Radioactive-Insanity — Deadzone Comic Pg2

Published: 2008-11-07 04:21:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 1207; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 0
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And James comes down from the top of the dilapidated apartment building...

Remember that comic I started a while back? The project got put on hold when my computer crashed, taking every file I had with it (comic page template, script, etc). But now I've found some new inspiration, and did this whole page this week (which is pretty good for me xD). It's still just a concept comic, and thus pretty rough around the edges, but hey, I think it came out pretty good.. considering I drew every single thing that I have the most trouble drawing: people, buildings, perspective, and poses.

Things that didn't come out quite right: that first dog there is supposed to be TINY! I tried to get that across buuut apparently I didn't do it too well ._.

I actually skipped the second page I'd originally planned; this page here was actually supposed to be the third page. I might add in the second page later; it foreshadows some future elements...

Concept, chars, art (C) me
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Comments: 17

stranger37 [2009-02-14 08:50:00 +0000 UTC]

after the first page i actually had some ideas.

if you've got such a main character than you could make it more than just post-apoc shit.

give it meaning. breath life into it.

zombies and merc's......it's been done

maybe u could kill off the whole generic "post-apoc action flick" and make it more psychological.

just a person in a dead city. maybe more abstract. no storyline. just extracts. the tears of a man long dead.

simplicity is the mother of genious.

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TriggerHappyD In reply to stranger37 [2009-02-15 04:40:53 +0000 UTC]

i assume this prick is the master of the written word.

really, dude, its a comic.

not isaac asimov.

a comic.

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stranger37 In reply to TriggerHappyD [2009-02-15 08:13:03 +0000 UTC]

why not be isaac asimov?

seriously. whats the point of being less if you can strive for more?

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TriggerHappyD In reply to stranger37 [2009-02-15 16:35:03 +0000 UTC]

its a comic.

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stranger37 In reply to TriggerHappyD [2009-02-15 20:11:18 +0000 UTC]

doesnt mean it cant be more.

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Radioactive-Insanity In reply to stranger37 [2009-02-14 17:09:24 +0000 UTC]

uh-huh. A lot of what you suggested is actually similar to what I was planning to do. The comic will focus around the main character, how he's had to live, what he's had to do. It will focus on inner conflict, regrets, stuff like that. This isn't just another guy running around perfectly at ease in a post-apoc world. His existence is far from perfect, and there's a lot he hides under the surface.

And who said anything about zombies? I usually like to leave the reader wondering, but I'll let you know: there are no zombies in this story.

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Anniepopokios [2008-12-06 05:58:34 +0000 UTC]

Wow this is really awesome! I just stumbled upon it randomly and just had to comment!
I reallly love your bgs and the colors you're giving your panels gives the comic a really great feel to it! I really like the atmoshpere that you've created here <3 and that last panel looks really awesome!

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Radioactive-Insanity In reply to Anniepopokios [2008-12-09 23:56:04 +0000 UTC]

aw thankyou so much!!

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PhantomStalker [2008-11-08 08:43:18 +0000 UTC]

your cities of death are awesome 8D I feel as though James is gonna crack any time xD nowhere is safe D:

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Radioactive-Insanity In reply to PhantomStalker [2008-11-18 03:41:13 +0000 UTC]

aw, thanks very much!
yaryar! that's one of the main things about the Deadzone world.. nowhere is safe, and everyone is an enemy, and death lurks around every corner... definately would put one's sanity to the test

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PhantomStalker In reply to Radioactive-Insanity [2008-11-18 03:48:08 +0000 UTC]

I think id die from food poisoning lol 8D

im just that kind of person that would do something stupid xD

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LuxDani [2008-11-08 02:21:19 +0000 UTC]

I think you should make all the pages look this grungy. Really suits the theme and situation.

Hurhur, James the Swearhouse is a fucking GOD

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Radioactive-Insanity In reply to LuxDani [2008-11-18 03:36:01 +0000 UTC]

yee, I plan to ^^

lol "James the Swearhouse" xDD That should be his official title heheh xD and thanks! ^^

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Wolveslair [2008-11-07 06:02:41 +0000 UTC]

ooh I love he zombie dog things <3 reminds me a bit of I am Legend. looks good! Keep it up

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Radioactive-Insanity In reply to Wolveslair [2008-11-09 21:53:06 +0000 UTC]

thankya! ^^ heee, I Am Legend was a pretty sweet movie

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TriggerHappyD [2008-11-07 04:34:45 +0000 UTC]


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Radioactive-Insanity In reply to TriggerHappyD [2008-11-09 21:52:13 +0000 UTC]


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