SheaTheDestroyer — Mahri

Published: 2008-06-22 16:36:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 991; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 3
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Description This is Eyota and Xaan's father, Mahri. He is the reason Eyota and Xaan have the scars on them. Mahri hated Xaan, so he tried to beat him to death when he was a puppy but Eyota stood in the way. Accidently, Mahri struck Eyota and gave him the scar across his eye. Mahri then stood over Xaan, saying, "See what you have made me do? Now, you will feel the pain Eyota feels, because of your stupidity!" And with that, Mahri slashed Xaan across his eye, leaving four deep scars.

So yeh, lil background info on Eyota and Xaan's puppy hood^^

Mahri(c) Deliver Us From Evil(c)
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Comments: 7

SmileykillerHU [2009-05-04 13:06:20 +0000 UTC]

Mahri remembers me 2 things:
1. OF COURSE BIONICLE!!!!!I like it,there are the Mahri figures.
2.AND He really remembers me to Eyota or Xaan....more evidence he's their father.
And the pic is awesome,too!
Now let's wait for the story.(It's awesome,too!I like "normal" cartoons like this)

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canislupusthewolf [2009-01-04 16:52:09 +0000 UTC]

were was there mom while he was doing that, he looks cool thow

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ThunderSnowolf In reply to canislupusthewolf [2018-10-09 10:52:20 +0000 UTC]

She died.

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WorthlessHound [2008-07-04 19:34:17 +0000 UTC]

Meany bo-beeny, but looks very cool. I like the patterns of his fur.

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Mongrelistic [2008-06-29 03:34:32 +0000 UTC]

"Dis is mah angry face"

Nice markings, luffs them.

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FangTehWolf [2008-06-27 04:28:29 +0000 UTC]

Mean dad x3 ^_^

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Ashikaska [2008-06-22 23:21:39 +0000 UTC]

XD He looks kool but I dun like him as Xaans daddeh... he is mean.. T.T

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