Comments: 13
wdniko4rt [2016-02-19 15:06:08 +0000 UTC]
use it x33
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muariana [2014-06-16 20:20:31 +0000 UTC]
Que bueno verte de vuelta Priss!. Me parece genial tu boton exactamente por las mismas razones que lo creaste. Existen oc muy buenos que aportan mucho a histórias bien escritas y a parte son un medio para muchos autores que se desarrollan en su arte a traves de estos. El problema es que por desgracia abundan los malos oc y eso ha creado mala fama.
Que genial que aún a pesar de eso haya gente como tú que defiende la causa.
Saludos desde Caracas XD y espero seguir viendo tus obras por aqui!!
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Prissmon In reply to muariana [2014-06-21 19:00:39 +0000 UTC]
Hola Do!
Me alegra que te guste el boton y tambien que apoyes la causa! Y es cierto, yo que he estado metida en el mundo de los OCs/FCs desde que estuve en mi primer fandom en internet, te puedo asegurar que, aunque hay muchos OCs catastroficos, tambien hay OCs que son muy buenos. Yo he visto OCs que estan tan bien trabajados y que el autor se esmero tanto en el balance y en los detalles del personaje, que facilito te lo puedes imaginar en el universo para el que lo crearon Y en los casos en que a esos mismos OCs les dan un personaje canon como pareja, el autor conserva perfectamente in character al personaje. Lamentablemente de esos no hay tantos a comparacion de los malos OCs, pero de que los hay los hay
Y pues yo pienso que aunque un OC sea pesimo, eso no le da ningun derecho a otra persona de bashear al personaje, o peor, de hacerle bullying al autor; se que hay autores de esos OCs que tienen una muy mala actitud y a veces con esa actitud hasta se buscan que los molesten, pero aun asi, con esa clase de comportamiento no se resuelve nada a la final, solo es drama inecesario :/ Si a mi no me gusta un OC o el autor, lo ignoro y se acabo
Saludos igualmente Do!
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CooledCrimsonwolf [2014-06-14 00:14:01 +0000 UTC]
This is a great button. I don't think CanonxOC couples get enough credit. Some characters are so well thought of. And, people seem to forget that an OC can mean a lot to the person who created them.
Your OC's for example are really interesting and it seems like you've put a lot of thought into them.
Great button, you've got my support! Lol.
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Prissmon In reply to CooledCrimsonwolf [2014-06-15 21:44:13 +0000 UTC]
Thank you!
I'm totally agree! There're pretty good OCxCanon couples out there, but sadly people avoid them cause they asume all OCs are terrible written or they are all simple self-inserts of the author (though some peoples simply don't like OCs for no particular reason, wich is ok, everyone has different tastes). Personally I love OCxCanon couples cause I love to see people's creativity, how they manage to make their character fits into the canon universe, how their characters interact with the canon characters, and how is the character's relationship with the canon character (how they meet, how their relationship evolves and all those stuffs).
"And, people seem to forget that an OC can mean a lot to the person who created them" <-- True! Sometimes I simply grown fond of the couple cause the creator really treasures their couple and worked hard on it. I think it's perfectly ok if someone doesn't like OCxCanon, but is not ok to bash the OC and the creator just because that person doesn't like it.
Thank you very much I'm honored you think that, I do treasure my OCs a lot and I try to work hard on them
And thanks for supporting the button as well
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CooledCrimsonwolf In reply to Prissmon [2014-06-16 19:50:48 +0000 UTC]
Some OC designs/backgrounds just shouldn't see the light of day, lol, but I think the people who create those ones just need a little nudge in the right direction. One of my old OC's ended up being *shudders* a Mary-Sue because I had no idea what sort of limitations to put on it. I'm glad that I did make a Mary-Sue, because afterwards I learnt what NOT to do, lol.
I think it's great when someone designs an OC that just fits so well into a certain anime that you can actually imagine them in it. And, when an OC gets paired up with a Canon character, I think it shows a different side to that Canon character that you might not be able to see if it were CanonxCanon. What I mean is, we know the personalities of the Canon characters and we get an idea of what they will do and how they will react to things. But, with an OC it can take things in a whole new direction. I hope that makes sense, lol. I know what I'm meaning, just not finding the right words at the moment, lol.
I've got a couple of OCs that mean so much to me I can't explain it. And, because of that I'm too scared/nervious to upload anything about them on here, because of the bad rep OC's get.
Whenever I find a show that I really like try and stop me from creating an OC for that show, lol. It's physically impossible! Heh.
You're very welcome You're OC's are all really creative and different. Don't think I've found any others even similar. When I first saw Priss with Tala, I just have to see what else happened in your pictures, lol.
All support for OCxCanon characters! Yaaaay! Lol.
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Alorous [2014-06-13 21:50:24 +0000 UTC]
Now that you mention it... i haven't seen any buttons like this one either o.o
and it looks fabilous =w=
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