rachelillustrates — We Are

Published: 2009-05-25 14:09:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 832; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 16
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Description Xavin and Karolina of "Runaways' again, in their natural forms.


Even though I'm not a fan of Humberto Ramos' art, and what Terry Moore did with the story bothered me, I bought the hardcover edition of their 'Dead Wrong' arc recently. I already knew what was going to happen and wasn't happy about it, but as "Runaways" is the only comic book series I have all of, I bought it anyway.

And while I am crushed that Xavin has departed, I must admit that it was beautifully written, and it showed how strong the love between Karolina and Xavin really is.

She just better succeed and survive and come back, dammit.

Kar and Xav (C) Marvel comics.
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Comments: 27

fullofmetal [2010-08-19 06:00:53 +0000 UTC]


Dammit Marvel. I had three couples I actually cared about and you've completely screwed over two of them.

Your coloring is beautiful! It's so soft and smooth!

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rachelillustrates In reply to fullofmetal [2010-08-23 20:12:48 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much! I agree with you with that first bit there, or at least she'd better be

Did you see my AU version of them, where this never happens?

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fullofmetal In reply to rachelillustrates [2010-08-23 22:25:55 +0000 UTC]

There's no reason she shouldn't come back. >:c

Marvel better not screw up the one couple I still care about.

I have now. xD

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rachelillustrates In reply to fullofmetal [2010-09-15 20:17:45 +0000 UTC]

Agreed again! If it doesn't happen, we could start a protest. Of like, five people, but still.

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fullofmetal In reply to rachelillustrates [2010-09-16 01:12:56 +0000 UTC]

It would be a protest. An oh so glorious one too. xD

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rachelillustrates In reply to fullofmetal [2010-10-06 22:24:41 +0000 UTC]

Indeed. I shall bring the torches.

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FemaleSpock [2010-08-06 18:26:32 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful! I hope Xavin comes back too...

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rachelillustrates In reply to FemaleSpock [2010-08-07 02:09:13 +0000 UTC]

Oh me too, so much. I honestly haven't caught up on the series since she left (so no spoilers, please).

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WhimsySmile [2009-06-18 18:01:39 +0000 UTC]

! That turned out beautifully!

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rachelillustrates In reply to WhimsySmile [2009-06-19 23:19:55 +0000 UTC]


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WhimsySmile In reply to rachelillustrates [2009-06-24 19:35:42 +0000 UTC]


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rodentfanatic [2009-05-25 21:32:25 +0000 UTC]

I don't read Runaways, but your art has really made me something of a fan of this couple. This picture is a very beautiful one, especially Xavin's dark hair.

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rachelillustrates In reply to rodentfanatic [2009-05-27 20:35:06 +0000 UTC]

Aww, thanks! Xavin's hair (when s/he's in female form) is usually shown browner than this, but in the Terry Moore arc we got to see Xavin in a female Skrull form for the first time, and colorist Christina Strain made her hair black. So I figured this was a happy medium between the two.

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Eruanna89 [2009-05-25 16:48:16 +0000 UTC]

I looooooooooove how you make the dark blue turn white! (..cream?)
It is SO awsomely done!!
Beautiful, as always!

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rachelillustrates In reply to Eruanna89 [2009-05-27 20:45:06 +0000 UTC]

Aww, thanks so much!

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MondoTR [2009-05-25 16:37:45 +0000 UTC]

Wait, what happend? I haven't even gotten to the part when they go to the past.

Though if Xavin left then I wouldn't be surprised if more Karolina/Nico hints started popping up.

Anyways, cool pic. *adds to Runaways collection*

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rachelillustrates In reply to MondoTR [2009-05-27 20:45:50 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! Sorry to spoil you, but I did put up a warning in the text. Want me to summarize for you?

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MondoTR In reply to rachelillustrates [2009-05-28 00:16:02 +0000 UTC]

I don't mind spoilers. In fact, when I said "what happened?" I was actually asking for spoilers. ^_^;

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rachelillustrates In reply to MondoTR [2009-05-28 15:02:12 +0000 UTC]


After the time-travel stuff and the Secret Invasion crossover, the Runaways head back to LA. When they get there, and settle at Chase's parents' beach house, they are suddenly attacked by a small group of Majesdanians. These Majesdanians have come to take Karolina back to the remains of Majesdane, to make her stand trial for her parents' crimes (that of giving away the location of their planet, resulting in its destruction).

In the ensuing battle, Nico casts a "Scatter" spell to send the Majesdanes away, but one remains. They interrogate him, but get little else out of him, since he and his companions were telling the truth. Then, the Runaways start drifing apart, each leaving the house to do their own thing. Only Nico and Victor remain, and they figure out that the spell effected them too.

Then, of course, the Scattered Majesdanians return and attack again. The Runaways fight them, eventually getting them to set down so they can talk. Xavin pulls Karolina aside, and tells her not to go with them, but the whole of their conversation is not shown yet.

Then Karolina appears with the others again - minus Xavin, who she says couldn't watch this - and agrees to go with the Majesdanians, not to be found guilty, but to help them and their Skrull enemies find peace. Nico lets her, and as soon as their ship takes off, she tells everyone else that that was NOT Karolina and they have to go find her. It turns out that Xavin knocked Karolina out, shapeshifted into her, and took her place.

The rest of the conversation is revealed as the real Karolina tells them what happened - Xavin knew she would be better at convincing the Majesdanes and Skrulls that peace could be attempted, being a better diplomat. She plans to continue masquerading as Karolina, but reveal herself for who she really is at the right moment, and use the love they have for each other to show both peoples that they are the way to a new world (the lines she says regarding that are where the title for this piece comes from).

Soooo yeah. I'm upset that they wrote Xavin out, because I adore her, but I believe she will survive and Xavin/Karolina is stil my OTP

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MondoTR In reply to rachelillustrates [2009-05-28 21:58:32 +0000 UTC]

Well if she was permanently written out at least it wasn't by death.

So is the team back together (aside from Xavin)?

I hope she comes back too. Xavin/Karolina isn't my OTP but still a good ship.

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rachelillustrates In reply to MondoTR [2009-05-29 02:27:06 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, true. But I still worry for her. And yes, the effects of Nico's spell wore off and they were back together at the end of the arc.

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MondoTR In reply to rachelillustrates [2009-05-29 12:04:43 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, hopefully she comes back. Glad the team's mostly back together. I wish they'd make more volumes though as that's how I collect the series.

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rachelillustrates In reply to MondoTR [2009-05-29 13:39:23 +0000 UTC]

Well, it seems like they only made 3 "volumes" - collecting Brian K. Vaughn's stuff. Then they put out Whedon's arc on its own in hardcover, the Civil War and Secret Invasion arcs in paperback, and Moore's is out in hardcover now too. The bit that comes after that, entitled "Rock Zombies," will be out in paperback in July.

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MondoTR In reply to rachelillustrates [2009-05-29 17:48:26 +0000 UTC]

I think we're thinking of different things. The volumes I collect already have about ten out, though I've only found the first seven so far.

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rachelillustrates In reply to MondoTR [2009-05-31 18:13:46 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I think we are too. Sorry

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FuzzyNecromancer [2009-05-25 16:11:06 +0000 UTC]

I like how you do different ranges of Karolina's color spectrum to set the mood.

Skrull chin-ridges really bug me for some reason though.

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rachelillustrates In reply to FuzzyNecromancer [2009-05-27 20:49:11 +0000 UTC]

Thanks very much! I try to be conscious of the color changes, since I think that would actually happen with Majesdane mood swings. As for Skrulls' chin ridges, though, I actually like them. There's just something about the whole species that fascinates me. Probably because I love Xavin so much

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