch im way more comfterbl whit pencil on paper so i somtimes make the rough sketches on paper and scan em in
coloring em and or changing some parts of the sketch in photochop , you gott way more freedom digital caus ut woudent matter how much u try and how much u erase it if the colors dont work u dont have to think 2 times about changing em if the head is too smal just make it larger , u can flip the page as menny times u like lol
my advise to u is to scan your fishys in and tweak the hell of of em lol making all the lill scales shine , pencils then to have very low variation of value u can change this easy in sai or enny other program its easyer to make contrasts
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gdpr-15773391 In reply to perverstlitedyr [2012-05-16 11:07:29 +0000 UTC]
true, but I also get really stressed when I draw for other people, so even if the commissions are "free" I always end up trying to draw what the person wants and then it suddenly isn't as "free"..
oh, that's a good point as well ^^
; w ; how could I not like it?
and I really want to buy your book now. finish it soon, kay~? ;3
yeah, I also do that sometimes, but other times I think digital works better, depends on the type of drawing, really. the tools you get doing it digital truly are very helpful, though. I luff them!
I'll try doing that, then, thanks > w < asdfgdafg I wish I could just drop everything else and draw them right now!
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strange--dawn [2012-03-01 16:40:06 +0000 UTC]
great work!the details is really amazing!
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Abbyanna [2012-02-25 16:15:24 +0000 UTC]
Beautiful work! I really like the scales, so many colors and shades. Outstanding!
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