Ryuki-kiba — Ark and Leim

Published: 2009-11-12 18:02:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 2853; Favourites: 38; Downloads: 20
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Description This time it's Terranigma, classic arpg for Snes. It's pretty underrated really great game. In general for one reason, it was never published in the USA. It's strange because it has europe version, personally I always have heard about opposite situation that game wasn't published in the old continent. Anyway if you didn't play and like old style games, go and try.

Two days ago I have finished this game. I don't have words about how amazing entertainment and interesting that was... or how it ended. One of best moment for me in Terranigma was frendship berween Ark and Leim. Especially when we see him for second time in the Neotokio's sewage system, for me it was really charming scene( and it was said by person with stone heart xD - I didn't cry on anything ). Maybe because I'm always stand for friendship>>>love xD Back to topic, I'm pretty sure that it isn't my last art for this game. There are more to draw.( like when Ark helped invent camera )

One thing... colors. I'm not sure if they are right. You see it's one of these games where character designer's( btw he projected characters for Grandia eXtreme ) arts look little different then what you see in actual game.
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Comments: 25

Tailikku1 [2013-05-02 14:32:53 +0000 UTC]

I really liked that mission with Liem (to the point where I nicknamed him Simba). Now to cover a few reasons why this game was not in the US:

1) Too many religious references. There are a lot of Bibles, Crucifixes, and Stars of David that had to be removed.
2) The Gypsies. Although considering that the Hunchback of Notre Dame had just been released in theaters showing gypsies in a positive light, it's kind of confusing.
3) The shutting down of Enix America.
4) The N64's launch.
5) The lackluster sales of Illusion of Gaia.
6) The game's portrayal of China, highly stereotypical.
7) Lots of references to Life and Death.

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Partial-Credit [2012-01-13 04:11:23 +0000 UTC]

Love your depiction of their relationship. Very touching moments, indeed.

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Ryuki-kiba In reply to Partial-Credit [2012-01-14 16:45:35 +0000 UTC]

Thank you^^ and yes they are touching. Full game has amazing climate and plot points.

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CyrilSansNom [2011-03-05 23:06:36 +0000 UTC]

Back then this scene gave me goosebumps ^.^ ~♫ Which is a somewhat rare occasion for me. You know what's sad? Today's games cannot seem to keep up with the emotions and the feeling games had back then, around '95 for example (like the great four Evermore, Mana, Lufia and of course Terranigma).
Thanks for sharing this - it gave me a great feeling of nostalgia ^.^ ~♪

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Ryuki-kiba In reply to CyrilSansNom [2011-03-06 09:18:34 +0000 UTC]

Well, I have to admit in my opinion best time for jrpg were psx and ps2 era( SNES too but I spent more time on these consoles ) To this day I play more on my ps2 and old consoles emulators than on xbox360 even if it has much better graphic and is a new generation.

From this great four I know 3 titles^^( I didn't play Evermore and I know Lufia from Ruin of Lore ) But I have to say that the worst happened to Mana series>.>

Ok, no problem^^ Well for me Terranigma was a new experience( when I was a kid buying any console in my country was too expensive ) and this scene really give me goosebumps too BTW. Thank you for adding this art to your favourites and for DeviantWatch^^

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Ionescel [2010-08-04 12:25:03 +0000 UTC]

It kind of saddened me when Ark was not able to talk to flowers and animals anymore...

It saddened me again, when Ark reunited with Leim, they can't talk properly like in the good old days...

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Ryuki-kiba In reply to Ionescel [2010-08-04 13:31:11 +0000 UTC]

Yes it was sad. Ark couldn't talk to his friends anymore. Creatures that helped him whe he was alone. Well, this game have a lot of emotional moments.

Anyway, thank you for the comment^^

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0lockecole0 [2010-06-17 08:13:51 +0000 UTC]

Great Pic!

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Ryuki-kiba In reply to 0lockecole0 [2010-06-17 08:54:10 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much

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smbssfan [2010-06-07 20:35:28 +0000 UTC]

Another memorable moment from the game

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Ryuki-kiba In reply to smbssfan [2010-06-07 20:57:34 +0000 UTC]

Yes, it is^^

Thank you for the fav

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Kadafi23 [2009-11-30 02:34:41 +0000 UTC]

really nice I liked Liam (in german version) really much - the fact that I remember his name after all those years proves it ^^

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Ryuki-kiba In reply to Kadafi23 [2009-11-30 08:31:35 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for comment^^

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s0s2 [2009-11-22 23:02:44 +0000 UTC]

I wished to find a pic like that!

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Yet-One-More-Idiot [2009-11-22 21:56:33 +0000 UTC]

I liked Leim, he was cute. And I always overleveled Ark so much anyway, that getting Leim through the Grand Canyon wasn't usually too hard so long as I moved pretty quickly and aimed well.
It's sad though, 'cos after you've met Leim for the second time, if you ever return to the Savannah, you find all the many animals have gone (presumably hunted to extinction? Or maybe locked up in zoos somewhere else in the world), meaning Leim is left all alone.

Anyhoo, tl;dr. I love this picture, you did a great job here Ryuki-kiba!

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Ryuki-kiba In reply to Yet-One-More-Idiot [2009-11-22 22:38:12 +0000 UTC]

Ech, it's a sad consequence of civilization that you helped to build.

Thank you very much^^ And Ryuki for short

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Daycarn [2009-11-13 06:53:24 +0000 UTC]

Leim... I think i only loved him when he grew up.. so many bad memories of that cub, so many hours. but all in all great job with this. Terranigma was and still is a great game

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Ryuki-kiba In reply to Daycarn [2009-11-13 07:24:51 +0000 UTC]

I known defending him was little annying but I like him anyway. Well, it wasn't so much problem if you first went alone to kill monsters and then speak with Leim.

Thak you for adding to favourites^^ and of course I agree, Terranigma is great.

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Daycarn In reply to Ryuki-kiba [2009-11-13 08:51:44 +0000 UTC]

Yeah i worked that out after the second time, but i kept falling of the ledge and had to start again many times. the tune that played at the time was one of my faves, out of Yomi's and the last battle

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Ryuki-kiba In reply to Daycarn [2009-11-13 09:21:20 +0000 UTC]

For first I had problems with Mud man. I hate these monsters, for some reasons killing them was pain in the ass for me. And in this case I had to kill them xD I fall from bridge once.

Oh yes music^^ I like this strange tune when something bad happened( like in Neotokio after you know what ) too.

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Daycarn In reply to Ryuki-kiba [2009-11-13 13:34:06 +0000 UTC]

I hate the mud man i got stuck on how you had to kill him, not as bas a grey clif though agh that was four days of going in circles and mud men. though if you listen to Leim and the mudmans fight. How did leim get a spear o-o. and yeah that tune i have that somewhere on my computer but for got the name of it.

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Ryuki-kiba In reply to Daycarn [2009-11-13 14:00:30 +0000 UTC]

On the grecliff I simple avoided them^^ because I didn't know how to kill them. I hit it and nothing O.O In the end I got stuck in little place with two mud men and I had to learn how fight them xD.

About conversation...hmmm I don't remember anything about spear. I was thinking that Leim killed it with his claws.

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Aurelian-Yue In reply to Ryuki-kiba [2009-12-20 14:34:29 +0000 UTC]

I think Daycarn's referring to the sounds made... Liem's claws sound like Ark's spear.

Awsome work by the way! I do adore Liem... sometimes. XD

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Ryuki-kiba In reply to Aurelian-Yue [2009-12-20 18:13:12 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I noticed it when I have played for second time xD They used exactly the same sound.

Thank you^^

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Aurelian-Yue In reply to Ryuki-kiba [2009-12-21 02:50:25 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome. It's a great image!

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