ScrapSomeCrap — Nothing's Gonna Hurt You

#baby #blue #boy #crying #drawing #gonna #hurt #moody #nothing #sad #sketch #tears #you
Published: 2016-01-23 19:35:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 477; Favourites: 52; Downloads: 0
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Another quick thing, just so I can tell myself I was productive this weekend XD 
I don't know why I'm making all this moody stuff. But it's fun.
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Comments: 10

Thystyn [2016-07-12 10:21:22 +0000 UTC]

This amazing, you have lovely art.

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ScrapSomeCrap In reply to Thystyn [2016-07-13 12:29:14 +0000 UTC]

Thanks !!!  

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thewalruseggman [2016-02-04 20:49:09 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones
but words will never hurt me".
Well, lots of things DO hurt us (me, being a more sensitive and emotional person, which I can get upset easily)... which is what I love about this artwork. You should continue to do art like this! 👍

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ScrapSomeCrap In reply to thewalruseggman [2016-02-04 21:22:19 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much I'll try and keep it up

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thewalruseggman In reply to ScrapSomeCrap [2016-02-04 21:34:59 +0000 UTC]


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pheye [2016-01-24 14:03:57 +0000 UTC]

Great expression and good design. Whats the scale of this work? These would be good as a series. with different emotions.

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ScrapSomeCrap In reply to pheye [2016-01-24 22:46:48 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! It's just a quick drawing I did on a normal piece of paper in a sketchbook, barely 10 cm square. It was more of a spontaneous creation, like the majority of my works, so it just doesn't sit right for me to make it into a series of a specific subject. Thanks for the idea and appreciation none the less  

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pheye In reply to ScrapSomeCrap [2016-02-02 14:24:08 +0000 UTC]

I'd love to see it huge. like blown up on a wall or something. that would be awesome. these portraits have a good sense of design

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clau-stela [2016-01-23 19:37:29 +0000 UTC]

the moody stuff is the most interesting stuff

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ScrapSomeCrap In reply to clau-stela [2016-01-23 19:48:32 +0000 UTC]

Hehe with that I totally agree. I guess we all need drama to some extent, here and there

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