SRSobotka — Tamarainian Beach Babe

Published: 2006-08-27 23:24:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 6548; Favourites: 146; Downloads: 108
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Description Okay, last one for a while... I really have to get back to work on my Devboi Collabs!

Once again, did the inks on a bunch of DC Comics characters, with the invitation to color them given freely. This is one of these that caught my eye.

Koriand'r, aka Starfire from the Teen Titans, taking a day off to enjoy some sunbeams at the Titan's private pool... I'll wager Beast boy couldn't keep his jaw off the floor, much to Robin's chargin and patience.

I heard from a friend that, sometime ago in the original TT comic that the team had a devil of a time suggesting to Kori to wear a swimsuit... which bears to ask do Tamarainains have no body-shame? Which now makes the fact of her outfit choices. ^_^

Thanks for the chance to do some coloring, Shon!

Original Art by King Cheetah.
Character owned by DC Comics
Colorwork by S. R. Sobotka Jr / 2006
Done in Photoshop 7
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Comments: 11

SmokeyandtheBandit [2011-01-09 02:42:25 +0000 UTC]

Very nice. Do you do requests?
Please respond

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SRSobotka In reply to SmokeyandtheBandit [2011-01-09 05:36:46 +0000 UTC]

No, I'm just a colorist. the original artist who drew this was Shon Howell.

-- Stephen

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SmokeyandtheBandit In reply to SRSobotka [2011-01-09 13:05:23 +0000 UTC]

Oh ok. If you just color then. Can you color this [link] then?
Please respond

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SRSobotka In reply to SmokeyandtheBandit [2011-01-09 19:13:22 +0000 UTC]

There's two things I have to say in reply to this request:

One -- The piece isn't owned or was created by you. I'd need permission from the original artist or the person who commissioned that piece to work on it.

Two -- I work best with Cleaned, Inked line work, not with rough pencil sketches.

I appreciate the fact you considered me skilled enough to want a request, but please keep these two things in mind if you want something done. Thanks for your interest, but on these grounds, I must politely refuse your request.

-- Stephen

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SmokeyandtheBandit In reply to SRSobotka [2011-01-09 19:31:48 +0000 UTC]

Ok then. If I get permission, could you do it? Or would rules 2 still stop you?
Please respond

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SRSobotka In reply to SmokeyandtheBandit [2011-01-09 23:41:45 +0000 UTC]

Yes, unless you were able to have the artist provide the cleaned, inked artwork for me to work with. As I explained, I don't work well with rough sketches, due to the fact I am legally-blind. It makes it hard to do fine detail work that is necessary for inking from rough lines.

-- Stephen

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EspioArtwork31 [2010-07-08 01:33:54 +0000 UTC]

Hot Alien or Vueltypt

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Doomwalkers [2007-10-15 03:23:01 +0000 UTC]


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avator [2006-09-17 21:46:58 +0000 UTC]

Love your fluid style, your characters seem more in moment and less rigid. And my god the BOOBS heahhea

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SRSobotka In reply to avator [2006-09-17 22:57:43 +0000 UTC]

I wish that was my style... but I can't claim the line art here... that was drawn by KingCheetah. All I did was color it. Seems I'm getting better at doing cel color work. ^_^

Maintain and Check Six!

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CaptRicoSakara [2006-08-28 21:34:24 +0000 UTC]

Heehee! Starfire looks cute! I love her pose, and her breasts! So cartoony-like! :3

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