shidrome — TS- Heart Chart Thing IDK

Published: 2011-08-10 05:06:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 2591; Favourites: 56; Downloads: 25
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"....will have to tell you that I cannot return your feelings. Off with you."

Ruben is so damn hard to get even a friendship heart from. This would be an impossible otome game wtf. I left things pretty vague on purpose in these descriptions lelele~


Dolly - He treated her with a rather aloofness he did everyone else in the store. However, she was quite persistent and kept attempting to talk to him. It took a while, but he soon grew very close to her. He is quite overprotective of her and dislikes men touching her due to her innocent and trusting nature.

Nol - A woman he respects greatly, he does not bow his head to anyone EXCEPT her, which is quite a feat for one as prideful as he is. At first he simply respected her because she was the boss, but as time passed, he grew very close to her. He is overprotective, and would give his life for her. However.....Nol does not like being "protected" (though he still does it anyway), and so he does his best to lessen the burden of work on her...but stresses himself out immensely in doing so.

Aleister - Hated the man with a passion when they first met. He thought he was an idiot, and yet he gained a promotion. Jealous and seething, he went out of his way to insult the man openly in front of others. He soon became...attached to this demon after certain events. There are things he dislikes about the man that bother him very much....but he will not say anything and simply turns a blind eye despite how it bothers him. Due to his past dealings with demons, he is wary of them and tries not to completely show his heart; afraid that it will be used against him.

En - He likes her because she is a hardworker. She does her job without complaint and for the most part follows his orders. He is at ease around her...and could ALMOST call her a friend if he wasn't such a stubborn ass.

Helios - At times, the man annoys him greatly and adds to his already high stress level. He pities Helios sometimes...because the man seems to have a penchant for trouble. He respects his work ethic and is content he is so mannerly to his superiors.

Delilah - He looks after the little lamb because she calls him "big brother". This confuses him immensely though. However, if she ever needed him, he would attempt to help her. Whether is out of duty due to his profession or because he wants to is unknown. Ruben is a hard man to understand.

Inessa - He was rather aloof to her until recently. She seems to go out of her way to give him meat related snacks. He appreciates this....but is too tsun to really say so.

Charlotte - Ruben is rather anxious around her to be honest. Despite being an adorable looking girl, he knows she's a delinquent. She blackmailed him into making her cakes for her, but he's starting to enjoy making them.....secretly. Her naive nature makes him worry, so he keeps an eye on her even if she doesn't want it---LIKE AN OVERPROTECTIVE FATHER WHAT IS LIFE.

Nico - Thinks he's a juvenile delinquent forever. He wishes he'd stop causing trouble.

Ester - Cares greatly for this rabbit and considers him a friend. However, if asked, he will deny it like he does everything. He sees himself in the rabbit sometimes....and so when he scolds him, he is quite hard on him in an urge to toughen him up emotionally.

Heinrich - Wishes he would stop touching him. He is not sure what to make of Heinrich. He just thinks he's rather amusing most of the time.

Omocha - Wishes she would stop touching him too.

Orca - At one time he tolerated her, but now he hates her greatly due to events. It is his duty as manager to treat all coworkers fairly at work however, and so he treats her like he does everyone else; aloofly and coldly...though his coldness....seems more intense.....


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Comments: 16

Nanouk-of-the-North [2011-08-12 11:48:06 +0000 UTC]

wow, his relationship with Aleister sure looks...special? XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shidrome In reply to Nanouk-of-the-North [2011-08-12 18:29:27 +0000 UTC]

LMFAOOOO! Yeah they've gone through a lot mang

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CiaChan [2011-08-11 20:56:07 +0000 UTC]


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icewrath2 [2011-08-11 09:29:15 +0000 UTC]

xDDD oh ruben~

Nico: *will never stop causing trouble*

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dahlilili [2011-08-10 13:27:48 +0000 UTC]

Helios: -bows in respect and secretly hugs him- <3

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LtBeffany [2011-08-10 11:30:59 +0000 UTC]

Stop being so stubborn Ruben..

Pron Keeper vuv

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Choco3va [2011-08-10 08:33:37 +0000 UTC]

//will try hard to eventually make this list. >:C

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C10ckw0rk [2011-08-10 06:39:15 +0000 UTC]

recent events indeed e u e

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WhiteWulfy [2011-08-10 05:35:30 +0000 UTC]

LOL oh ruben what a life~

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Shadowstar [2011-08-10 05:35:21 +0000 UTC]

What an interesting character. I enjoyed reading everything about him. ouo

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SgtRebel [2011-08-10 05:33:42 +0000 UTC]

ewe)/ More snacks!

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vivibenaex [2011-08-10 05:30:41 +0000 UTC]

>' A'< Armina will get her spot up thar eventuallyyyyy //shotshotshotshotshot]]

I love the picture though

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Ashurst [2011-08-10 05:22:55 +0000 UTC]


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Mimi-Moon [2011-08-10 05:20:42 +0000 UTC]

lmao---- aww ruben u v u so lovely heart chart LOL <333333333

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celiere [2011-08-10 05:20:17 +0000 UTC]

Ruben you sweetie ahhh ; o ;;; ///////

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naochandoodles [2011-08-10 05:10:41 +0000 UTC]

lol he's a strange guy xDD

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