Remarin — scribbles with 5 year old ink

#animal #anthro #creature #humanoid #ink
Published: 2017-10-05 16:44:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 8510; Favourites: 494; Downloads: 101
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Description can ink "go bad"?
it smelled a bit weird, is ink supposed to smell weird? worked just fine, tho
And I'm not gonna be doing anything like inktober, but I just felt like dabbling a bit
might do more, who knows,, I certainly don't

I've barely touched paper since school ended btw

....some of the red color flaked off of the ink handle-thing while drawing
I really haven't touched any of that equipment since that one art assignment years ago
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Comments: 14

jghgrh [2021-04-11 02:07:02 +0000 UTC]

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Iphuu [2017-10-09 22:10:38 +0000 UTC]

meanwhile I can't even write my name with an actual quill pen

why are you so much better at everything wwtf

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Hartvei [2017-10-08 16:38:01 +0000 UTC]


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Zalanye [2017-10-06 15:15:27 +0000 UTC]

Ink is made of pigment (can be charcoal for instance) and a solvent (alcohol for instance, probs not used in the type of ink you buy though) annnnd some water, so no. Can't really go bad But it can dry up, which is why the lid/cap must be tightly shut after use ^^,

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Feldiarts [2017-10-06 10:07:50 +0000 UTC]

Don't worry. Ink can't go bad. I had a bottle of ink sitting for almost 10 years in my closet
and it still works like I bought it on the first day.

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DeweyLouieDew [2017-10-06 01:53:20 +0000 UTC]

Where did you get 5 year old ink? 

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Remarin In reply to DeweyLouieDew [2017-10-06 07:36:21 +0000 UTC]

you buy ink 5 years ago and dont touch it. Thus you now possess ink that is 5 years old ;0

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Cheitora [2017-10-06 00:59:14 +0000 UTC]


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demiphoibus [2017-10-05 23:04:31 +0000 UTC]

Recently I had to use some nankin ink I haven't used since I was 15, and it smelled just like I remembered it. I think that's just how ink be.
These turned out really nice, especially the drawing in the right corner...

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Purpllol [2017-10-05 22:43:32 +0000 UTC]


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FantasyRebirth96 [2017-10-05 20:11:33 +0000 UTC]

Oh how wonderful and brilliant this looks~ Yes very great of you to do^^

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SarouRaptor [2017-10-05 18:46:10 +0000 UTC]

the smell might be from whats in the ink, or if you haven't it in such a long time you might have forgotten the smell idk it happens to me sometimes

your art is very well done tho i've always loved it, keep up the good work <3

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Azreonn [2017-10-05 17:32:44 +0000 UTC]

I think ink can age, but shouldn't go bad if it's kept in it's appropriate container.
Like if you can keep solid ink and grind it down, let it dry, then grind it down again over and over, i don't think it can go bad.
Ink's always smelled a little funny to me as well XD

These are excellent though, I hope to see more inkwork like this from you in the future!

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MyrielLachance [2017-10-05 17:00:13 +0000 UTC]

Well, my ink smells strange as well, but I think it's the 'sepia' (or how that stuff is called) in there, so I think it can't go bad per se, but maybe get flakey or something? XD I really don't know.

But for the fact that you haven't touched or worked with paper in quite some time I really how those scribbles turned out ;D Especially that single eye that is floating in between everything else.

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