Sieskja — 'Landet Som Icke Ar'

#autumn #canvas #escape #fall #forest #knight #landscape #mountains #rider #viking #watercolour
Published: 2016-03-16 12:36:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 3375; Favourites: 278; Downloads: 0
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Description Remake of old painting : Landskap I
Watercolours and white ink on canvas.

Kroda - Nemesis (traditional german song)
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Comments: 23

Mohnlied [2016-03-17 14:52:35 +0000 UTC]

It's great! Reminds me of Hohe Venn moor

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Liren [2016-03-17 12:34:31 +0000 UTC]

beautiful as always!

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Moltenkitty [2016-03-17 01:11:33 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful work <3

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MKSchmidt [2016-03-16 16:17:47 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful!  I really like this one

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Sieskja In reply to MKSchmidt [2016-03-16 18:13:01 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much (:

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Waruno [2016-03-16 15:45:35 +0000 UTC]


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mockingbirdontree [2016-03-16 15:22:43 +0000 UTC]

Wonderful landscape, also the background is perfect. The watercolors are great. Very good painting

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Sieskja In reply to mockingbirdontree [2016-03-16 18:12:42 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much for your comment! It's great to read that

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searchingforsanity19 [2016-03-16 15:20:24 +0000 UTC]

Very beautiful!

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kesbet [2016-03-16 15:08:53 +0000 UTC]


I was wondering, do you have your own home/flat gallery with your works hanging on the wall? Some artists prefer to create rather than look at their works, like many actors don't watch their movies after they're done... In your case, you have so much works that for me it would be hard to choose the best to hang on. Do you have your favorite peace? In my case, I picked four of my newest drawings and framed them couple of years before. I also have two old and unfinished pieces of about A1 size hanging on different walls, which I would like to finish some day, but they're not the best one just were to big to hide them somewhere

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Sieskja In reply to kesbet [2016-03-16 18:12:02 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much!
It's the first time someone ask me that question, and I admit I never really thought about it before... I currently don't live in my own home ; moreover, as it's a renting, I can't make holes to hang all I want, and I must add I'm quite lazy and don't take the time to buy frames, etc... We only hang canvas because they are light, but they are quite old (I did them when I was 17 or 18), but I try to replace them little by little, with this one for example.
I think I'm more a person who prefers to create than to hang artworks.
But now, I've received many artworks from the whole world, by very talented artists, via art trades or purchases or as gift, then I think that if I could, I would hang these artworks in priority (:
To choose a very favourite piece would be indeed quite impossible though I think it would be among these ones :
My heart is beating, still
Garden of Oblivion
Mystery of death before us

A1 size is just so huuuuuge I understand they aren't finished!! It's a bit the same principle than for my canvas, too big to be hidden, then on the wall ^^
It's a bit a pity for the smaller pieces, which are "sleeping" in cardboards and files... From time to time I take them and watch them one by one, and it's nice to notice the improvement, and it also makes me want to make "remakes"... just like here (:

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kesbet In reply to Sieskja [2016-03-16 18:56:44 +0000 UTC]

I used to lived in a renting flats, so as soon as I got my own place ~7 years ago, I was finally free to hang on whatever I want Now I have so much stuff that's almost impossible to buy anything new, and my walls were the first to be occupied.

From those five you mentioned I would pick the first one. It's the closest to my heart, since I would imagine the man there is actually a spirit, and I truly believe each of us have at least one, guarding spirit, so no human is ever alone.  

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FennecFyre [2016-03-16 14:43:28 +0000 UTC]

This is beautiful!

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Escaron [2016-03-16 12:59:32 +0000 UTC]

May I ask why you use a Swedish title? Im just curious? Its a super beautiful painting, you are soooo skilled! <333333

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Sieskja In reply to Escaron [2016-03-16 17:37:05 +0000 UTC]

Haha, interesting question (:
I considered that this painting, which illustrates a story which takes place in a viking time-like universe, deserved a scandinavian title. I studied Swedish some years ago and found some poems by Edith Södergran in my old papers, and as I like using poetic verses as title for my paintings (: Unfortunately DeviantArt doesn't like special letters.
Tack för din kommentar!!

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Escaron In reply to Sieskja [2016-03-16 18:44:14 +0000 UTC]

Aaahaaaaaaa then I understand! And I think its really cool that you do it like that, but yes, its annoying we arent allowed to use å, ä and ö in the titles cause sometime Ive also wanted to do that haha. Thank you for explaining! <3

Ingen orsak, jag älskar dina konstverk!  

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Sieskja In reply to Escaron [2016-03-16 19:10:16 +0000 UTC]

Varsågod (: Det är också mycket frustrerande för mig, att jag inte kan skriva é, è, ë, ù etc.... när jag vill ge en titel på franska..... è.é
Jag tycker att studera andra språk är spännande (även om jag inte är så duktig), men jag tror att svenska är språket jag föredrar (:
Tusen tack

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Escaron In reply to Sieskja [2016-03-16 23:29:34 +0000 UTC]

Wooooow, du är ju JÄTTEBRA på svenska!!! Verkligen superduktig! Jag kan bara svenska och engelska. Kan förstå tyska, norska och danska men kan inte skriva det. Haha 

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Sieskja In reply to Escaron [2016-03-17 19:18:10 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha neeeeej det tror jag inte Jag fortfarande behöver en ordbok, mycket ofta, och faktiskt jag har glömt mycket mycket grammar och vokabulär... det är ganska sorgligt... Jag borde läsa och skriva på svenska oftare!
Jag har också studerat danska, en lite norska, en lite lite islenska (så jag blandar en lite allt!), tyska en lång tid sedan, och nederländska... men faktiskt jag kan bara franska, engelska och en lite svenska
Tack för dina vänliga ord, det är mycket snällt

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Vattukatt In reply to Escaron [2016-03-16 13:24:20 +0000 UTC]

Could be Norwegian too ^^

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Sieskja In reply to Vattukatt [2016-03-16 17:32:40 +0000 UTC]

Norwegian would be something like "Landet som ikke er", or am I wrong?

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Vattukatt In reply to Sieskja [2016-03-16 17:47:42 +0000 UTC]

Ah, well I guess it just sounds similar. I'm not norwegian so I wouldn't know of the changes in spelling. ^^'

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Escaron In reply to Vattukatt [2016-03-16 13:52:14 +0000 UTC]

Could be! 

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