SavageScribe β€” Defending Disney's The Lone Ranger

Published: 2013-12-26 15:55:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 1064; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 15
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Description Can I defend, in any way, shape or form, the most hotly debated and divisive summer film of 2013, and vindicate Disney's gigantic western? Well, read on to find out, folks...
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Comments: 46

TeiyusTeki [2017-08-30 19:29:56 +0000 UTC]

I honestly don't know why I liked this movie so much. LOL
I mean, yeah, I can probably list off every single flaw this film had, but nonetheless, when I watched for the first time, I was pretty much enthralled the entire time.
The acting was good, the backgrounds and costumes were visually pleasing, and the action scenes were pretty upbeat and fun. ^^
(Also, for some reason, I am hopelessly obsessed with William Fichtner's Butch Cavendish. \(*w*)/ LMAO)
And speaking of that, this was the film that introduced me to the always amazing William Fichtner, and for that I am eternally grateful~ <3 <3 <3

So, although the film is far from perfect, I still love the crap out of it, so I'd personally give it at least a 3 out of 5 stars.

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Snowy-Icecloud [2015-09-24 22:45:49 +0000 UTC]

This movie. in my opinion. packed together all of the biggest Wild West Cliches into one film. And it just worked. Like. i'm writing this with 18 minutes left on the film, we're on the train chase scene. and i'm laughing my ass off with a stupid grin because this is how popular western films were shown! it's not a good film. but this kinda taps into that childish joy of wanting to be a Cowboy.

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SavageScribe In reply to Snowy-Icecloud [2015-09-24 22:55:01 +0000 UTC]

Hear hear!

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Snowy-Icecloud In reply to SavageScribe [2015-09-24 23:26:14 +0000 UTC]

"I'm not sure if the horse is stupid, or is pretending to be stupid."

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Harry-Topper [2014-05-22 17:48:23 +0000 UTC]

I still loved it anyway, and I thought it as the BEST WESTERN EVER! I still do.

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SavageScribe In reply to Harry-Topper [2014-05-22 18:34:28 +0000 UTC]

Best Western? Well, how many have you seen?

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Harry-Topper In reply to SavageScribe [2014-05-22 18:40:20 +0000 UTC]

I've seen several of them. If you like, I could list a few.

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SavageScribe In reply to Harry-Topper [2014-05-22 18:48:37 +0000 UTC]

Well, sure. And what exactly makes this film better than them?

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Harry-Topper In reply to SavageScribe [2014-05-22 18:51:25 +0000 UTC]

Mainly because of the traditional 'hero with the white hat and white horse' and I have learned from these heroes. I'm glad they've kept the concept as well as resurrect it.

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Disneycow82 [2014-05-07 23:46:53 +0000 UTC]

I really DON'T CARE what other people say about this movie; now that I have seen it, I thought it was awesome, funny, and action packed. Am I really supposed to know what a REAL bad movie is anymore? I think I already have by mentioning other films that deserve to be ripped apart, but this film is an exception in which I think critics have lost touch with reality, and just want an excuse to rip on every single thing they review for money. I have never seen the original Lone Ranger series, so I'll have to find them later and see how that is. The movie revealed the truth about greed and corruption, which most of society has lost sight of. I didn't mind Johnny Depp as Tonto, seeing as how his face was hidden real well. Most western flicks from past to present have had some violence and maybe some blood in them, so even if that was in here, I turned away until it was over.

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Disneycow82 [2014-05-06 21:56:07 +0000 UTC]

I missed my chance to see this film in theatres, but finally saw it on television and I LOVED it. I hate it when critics act like they know everything to tell us what is good and bad for us, just because they SAY so. I don't care what they say are what some stupid Razzie award says because I KNOW when they're wrong. Whose idea was it to create Razzie awards? It seems cruel sometimes to people who try their best.

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SavageScribe In reply to Disneycow82 [2014-05-06 22:45:43 +0000 UTC]

Well, as I said to another guy here, the Razzies are a joke award anyway, so it's nothing to get too worked up about.

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Disneycow82 In reply to SavageScribe [2014-05-06 23:26:22 +0000 UTC]

If there is any movie that deserves those BAD awards, it's Cat in the Hat and Twilight.

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SavageScribe In reply to Disneycow82 [2014-05-07 09:33:19 +0000 UTC]

Well, they both did get nominations, but again, these awards aren't meant to be taken seriously, so don't getting too boiled up over them.

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Disneycow82 In reply to SavageScribe [2014-05-07 22:32:24 +0000 UTC]

I saw nothing BAD about the Lone Ranger to be honest, yet I'm not going to get worked up over those snobs in charge of the Razzie Awards, sinceΒ that place isΒ a joke as you say. We don't need some award show to let us know what is good or bad for us, because we choose for ourselves.

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Zeonista [2014-04-25 18:45:34 +0000 UTC]

That was a better article than i thought it would be. I can understand the writer's passion, as I have also defended films that were considered "bad" but were misunderstood or miscompleted. The article didn't really change my opinion of the film or its presentation, as I am a classic version Lone Ranger fan from childhood, and any remake was going to be a tough sale anyway...before I saw the promo work or the trailer. My fan bias aside, at the least it let me respect Johnny Depp a little more, and the fate of what he probably considered to be a good updated take on the Cinematic West's mos popular duo. I feel for him some, since Disney values $$$ a great deal, and despite the Magic Kingdom bit Mouse, Inc. has always chased the profit margin. (As a saving grace, Mouse, Inc. understands that "good entertainment = profit", which other movie studios don't seem to understand.) And getting Bruckheimer involved....the man should not be allowed to direct or produce period pieces. Ever. Keep him in the 20th & 21st centuries where his pyrotechnic brand of fun belongs.Β 

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SavageScribe In reply to Zeonista [2014-04-25 20:39:07 +0000 UTC]

I knew this would be a tough sell, so that's why I wrote that entire first part dealing with the 'elephants in the room', to give my mindset context and show I wasn't rabid internet fanboy #23244598.

Honestly, this is probably the least Bruckheimer-y of Bruckheimer productions. Save for the big action, it doesn't feel like a lot of his prior productions as much. Verbinski's stamp is very firm on this, which as I mentioned in the article, is like a fusion of Gilliam's wackiness and Spielberg's action mastery.

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Zeonista In reply to SavageScribe [2014-04-27 06:20:12 +0000 UTC]

I can understand how you feel, since I have read how some movies have misfired in the making, or before they were ever made. I will concede that at least Depp et al tried to make a real movie instead of just going through the motions like the 1980 film version, or turning in a painfully camp production with Will Ferrell as the Lone ranger alongside Depp's Tonto.Β  (Yes I'm still bitter about Land of the Lost! ) And regarding the defending of questionable films made for the best of reasons, I'm a Bakshi fan, and I've made it through Cool World & Coonskin. Β 

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SavageScribe In reply to Zeonista [2014-04-27 08:51:58 +0000 UTC]

Funnily enough, Verbinski cites Bakshi as one of his influeneces. He even said Rango owes a big debt to him.

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Zeonista In reply to SavageScribe [2014-04-28 00:17:03 +0000 UTC]

Somehow I am not surprised. Β 

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MyNameIsArchie [2014-04-23 03:43:42 +0000 UTC]

This is a bad film, but I didn't mind Depp's casting - in fact, when he wasn't being Jack Sparrow-ish, he is was actually unnerving. And the last 30 minutes of the film were fun as hell.Β 

While I am on the opposite side, you make valid points.

Great job!

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SavageScribe In reply to MyNameIsArchie [2014-04-23 11:24:24 +0000 UTC]

After seeing Wild Wild West, Lone Ranger is Casablanca by comparison. At least this had ambition and ideas. WWW was a mess of studio meddling and M.I.B formula repetition.

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MyNameIsArchie In reply to SavageScribe [2014-04-23 14:24:35 +0000 UTC]



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movieman410 [2014-03-18 00:36:19 +0000 UTC]

To establish that this wasn’t just some quick cash grab schlock that the studio threw out quick and lean

to pick for box office gold, like say, Sony’s Smurfs films or Fox’s Chipmunk films. This was Depp’s baby,

^^this right there made me gain a new respect for the movie, even though the trailers made it feel that way, and Bruckheimer seems like that kind of producer

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ZoraCatone [2014-01-17 16:27:59 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad that SOMEONE is defending it...personally I don't think ti deserves a single razzie that it was nominated for.Β 

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kyrtuck In reply to ZoraCatone [2014-04-25 16:46:05 +0000 UTC]


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SavageScribe In reply to ZoraCatone [2014-01-17 17:53:28 +0000 UTC]

eh, the razzies are a joke award, anyway. and even if they were serious, they only go after the 'hate-trend' movies.

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ZoraCatone In reply to SavageScribe [2014-01-17 17:58:27 +0000 UTC]

That much I know. However, it's really hard to see a film I enjoy so much on the list, whereas every other movie that got nominated is rightfully there. The Lone Ranger is the only movie on the list that seems to take itself seriously, unlike the others who actually KNOW they're bad movies. I'm seriously crossing my fingers here. A lot of effort went into The Lone Ranger and I'd hate to see it recognized the wrong way.Β 

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Normanjokerwise In reply to ZoraCatone [2014-01-18 16:38:28 +0000 UTC]

you and me both man and besides i guaranty that the real films that would totally get the most razzies are Movie 43 & Grown Ups 2 man i just hope i'm right.Β 

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ZoraCatone In reply to Normanjokerwise [2014-01-18 16:58:06 +0000 UTC]

I agree entirely. Compared to some of the other movies it's up with, The Lone Ranger is the least worthy to be on that list. I know it wasn't received well in America, but it did well overseas and the film itself isn't half bad. Unlike the other movies. Every one of them is ALL bad. Fingers crossed.Β 

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Normanjokerwise In reply to ZoraCatone [2014-01-18 17:02:05 +0000 UTC]

yep that's true and lets hope that maybe in a few years people will slowly realize that's not a bad film and will have a good cult fallowing on dvd blu-ray & on tv as well.

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ZoraCatone In reply to Normanjokerwise [2014-01-18 17:10:12 +0000 UTC]

Here's hoping....all I know is if it wins a razzie for anything I'm gonna be really mad. I'm counting on the mediocrity of Adam Sandler and pure awfulness of Movie 42 to take it all home. XP I really hope that Lone Ranger wins their respective Oscar noms. Hopefully it will remind folks of its good qualities. I'd much rather see it win than that stupid Bad Grandpa or whatever the heck got nominated. But please for love of what's left of decent Hollywood entertainment...but here's hoping for Frozen and Get a Horse for Oscars....and let Lone Ranger be safe from the Razzies.Β 

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Normanjokerwise In reply to ZoraCatone [2014-01-18 17:22:31 +0000 UTC]

agree to that and same here with all the stuff you said.Β 

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nevertakeoffthemask [2014-01-16 23:50:01 +0000 UTC]

Amen! Lots of people said this film was horrible, but I chose to be a non-conformist and not care what other people of it cause this film was actually really good and it deserves more recognition!!

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Normanjokerwise In reply to nevertakeoffthemask [2014-01-17 00:47:53 +0000 UTC]

agree to that man

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nevertakeoffthemask In reply to nevertakeoffthemask [2014-01-16 23:50:39 +0000 UTC]

*what other people thought of it

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Normanjokerwise [2014-01-16 15:26:04 +0000 UTC]

i so agree with you 1000000000000% on this article and i'm one of the few people who loved this movie i mean i know i'm not the only one who liked it there other people besides me who liked hell even Quentin Tarantino one of my favorite film makers liked it and i can acknowledge why people say it's a you know what and just like you i find to be a fun ride of a film and plus thanks to this movie i'm now getting in to westerns Β  Β 

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SavageScribe In reply to Normanjokerwise [2014-01-16 18:42:06 +0000 UTC]

Plenty of great ones out there. Tombstone and the Leone films are great starting blocks for newbies.

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skysoul25 In reply to SavageScribe [2014-01-23 06:52:27 +0000 UTC]

i agree with you Β a billion percent, i cna understand why others didn;t like it, however this is tonto, and old unreliable narrator.Β 

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SavageScribe In reply to skysoul25 [2014-01-23 13:10:38 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the comment, but a little thing: spell check before you send off, as your writing is a little garbled. Not being mean, just a word of advice.

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skysoul25 In reply to SavageScribe [2014-01-23 17:04:29 +0000 UTC]

oh, no. i understand, spelling ain't my strong suite. and it was around 1AM to. X/

anyways your welcome.

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Normanjokerwise In reply to SavageScribe [2014-01-16 19:26:50 +0000 UTC]

cool and i'l go check them out oh and what are the names of theΒ Leone filmsΒ just to know and be sure.

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SavageScribe In reply to Normanjokerwise [2014-01-16 21:01:33 +0000 UTC]

A fistful of dollars, For a few dollars more, The good, the bad and the ugly, a fistful of dynamite and Once Upon a time in the west.

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Normanjokerwise In reply to SavageScribe [2014-01-16 21:04:02 +0000 UTC]

hm hm cool really really cool and thanks and if you got platy more suggestions let me know Β 

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cRaZy9219 [2014-01-16 01:08:08 +0000 UTC]

This didn't convince me man.

This movie was just a cringe worthy experience overall for me.

I cannot defend a movie where the main character is the biggest moron on this side of the wild west. The only good part was the ending where the Lone Ranger actually DID THINGS HEROICALLY.

Depp as fun as he is was a terrible Tanto, the whole time I watched this film I couldn't help but think "It's just Captain Jack Sparrow in War Paint".

Also the most REVOLTING part of the movie (Where the bad guy eats Armie Hammer's bros heart) Was fucking gross. Everyone in the theater hated that scene, and people actually started walking out of the theater because of it.

This movie flat out sucked, an overblown blockbuster with too many blaring problems. Amazing how the Director of this movie made RANGO the best animated movie of 2011, comes to this uninspiring waste of film.

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SavageScribe In reply to cRaZy9219 [2014-01-16 13:48:34 +0000 UTC]

Ah well, I said what I had to, and well, you can't win them all. As for Rango, I thought it was fine: looked and sounded great, but at points fell towards 'kids-movie syndrome' with some cheap toilet gags.

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