Another one from a set of maps I created for a client back in 2017 for a campaign loosely called Deliverance for the Skybourne setting from Drop Dead Studios.
The publication date was not certain, so I was told I could post them now rather than wait.
I will update with links when/if the game module goes to print. As of now, I have no link for the product.
The environment had a lot of airship travel and large desert regions.
This is one of the airship port towns in the game, the port of Haalthran.
It is set into a mesa, with most of the town at the mesa's base and the airship port on top.
The client didn't have me add labels so these are just some I added for a more finished look.
Look for more from this series, Deliverance, in the next weeks.
If you enjoy my work and want to support it, check out my patreon -…
Cheers, J
Edit - here's the sketches for the maps in this series...
Other bits....
Comments: 9
SirInkman In reply to Fairy-Slayer [2018-07-05 15:12:43 +0000 UTC]
Those are some good and fun observations FS
Hell's 1st Step could maybe have a prison, and that could be a good idea too.
It related to the terribly large number of steps one had to climb to get to the top.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
ME224 [2018-07-02 21:48:40 +0000 UTC]
Half of the names I couldn't have made up. Kudos to you. Love the drawing, too, although it somehow strikes me as GOT-esque. Must be the circular towers, I guess they remind me of the intro.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
SirInkman In reply to ME224 [2018-07-02 22:34:18 +0000 UTC]
Thanks ME224
What does GOT stand for?
The buildings are based on middle eastern style terraced roofs.
Fairly standard type of architecture, actually one of the earliest types.
They used this sort back in ancient Sumer, Egypt, and such.
And they still use it in many places in the middle east.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1