Pinny88 — Hero

Published: 2007-10-07 00:43:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 5784; Favourites: 145; Downloads: 0
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Description So many die for the very Flag we look at and many ignore. Its Very sad I look down my street were once all the homes had flags now only mine and two other houses have them. Many seem to be forgetting the sacrifices still being made. This piece here shows What they give all for. For that very flag waving in the background.
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Comments: 63

emeraldislewv [2013-07-27 20:04:56 +0000 UTC]

This is equal parts beautiful and heartbreaking. It damn near made me cry- and I NEVER cry. I am a combat medic, as was my husband. He was KIA in Afghanistan last year less than two weeks before we were to come home. C'est la vie I suppose. I'm sure he's disappointed to have had to leave this earth so young- God knows I'm not exactly thrilled about it - but I don't think he'd doubt for a second that his sacrifice was worth it. Of course none of us wants to, but I think we'd all give our lives for this cause. The price of freedom is high, but freedom is one hell of a cause worth fighting for. God bless you all. HOOAH!

Códladh samh. Féach leat go luath.

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Pinny88 In reply to emeraldislewv [2013-07-28 06:50:21 +0000 UTC]

Very well said. I am very sorry for the loss of your husband. Thank you for your service at anytime you need anything if I can help I would be happy to. 

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Ceretaker [2013-04-27 19:05:00 +0000 UTC]

"Fake heroes lie on bed regreting their choices, true heroes lie in the mist of the battlefield". Words change minds, action changes the world. SEMPER FI.

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Pinny88 In reply to Ceretaker [2013-05-01 04:17:32 +0000 UTC]

Very well said

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halofan569 [2012-07-19 04:42:08 +0000 UTC]

i never forget our heros that died i dont know their names but my moms in the army i plan to join and die for this flag

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Cheercussionist7 [2012-06-07 00:42:59 +0000 UTC]

I know im coming across this late but this is beautiful. I have a friend leaving for the Army next month and its made me realize I didn't think about our troops and all they do nearly as much as I should but im working on changing that. Thank you so much for your service and all you've done for this country.

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Pinny88 In reply to Cheercussionist7 [2012-06-07 11:40:26 +0000 UTC]

It's never too late to show you care. Seems now more than ever people are forgetting us. We are proud to protect our home.

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lobdopss [2012-04-01 02:12:44 +0000 UTC]

"I will become, have become, a creature unstirred by history, no longer moved by the present, just hungry, blind and at long last filled of mindless wrath."

Middle-class parents are terrified of non-existent child killers; soon we'll have them so terrified they'll gladly allow us to electronically tag all newborn infants. We are engineering sick, obese, passive consumers. Even the video games they obsessively play contain demoralizing subliminals. A weak-willed child is easy to manipulate using product hypnosis. Look at their "clothing", for instance. The new breed are simply mobile hoardings, advertising the multi-national corporations which control their minds.

Hear this: When our masters' work is done, every living thing will have the status of a machine. There will be no creativity, only productivity. Instead of love there will be fear and distrust, instead of surrender there will be submission. We will replace contact with isolation, and joy with shame. Hope will cease to exist as a concept. We will cover the earth with steel and with concrete, this planet will be a factory farm producing morons to fuel and maintain the factory engines and feed our masters.
There will be an electronic policeman in every head. Your children will be born in chains, live only to serve and die in anguish and ignorance.

Look around you, the process is already in its final stages. And you, like everyone else, will take your place on the production line. Maybe we'll let you be labor camp commandants.

Sure is amazing what a little taste of power and a shiny uniform can do to the most freedom-loving.

Third world children are plentiful. Fossil fuels are scarce. We need to burn something.

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AllFourOne [2012-03-18 04:52:29 +0000 UTC]

Awesome, just Awesome! Great job with this. And thank you for your service.

You're a REAL Patriot.

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Pinny88 In reply to AllFourOne [2012-03-18 14:50:26 +0000 UTC]

thank you very much your words mean a lot. Also thank you for the deviant watch

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lightningFLA [2012-03-08 02:59:31 +0000 UTC]

Very nice flag. Can you link me to the flag? I would like to use this in one of my photos.


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Fallen-Warrior1023 [2012-03-01 08:03:15 +0000 UTC]

some people say that they have made sacrifices in their lives but theyre wrong, there is no greater sacrifice than to give your life so that someone else doesnt have to. it is this reason that i am a proud supporter of our troops and anybody who doesnt like it can come and do something about it. These men and women have truly sacrificed, their families have truly sacrificed all so that the rest of us can sleep soundly at night knowing that we are safe. God bless the united states military.

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xXblackfearXx [2012-02-28 05:59:58 +0000 UTC]

We should never forget what they have done for us

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Pinny88 In reply to xXblackfearXx [2012-02-28 08:25:07 +0000 UTC]

sad but many do

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xXblackfearXx In reply to Pinny88 [2012-02-28 14:50:20 +0000 UTC]

i know its very sad

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Photogra-Z [2012-02-28 05:29:05 +0000 UTC]

I salute that flag morning after morning, and it gives me hope.

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Pinny88 In reply to Photogra-Z [2012-02-28 08:24:40 +0000 UTC]

Same here. When I was in Iraq and I looked up to see our flag waving no matter how bad the previous day was it gave me strength for another day.

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Photogra-Z In reply to Pinny88 [2012-02-28 17:46:36 +0000 UTC]


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Jdgunny [2011-12-09 01:23:55 +0000 UTC]

Wow this is a very eye opening piece, my father is in the armed forces. It shows you what the price of freedom is and these people who die fighting for it, God Bless you my fighters.

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Pinny88 In reply to Jdgunny [2011-12-09 17:29:34 +0000 UTC]

MAy your father stay safe.Anyone who has a loved one in the armed forces or has lost someone understand the sacrifices that are made. I have been to too many and it is NEVER easier. God bless

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Alpha-Cat [2011-11-25 22:02:23 +0000 UTC]

I'm a South Korean.

I thanks to who fight for freedom and peace.

America is our brother

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LittleEagle [2011-09-19 21:15:06 +0000 UTC]

I still fly my Flag

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Pinny88 In reply to LittleEagle [2011-09-20 01:31:36 +0000 UTC]

Good because many have forgotten what that flag stands for

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LittleEagle In reply to Pinny88 [2011-09-20 11:35:25 +0000 UTC]

Being a Vet myself and My Father Being a Vet, We fly it 24/7 with lights....

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Pinny88 In reply to LittleEagle [2011-09-20 17:11:05 +0000 UTC]

Awesome. Ours is outside 24/7 as well and it will be there until its too worn to fly

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moonlit-flower-petal [2011-09-09 02:29:08 +0000 UTC]

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ForeverYoursMarine [2011-09-08 19:56:02 +0000 UTC]

Nicely done

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Pinny88 In reply to ForeverYoursMarine [2011-09-08 20:38:23 +0000 UTC]

thank u

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ForeverYoursMarine In reply to Pinny88 [2011-09-08 22:28:39 +0000 UTC]

Of course, it's an AWESOME piece.

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WarfareLieutenant [2011-07-25 05:21:09 +0000 UTC]

I love it its very well put together

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Pinny88 In reply to WarfareLieutenant [2011-07-25 15:45:03 +0000 UTC]

thank you

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KikuFire [2011-06-28 19:47:40 +0000 UTC]

I love how the flag is folded Also the combination of black and white photo with the crisp colors of our American flag is well done and united

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Pinny88 In reply to KikuFire [2011-06-28 22:35:53 +0000 UTC]

thank you very very much

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KikuFire In reply to Pinny88 [2011-06-29 17:07:16 +0000 UTC]

You're very very welcomed! My family and I keep the American Flag in our front yard well taken care of as well, so I understand

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Pinny88 In reply to KikuFire [2011-06-29 17:25:08 +0000 UTC]

That is great to know. That flag means more than many know.

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KikuFire In reply to Pinny88 [2011-06-29 17:49:39 +0000 UTC]

*nods* This is true, and thats pretty sad. Most people now a days just view it as the symbol of our country and a something we have to pledge before while in school each morning. They really dont realize the significance of it all.

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Pinny88 In reply to KikuFire [2011-06-30 17:23:14 +0000 UTC]

I couldnt have said it better

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KikuFire In reply to Pinny88 [2011-06-30 18:03:37 +0000 UTC]

thank you

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Marcoon1305 [2011-06-15 18:53:38 +0000 UTC]

Awesome work!

I feel with every Soldier and their Families, even if i'm not american!
I wish sometimes, that our country would act more like the US in things like "Support our Troops" and to be proud of their soldiers...a pitty that such things do not exists in Germany ( I know it; I was a Soldier for 4 years)

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Pinny88 In reply to Marcoon1305 [2011-06-15 21:53:06 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. Sadly not all countries to support there troops as they should but the few that do are the ones we are fighting for and our families thats all we need to keep going.

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iternallife [2010-10-13 19:44:06 +0000 UTC]


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PHSgatekeeper [2010-07-29 00:40:02 +0000 UTC]

Great work. If only you could add the Theme from the Pacific to this page, that would be amazing.

But your right too many people look at soliders as people who love to kill because some have snapped and done wrong, when far too many in our country are not brave enough to enlist and fight for our nation. And the ones who admit they are brave enough (such as myself) but still support our military in anyway possible are heros to them as they are to us.

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Pinny88 In reply to PHSgatekeeper [2010-07-29 01:29:14 +0000 UTC]

very well said thank you

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bloodwolf23 [2010-01-24 04:41:30 +0000 UTC]

This is amazing....Believe it or not I cried when i saw this...Good job~

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Pinny88 In reply to bloodwolf23 [2010-01-26 04:29:09 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much. Thas the reaction I want. its suppose to be real meaningful

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bloodwolf23 In reply to Pinny88 [2010-01-26 22:11:35 +0000 UTC]

Well five stars to you. It really is meaningful!

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Intensly-violent [2009-12-05 10:02:44 +0000 UTC]

Yep, they are our heros.

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NaiveMaturity [2009-10-30 17:06:37 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for this.
It is heartening to see that
there are still those who care.
Although I do not serve actively in the
military, my dad is active duty Army and a
veteran of both the Gulf and Iraq wars. My
mom is an Army vet, and my husband is
active duty Navy. My uncle is a Vietnam
vet, cousin a Navy vet, and there are many,
many more in the family I married into.
Hate the war, not the warrior.
Bless you.

~Ashley, proud Army brat and Navy wife

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Pinny88 In reply to NaiveMaturity [2009-10-31 12:02:11 +0000 UTC]

Please thank your father for his service for me.

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NaiveMaturity In reply to Pinny88 [2009-10-31 15:14:21 +0000 UTC]


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