SarahForde β€” Sakky's Summary of Art 2010

Published: 2011-01-05 23:40:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 1853; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 22
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Description I love doing these every year. It's nice to go back and see how the year went, what the themes were and how many eye styles I used.

I'm going to say a little about each image but feel free to skip to the end for the tl;dr

January - Full Image: [link]
Started the year off with a bang! To be honest, most of the leg work for this image was done in 2009 but it was an awesome way to start off the new year to finally finish it! This image is an example of what I can really do with colored pencils when I commit myself. I consider it a step up from my last Saturn full page [link] I remember I said at the time that I wanted to do more images with backgrounds in 2010 and I think I kinda failed on that part. >_>

February - Full Image: [link]
This was actually a commission but I was so excited to do a Super Sailor Moon picture that I really put my all into it. Looking back now I see so a few things I really don't like (ugh that face shape!) and a few things I still love (those boots!). I tried really hard to get a manga feel without just trying to reproduce Naoko's style. It resulted in a series of commissions (Jupiter and Mercury) and illustrations (Venus, Mars, Moon) that eventually lead to the team image I put together in August [link]

March - Full image: [link]
Again, since I was working for myself I had the time and energy to start working in something with the space around her. I was very satisfied with the look of this piece and even though there are a few anatomical things that bother me now I still love it. It's one of my favorites from the year. I tried to recreate this image when I did my casual Serenity cosplay at AAC but I was drunk and the pictures all came out terrible Maybe I will post one later just to embarrass myself

April Full Image: [link]
I was getting a lot of canon art done at the beginning of the year because I was in a ramp up for conventions. Actually - this will probably happen again this year. I've already got the bug for some fanart but I think I will try to be a little more diverse this year and explore some other series that I also enjoy. Anyway, the Sailor Legs thing had been going for a while by this time so this was just another in a long list that I still haven't finished. Even though I'm a pretty dedicated MamoruxUsagi fan I think this legs set is my favorite so far. It's just sexy.

May - Full image: [link]
I did some quick $15 otaku senshi commissions in May and I really loved they way they all came out. I have so much fun drawing fan senshi; I just really get into it! I was especially happy with ~jia-flynn 's Sailor Void image, particularly the color blending and gradient work. It always makes me happy when I draw an image without giant anime eyes and I still like it.

June - Full image: [link]
I'm a little torn for June between Sapphirella Saturn [link] and Snake. Sapphirella Saturn was an outfit I got to design and since I so rarely like my designs I was pretty happy about the response she got. But Snake is a DUDE and I even more rarely draw dudes that I like, nevermind dudes with facial hair! It was a great opportunity to do something different.

July - Full image: [link]
July seems like it was a slow month looking back but I managed to get a few things done. *gothicvanity 's Sailor Titanium Camel is probably one of the most fun fan senshi I've ever drawn and even though I did an image that month with a background (In the Moment [link] ) I still selected Titanium Camel because her quirkiness just really still thrills me.

August - Full image: [link]
There were a lot of images I did in August that I liked but I especially love how this one came out! Titanium Kerokko is from the Sailormoon Musicals and I don't think I had ever drawn a Myu only character until this one (or since? Hmm). Her outfit is just so wild and fun! And it was a challenge to find good references and make sense of it. I also really like the style of the face and THAT GREEN!

September - Full image: [link]
I realize looking back how much prettier I thought the face of the sketch was and how pudgy it ended up looking when I inked it. She really had an elegant look to her in pencil that I think she lost in the final image. I was still super thrilled to make this image because I LOVE PGSM so much and I really wanted to do her justice. I think this year I will have to do a Darkury image. I'm totally in love with her sword and very happy I can get that level of detail with my pencils and ink. I still consider her a candidate for a background at some point.

October - Full image: [link]
I know she's fairly simple but I think Bobbin was a big step for me. I have spent almost all of my illustrative time making fanart and commissions (with the exception of the drawings on ~asteraascended but I don't really consider those 'illustration' in the same sense). Bobbin is really the first character that I've fully drawn that's totally come from me. She's a little clichΓ©, I think, but she's also meaningful to me. I want to do more with her this year.

November - Full image: [link] [mature content]
I don't do a lot of 'mature content' work (not for lack of trying haha) so I was pretty excited to get this commission. Unlike Naoko, I find nudes to be pretty difficult. Getting all that skin to look even and nice with pencils takes a lot more work for me than just coloring little bits that peek through an outfit. Anatomically, there are a few things that didn't really work out but style wise and color wise I still really dig it.

December - Full image: [link]
Back I go to the big anime eyes! This was my favorite of the images I did in December, it was for *bekuki . I like the face, the scars, the colors and the way it all came together. With the series of commissions that I did in December I tried to up the anti on the poses. I wanted to do more things with foreshortening and perspective. This means I have to rely more heavily on stock because I'm really not confident enough in my anatomy to just wing it. (These people are paying me, haha I don't want to experiment with them!) But maybe this year I can see about trying to make more art with stock as information but less as pose reproduction. I know a lot of people put 'stock' in that, haha. Me personally, I care about the final product looking good. But I also know that it's worth my while to try and develop my understanding of anatomy and learn as an artist. I think it would be much more freeing to not have to constantly feel like I need to use stock to get the results I want.

tl;dr YAY 2010! I hope I can do more exciting things and learn more awesome stuff in 2011!

Original template from =AudreyDutroux ; get it here: [link]
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Comments: 14

TwinklePowderySnow [2011-01-07 16:24:46 +0000 UTC]

That's a year of amazing art! Keep it up!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

SarahForde In reply to TwinklePowderySnow [2011-01-07 16:30:04 +0000 UTC]


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

pristinepanda [2011-01-06 12:55:44 +0000 UTC]

omg sakky XD you have to post at least one of your drunken cosplay pics

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

SarahForde In reply to pristinepanda [2011-01-06 13:30:34 +0000 UTC]

oh no someone actually read it

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

pristinepanda In reply to SarahForde [2011-01-08 04:31:55 +0000 UTC]

haha i always read the comments

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

SarahForde In reply to pristinepanda [2011-01-08 04:42:49 +0000 UTC]




πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Harroway [2011-01-06 03:58:00 +0000 UTC]

I has August and she's lovely on my wall~ <3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

SarahForde In reply to Harroway [2011-01-06 13:31:07 +0000 UTC]


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

LadyAniDraws [2011-01-06 02:12:19 +0000 UTC]


Hope to see more of 2011!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

SarahForde In reply to LadyAniDraws [2011-01-06 02:48:24 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

rodentfanatic [2011-01-06 00:58:38 +0000 UTC]

I really love that my fave pic of these (Bobbin/October) is for the month I was born in ^^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

SarahForde In reply to rodentfanatic [2011-01-06 02:48:40 +0000 UTC]

yay! :3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

bekuki [2011-01-05 23:44:51 +0000 UTC]

Dohohohoho~ I see a character that belongs to me in there! <3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

SarahForde In reply to bekuki [2011-01-06 00:33:25 +0000 UTC]

NOWAI I totally forgot to tag you oops *goes to add that*

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0