sa55y — Lu as death

Published: 2004-06-27 12:09:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 655; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 93
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Description For another gaia competition (I'm addicted to them). This took much longer than it should have, and the foreshortening is not quite good xD

I tried to do it more cell style...haah this is as cell style as I can get

OpenCanvas, 5hrs
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Comments: 29

mendystar1 [2009-07-14 18:45:16 +0000 UTC]

She's so cute. And my last name is Lu. xDD

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sa55y In reply to mendystar1 [2009-07-14 23:27:29 +0000 UTC]

oh really my last name is Liu haha

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mendystar1 In reply to sa55y [2009-07-15 15:27:33 +0000 UTC]

Whoa. o.o Freaky. xDD

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chip256 [2007-01-14 13:20:20 +0000 UTC]

cutest grimm reaper i'm ever likely to see

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mausmouse [2006-08-10 01:32:34 +0000 UTC]

That is such a cute outfit :3

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florecita-rockera [2004-11-17 11:33:06 +0000 UTC]

really really nice! the pose is great! i luv it!

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p-assassin [2004-07-01 06:32:56 +0000 UTC]

AWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!1 those are the cutest of hair ribbons i have ever seen!!!! my vote!

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nox-witchblade [2004-06-29 11:32:59 +0000 UTC]


The perspective is great~!!! I wonder how you did it, to me, that position is very hardo~!!! XD XD XD

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sa55y In reply to nox-witchblade [2004-06-29 15:20:31 +0000 UTC]

hehe actually I think I did it wrong. If you took the skirt away it wudn't add up

Thanx for commenting!! Long time no see!!!

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hellfirez [2004-06-29 04:14:08 +0000 UTC]

that's so kawaii! ^^

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Ammonium [2004-06-29 00:31:05 +0000 UTC]

So cute!

Art contest on gaia is truly addictive >.< you just can't stop your self XD

Hope you do well in the contest!

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jadedice [2004-06-28 18:13:03 +0000 UTC]

still has your softness coloring to it! a good twist i say. aw..she's soo cute! although i'm not a fan of purple, the deep purple works for her, and a very decepting death. i hope you win something in the contest! ^^ i still haven't done my entries for the ones i said i would do.

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tongkatwarrant [2004-06-28 14:05:27 +0000 UTC]


The most deceiving look created for 'Death' so far that I've seen. Maybe cute Deaths will come to take away the lives of the good people? I talked to some religious folks I know on this(Muslims of course), and they said that Death takes away life beginning from the feet, then slowly work his way up to the legs and the abdomen and then the whole body and lastly away from your head(the most painful part). So you can only imagine how bad will those whose life taken away in a sudden manner feel, for example, decapitation or blown head. "Nothing is more painful than death." That's what the folks at the Funeral Management course told me.

OK...I can go on the whole 9 pages talking about death...Now, on to the drawings. The colors and the fabrics folds are well done! Perhaps it looks awkward to me because it looked like someone captured her image from above while she's performing a type of aerobic exercise...(now who the hell would be doing that with such improper clothing and holds a scythe! Ahahahahaha!) OK, I guess it's just me. While the skull is there only to suggest her 'role', it's been done the same way too many times before by other artists. I think there are other ways to do it. Now that's something new to think about...Only that you may not want to spend too much time thinking about drawing concepts.

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sa55y In reply to tongkatwarrant [2004-06-28 15:42:40 +0000 UTC]

lol I don't like the subject of death much, although I find it can inspire some interesting artwork. It's actually something which really depresses me, so I really don't see it as a joke...

I don't see cliches as a crime, or as being incapable of creating the image or message that they are intended to create simply because they are repeated. In fact I think that it would enhance their effectiveness to that purpose. Death himself was a skeleton (so the legend goes) so I don't see how you can escape using the skull symbol when trying to depict the subject xD. Imagine if I had not used skulls or the sythe, would you even know that I was trying to connect this cute girl to death? Anyways I hoped that people would concentrate more on the technique I've used rather than on the originality, because these competition pieces are really not intended for anything else but practice for my hand. It is rare for an artist to become personally attached to something they have created for someone else's purposes. I mean, you can only enjoy doing commissioned portraits to a certain extent. What self respecting artist would not rather choose their own subjects and techniques? Anyways I talk too much Thanks for taking the time to think about my art, I appreciate that you actually come here with critisizm rather than just say things like 'wow cool' ^_^

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tongkatwarrant In reply to sa55y [2004-06-29 00:23:18 +0000 UTC]

Ahahahaha. Although I might not necessarily agree with it, you explain it thoroughly. Well said! And yeah, I enjoy being involved in arguments like this. You know, to exchange ideas and such, as long as we won't go 'fuck you' to each other. Not everyone can respond to my comments as well as you do!

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shogun-fighter [2004-06-28 01:27:40 +0000 UTC]

that is so cuuute I love the angle you did it in

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MaximK [2004-06-27 23:56:40 +0000 UTC]

Heh, this is kinda funny ^___^

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ReeveLy [2004-06-27 23:32:36 +0000 UTC]

I like the style, but of course your OC skills are awesome. ^.^ I think the outline around the eyes could be abit darker. It's hard to distinguish it from the skin tone. Not sure what contest this is, but good luck!

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rurouniuno [2004-06-27 20:45:39 +0000 UTC]

Who needs cel shading anyway hehe XD
This is an awesome pic! The girl is so cute and i love her pose...good luck in the contest

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Jon-Wood [2004-06-27 19:21:07 +0000 UTC]

She can kill me anytime!
[because she's cute]

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MartaKF [2004-06-27 19:06:41 +0000 UTC]

= 0.0 = OMG! This is so stupifyingly (does that word even exist?) adorable!! = ^.^ = The lil Skull Bows and the Scythe are awesome! Of course, the whole picture is beyond words. I love everything about it. You have splendidly surpassed all in successfully completing this amazing piece of work! SuperDuper Job!

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missyC [2004-06-27 18:06:03 +0000 UTC]

wow the shading on her dress is simply amazing! im so pleased that you got the perspective just right too

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maru- [2004-06-27 15:50:26 +0000 UTC]

Cuteee, nice angle XD

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nefgoddess [2004-06-27 15:04:30 +0000 UTC]

wow..your entering gaia contests...and addicted to them..he he sounds like me a few months ago^^!!!!!!!!! Your so going to be in the top 3 artists...your work is so great!!!!!!!!!!

i hate to ask here but would you enter my contest?
its here ----->[link] src="https://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/w /winkrazz.gif" width="15" height="15" alt=";p" title="Wink/Razz" />ostdays=0& ostorder=asc&start=0

ummm...thanks and your stuff is just wonderful^^!


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sa55y In reply to nefgoddess [2004-06-28 00:36:35 +0000 UTC]

What a koinkidink I AM entering your contest xD But I still have to read through all your character discriptions and choose one. ^_______^

Thanx for dropping by and commenting .

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chisa [2004-06-27 15:01:50 +0000 UTC]

I really like the perspective on that! Its really well done.

Yeah, Gaia is so addictive >.< I rediscovered it again, during exams. Bad move.

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xxxholic [2004-06-27 14:49:43 +0000 UTC]

oooo!!! that is very nice! omg! the perspective is very nice the color is amazing too!!! she looks... deadly. O_O!!! very nice!

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Surashi [2004-06-27 13:18:16 +0000 UTC]

all of this under 5hrs?! no way! *looks for shocked expression emoticon, can't find it so i settle for words instead of mini faces*

that's a nice 3d effect on the dress there, the scythe (i think it's called a scythe) could use some darker tones though to make it look more cel shaded & realistic but other than that nice work

now, back to my artwork.....
*opens up sketch book to reveal pages of artwork covered in dust and cobwebs*
hmmm....i don't remember doing this stuff before
"7th January 1995"

well, crap
*scrunches up 10 year old artwork before chucking it away*

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morore [2004-06-27 13:00:51 +0000 UTC]

love the lil skulls everywhere, and the perspective on the legs. hyarrr i could never get oc to look that good for me *envy*

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