Septieme — Code Geass ::01

Published: 2012-09-26 11:57:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 803; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 0
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Kururugi Suzaku ( fb )    ▪   1OO% selfmade


Series : Code Geass
Location : Connichi - Kassel
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Comments: 27

vi-ki [2013-01-02 21:05:31 +0000 UTC]

Love it!!

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Septieme In reply to vi-ki [2013-01-03 11:29:16 +0000 UTC]

thank you very much! ♥

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polycrystal [2013-01-02 20:41:11 +0000 UTC]

Oh Goooooooooott du siehst so süüüüüüüüß aus....! Q___Q *dich als Kuscheltier in meinem Bett haben will*

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Septieme In reply to polycrystal [2013-01-03 11:28:56 +0000 UTC]

aww bist du niedlich.
dankeschön haha.
also dir folge ich gern ins bett hurr XDDDD~

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polycrystal In reply to Septieme [2013-01-03 20:07:43 +0000 UTC]

Hurrdurr! <3

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PancakeBlossom06 [2012-12-03 13:34:19 +0000 UTC]

Sieht richtig gut aus Σ(゚д゚lll)

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Septieme In reply to PancakeBlossom06 [2012-12-03 14:42:37 +0000 UTC]

dankeschön <3

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Vampirelover5678 [2012-10-02 20:40:08 +0000 UTC]

Wow very cool Suzaku cosplay

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Septieme In reply to Vampirelover5678 [2012-10-03 10:46:14 +0000 UTC]

thak you very much, glad you like it ^___^

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Vampirelover5678 In reply to Septieme [2012-10-03 11:37:54 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome

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saru-chikin [2012-09-28 11:35:51 +0000 UTC]

Saru: Ach, das is das suzaku cosplay. Du siehst ihm nich wirklich ähnlich, trotzdem sehn die haare richtig gut aus xDD
un man...nachdem ich dein nyanko-sensei un dies gesehn habe, kann ich mir gar nich vorstelln, wie viel zeit du darin investierst hast X.x
Sieht echt nach viel aufwand aus, aba beides echt gut gewordn (vor allem nyanko is hammer) ;D

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Septieme In reply to saru-chikin [2012-09-28 11:42:04 +0000 UTC]

haha dankeschön ♥

ich find suzaku steht mir auch nicht besonders. die wig schon, also frisur technisch, aber ich seh ihm kein stück ähnlich XD ich hab halt ein babyface. egal. ich wollt es halt ausprobieren. ich find aber ich seh gut aus, nur halt nicht wie suzaku XDD <-- verwirrend? haha

hmm um ehrlich zu sein, ich hab für beide cosplays 4 tage benötigt.
ich hatte ja zwischendurch ne menge stress, wegen familie und so, daher hatte ich kaum zeit die cosplays zu fertigen. erstaunlicherweise waren beide sachen voll leicht zu nähen. das nähen war total easy. bei nyanko hat nur das schminken ne menge zeit gekostet. aber an sich waren beide cosplays recht einfach ;D

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Naddillu [2012-09-26 12:46:33 +0000 UTC]

Your cosplays are really good ;u;

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Septieme In reply to Naddillu [2012-09-26 12:47:38 +0000 UTC]


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Naddillu In reply to Septieme [2012-09-26 13:49:08 +0000 UTC]

I also wanted to tell you... I used to admire your cosplays a long before I knew you already 8D To be specific, like 2 years ago, when I was a total TnC addict, I was just randomly searching pictures, and I also found your Kau cosplay, and I was absolutely stunned ;u; Then I met you on TM and I didn't at first even realize you was the same person, since when I first have seen your cosplay I didn't really even notice your username, I found the same photo again later and I was like, "Wait, by any chance it's the SAME Septieme? ;3;" and then I though, "Well, not everyone is called Septieme..." x,D Anyway I know we don't know eachother that well, I just wanted to remark how small the world is n_____n

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Septieme In reply to Naddillu [2012-09-27 15:30:23 +0000 UTC]

wow. ^/////^ thanks so much for liking my cosplays.
somehow everyone likes my kau cosplay the most. it's makes me happy, but also sad, since all of my other costumes were made with love too. but all in all, i'm happy when people like anything of my gallery, because i dun see myself as a good cosplayer. and that you found me on tm is nice too. but my new account is "nihilism", since my old one was hacked way to often. i just keep it, because of the name septieme XD

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Naddillu In reply to Septieme [2012-09-27 15:57:37 +0000 UTC]

Nah, I love all of your cosplays. Though probably it is because... Kau is quite a specific character. I believe it's not easy to cosplay him- actually besides you, most the other cosplays I have seen before were quite failish x,D But your Kau cosplay looks like... Well, like Kau transformed into real life. Outstanding. If they ever were about to make a TnC movie (haha), you should totally star there. x,DD Though you are generally an amazing cosplayer C: I admire you, all I can cosplay at all is my anime persona in real life. xDDD (+ I am super unphotogenic.)
I know your new account. Though I have often seen you around as Septieme too. (Even though I never talked to you haha. x,D)

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Septieme In reply to Naddillu [2012-09-28 11:38:49 +0000 UTC]

yeah you're right. kau was a difficult cosplay,
not only that you don't have specific poses,
even the sewing was quite an act x"D

haha you're too kind.
i don't see myself as such a good kau cosplayer,
because kau needs to be more skinny i think..
if you like to see more kau cosplays,
try some asian cosplay forums, like curecos.
there are some great costumes ♥♥♥

haha cosplay isn't that hard. all you need is a good photographer
and a lot of fun! but believe me, sometimes you have to suffer
for good photos.. like for this code geass cosplay,
my feet were dead, after two days walking on getas XD

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Naddillu In reply to Septieme [2012-09-28 13:16:33 +0000 UTC]

I am not surprised haha. But it was worth the effort, really.

I am not kind at all xDD Being honest.
I think it's awesome just as it is. I never actually though about that he is not skinny enough. I will look for sure, but it won't change my opinion C:

I think you also need some talent and being photogenic (and look good a bit ._.) x,D I can not afford to buy some professional wigs, contact lenses and stuff, and the wigs I can buy in the shops there look terrible x,DDD And they are still not cheap or anything, so I think if you already give money for it, it should at least look good a bit... And I don't think I resemble anyone by nature. Moreover, it has always been my dream to cosplay a guy once, but with my figure... Well, I guess I am just too much of a woman. x,DDD
Poor thing. But it's worth it! x,D

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Septieme In reply to Naddillu [2012-09-29 08:38:13 +0000 UTC]

oh i alway sbuy my wigs on ebay.
they're cheaper than buying in a shop, but you have to wait a while till you get them. i dun have that much money either, but i try to keep the costs for my costumes as low as possible. that's my most of my costumes cost me about $50.

hmm crossplaying is always a bit harder x"D that's why i keep cosplaying male and my sister the female characters XD but since she crossplays too, she uses breast binders and shaper belts. so she gets a more boyish figure ^___^

[i dun know whether i made grammar or whatever mistakes. english is not my first language, hope you don't mind >___<]

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Naddillu In reply to Septieme [2012-09-29 19:17:38 +0000 UTC]

I can not, at least not for now. My parents would have to approve it at least if not buy them for me, and they just won't, haha. I see. That's really not much I guess considering your costumes look totally professional.

I know, but I know lot of girls that cosplay guys and are amazing. I never tried these things... But actually only guy I ever cosplayed was Turkey from Hetalia (it was not a serious cosplay, my friends just decided to make a mini Hetalia con and I had to come as someone xDDD), and the jacket was so oversized for me that you really couldn't tell. xDDD Momentally, I am planning to make an Ib cosplay, maybe. All I need would be the skirt since I already have the rest + I could have my natural hair, just straightened, so it shouldn't be such a problem.

Don't worry, English is not my first language eighter and I don't mind some grammar mistakes at all~

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Septieme In reply to Naddillu [2012-10-03 11:57:30 +0000 UTC]

oh i see your point. how old are you? :3

haha i love cosplays without wig,
because a wig can be so troublesome XD
but some characters have those super-duper-unrealistic hair colors haha

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Naddillu In reply to Septieme [2012-10-03 12:59:28 +0000 UTC]

17 xD

If it is not super-duper-unrealistic, but still different from your real hair colour, would you dye your hair just for a cosplay? Well I don't really resemble much of charecters with my natural looks. Dunno if you have ever seen any of my photos by any chance, but my hair is wavy, brown, medium lenght (like to my breasts) and so far I really didn't find anyone to cosplay like this... Maybe if I straightened them. But since it never holds for more than a hour, it will only be like take few photos and it's over. xDDD

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Septieme In reply to Naddillu [2012-10-06 10:17:34 +0000 UTC]

17? awww cute. i started cosplaying when i was.. 16-17 years.
that's 2-3 years ago.

oh dying? no i wouldn't XD i just cut my hair for a cosplay.
cut it shorter for my mikado-cos, since he has really short hair.
ooh try using a good straightening iron.
kotaro, my sis, has frizzly hair too.
she always uses remington, and it works reallly good

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Naddillu In reply to Septieme [2012-10-06 10:37:01 +0000 UTC]

Yay so it is not yet late for me, huh? What was your first cosplay?
Lol I see. Do your hair grow back quickly?
I have remington too, but my hair just have a strong will haha. Whenever I straighten them or try to curl up more for some special occassion, in a while they are back just like before.

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Septieme In reply to Naddillu [2012-10-17 21:08:05 +0000 UTC]

no i dun think it's late for anything xD
my first one? hmmm it was sora from kingdom hearts ^^
his black christmas version. but i have to admit it was terrible xD

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Naddillu In reply to Septieme [2012-10-18 13:43:02 +0000 UTC]

Yey great.
Ah I am sure it was not terrible! o3o Of course noone is perfect from the start c:

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