sandara β€” something new

#deviantart #logo #deviantartlogo #dragon
Published: 2014-12-06 02:01:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 40544; Favourites: 3131; Downloads: 539
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Description So.. dA has rolled out their new logo.

What do you all think?

Personally I think it looks nice; it gives me a sleek and modern feel. Especially with the font and headers.
The old logo gives me a very 90s/early 2000 feel. XD
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Comments: 446

Volinfer [2016-06-11 16:10:33 +0000 UTC]

This is still great

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WH5 [2015-03-23 21:31:01 +0000 UTC]

Adorei a homenagem Β 

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NightsongWS [2015-02-10 21:43:20 +0000 UTC]

Ok, this is my official favorite of all of the new images made to show off the new dA logo.

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TFSakon [2015-01-14 20:15:49 +0000 UTC]

It did very much have that feel. I love this piece I must say. It should be in their hall of progression at HQs.

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Nocturnaliss [2015-01-08 12:14:25 +0000 UTC]

I don't understand the logo... what is it supposed to represent?

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Lord-Rzeznik [2015-01-06 23:19:29 +0000 UTC]

I don't like the new logo but i like this work

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SunnyRayTrue [2014-12-20 09:21:02 +0000 UTC]


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AP-Wulf [2014-12-16 05:02:07 +0000 UTC]


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MyrkSuki [2014-12-15 05:46:26 +0000 UTC]

It makes for a bad icon on a tab.Β 

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Rhunyen [2014-12-14 15:28:49 +0000 UTC]

I dig the new logo too.Β 

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Aerozerx [2014-12-14 01:14:13 +0000 UTC]

I like this image but I still hate the new logo

It seems sleek and modern at first, but it really just looks like the tail end of a fad. My biggest complaint is how unrecognizable it is now. Is it crossed out z, a crazy f, or an inequality sign? For crying out loud, they needed a pretentious journal to explain it, titled "Our Story" like they're a bunch of kids that're trying to make excuses for staining someone's carpet with finger paints.

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VesaiasTheValiant [2014-12-13 11:57:12 +0000 UTC]

Nice! Very nice!Β Β 
A brilliant idea to use the new logo in a deviation.Β Β 

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kayasaya [2014-12-13 03:29:13 +0000 UTC]

Excelent piece of art, in between the great illustration, the game with the colors by using the logo and the contrasts of death dragons and using the logo as a window to a place with alive dragons it's simply awesome. A great Illustration by a great artist.

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thereallinebyline [2014-12-11 22:41:18 +0000 UTC]

Sorry, I still think it just looks like most of a stenciled number 74.Β 

But even if the logo's not great, I still like the painting. Using the logo as a window into a lush version of the same landscape (or at least a similar one)? I feel like I've seen that before somewhere but that doesn't make it any less cool to look at. Plus, you know, dragons.

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MarieSenda [2014-12-10 20:10:53 +0000 UTC]

I really love green, but not on this logo. I think it's too bright. I like its shape, but I don't recognise the initials DA So I'm a bit disappointed

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KarstenHarrington [2014-12-10 15:08:17 +0000 UTC]

Note I feel insulted that there's a dragon in the new logo...

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Anythingguy [2014-12-10 11:29:18 +0000 UTC]


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g3m1n1 [2014-12-09 17:11:56 +0000 UTC]

the logo itself looks nice but i suppose my problem is i'm having trouble understanding how the new logo evolved from the old one. perhaps that's a good thing but that's my two cents.

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SvalaW [2014-12-09 16:03:01 +0000 UTC]

Great artwork! I really like how you integrated the new DA logo into it, subtle and not at all intrusive. Looks great!

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califonia007 [2014-12-09 14:10:06 +0000 UTC]


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terrorisnear [2014-12-09 05:39:30 +0000 UTC]


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IroquoisPlissken [2014-12-09 02:05:12 +0000 UTC]


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Izenphine [2014-12-08 22:46:43 +0000 UTC]

Love the picture. As always, your artwork is simply amazing (and that's an understatement!). As for the new logo, I like it. I think it represents DeviantArt well. Sure, a logo should be an easily understood representation of the site, product, or company, but that's not what DeviantArt is, is it? This site isn't easily understood and represented in just a logo. It's left up to the visitor or member to decide what it stands for to them. So, I think the symbol represents DeviantArt nicely -- indirect, personal, and beautiful.Β 

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digitalideation [2014-12-08 19:01:43 +0000 UTC]

nice piece. Β Interesting use of the new mark as a mask showing life, color and light through the lifeless, monochromatic, dark landscape. Β 

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WikiSnapper [2014-12-08 18:51:33 +0000 UTC]

I personally believe that a logo should tell you about the product or company when you look at it. It should be readily recognizable for a main stream audience and more over it should be consistent.

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ShadowbladeRavyn [2014-12-08 17:29:16 +0000 UTC]

Love the picture (hate the new logo)

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notecardPasta [2014-12-08 15:31:39 +0000 UTC]

Ooh I see the dragon embedded in the rock in the bottom right!

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gdpr-29948763 [2014-12-08 15:10:06 +0000 UTC]

I really like the color you did, the logo would be very beautiful if they used this kind of discrete color.

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Blackvegetable [2014-12-08 10:11:51 +0000 UTC]

Intrigued! At first glance I'm suddenly reminded of the title for Turok (2008 video game)!

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nyaar [2014-12-08 08:49:56 +0000 UTC]

I just noticed because you said it X)Β  I, um.... it looks cheap to me ^^UuuuuuuΒ Β  Like someone was in a rush to do a logo and that's the best they could do. But yet, I know nothing about graphic design or what's trendy atm...

What I like is your drawing The rocks are really cool --

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TheMorlock [2014-12-08 07:18:45 +0000 UTC]

What is it, though?

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FallingFromDragons [2014-12-08 04:22:11 +0000 UTC]

I like the angles and the new font, but as far as the 'Z' goes... it's just ehh

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withinhuman [2014-12-08 02:21:34 +0000 UTC]

... I.... think the logo's okay, but there's no reason for it to look the way it does.

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cayrat [2014-12-08 02:02:06 +0000 UTC]

I miss the old logo already.... Waiting for them to change the name to something with a Z. Even worse, just replace all the "S"s on the site with "Z"s....

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The-Mirrorball-Man [2014-12-08 01:31:04 +0000 UTC]

It's a "Z"

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Jasqreate [2014-12-08 00:48:25 +0000 UTC]

I'm indifferent to the logo. I feel pretty neutral about it.
But I have to say, I really love the concept of this piece.

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sandara In reply to Jasqreate [2014-12-08 05:35:04 +0000 UTC]


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Mulunia [2014-12-08 00:24:51 +0000 UTC]

I love it!

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Starsister12 [2014-12-07 21:53:40 +0000 UTC]

Eh, I know I'll get used to it, but I don't really like it. Β It doesn't really seem to incorporate the dA of DeviantART so that when I first see it, I think I'm on the wrong site. Β It reminds me too much of a hashtag and that, combined with the almost Xbox green reminds me of GamerGate. Β Not a good connotation.

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sandara In reply to Starsister12 [2014-12-08 05:35:56 +0000 UTC]

Whoah, it's a long stretch to Gamergate, I feel!

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Starsister12 In reply to sandara [2014-12-08 15:44:40 +0000 UTC]

I guess since I've been reading so much about it lately, it's at the forefront of my mind. Β I certainly don't think it was intentional on dA's part, and I'm sure a lot of other people don't see it either. Β That was just my initial reaction of "looks like a hashtag" + "it's green" + my online reading = "Oh. Β Okay. Β No...I don't think I like it."

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feathery-blue-otaku [2014-12-07 21:05:42 +0000 UTC]

Huh. I think it looks cool but...

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juju712 [2014-12-07 20:52:22 +0000 UTC]

I prefer the old one because for this one I don't naturally see the 'A' (the main part they wanted to show) and the 'd' i totally erased, which erase the site's identity.
But I admit it makes a good tessellate.

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BahamutDeusModus [2014-12-07 20:40:30 +0000 UTC]

I think it's funny how so many people seem to hate the logo. Everyone has their own opinions, which is nice, but if you really don't like it that much, it'd be better to not even pay attention to it instead of stressing over it.
Well anyway, I like it fine myself, and it's not a big deal, just a logo. I like the green too; a deep, bright green. Mako energy!
And I like how you made this, with everything seeming dull and uncolored except for that window, where the mountains and grass and dragons are alive and well.

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sandara In reply to BahamutDeusModus [2014-12-08 05:37:11 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I was quite surprised at the depth of feeling the logo generated in people! So many comments on it.


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BahamutDeusModus In reply to sandara [2014-12-08 23:50:23 +0000 UTC]

It seems like people either love it or hate it.

You're welcome!

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blessedarrow [2014-12-07 20:36:02 +0000 UTC]

I love how they stylized the "Deviant Art" but the new logo makes me think of some kind of 8 bit vine or something like that.
I didn't even notice it actually was the new logo until you pointed it out, I did the "Through the rabbit hole" mini game and I thought Fella had to go up the vine.

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Spacer176 [2014-12-07 20:10:35 +0000 UTC]

Took me a while to work out how they assembled it but personally I think the logo is nice, sleek and clever. A bit minimal perhaps but it does look very attractive to me.

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Pathea [2014-12-07 20:04:46 +0000 UTC]

This is very beautiful.

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sandara In reply to Pathea [2014-12-08 05:37:30 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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