starparticles β€” Katniss Everdeen

Published: 2012-05-11 09:29:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 2416; Favourites: 37; Downloads: 7
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Description My almost 100% complete Katniss cosplay! This is the most expensive and time consuming costume I've ever worked on, and I loved every single bit of it. ; u ; /mywalletiscryingthough
Will probably be wearing this at Desucon this year, can't waittttt.
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Comments: 30

SpicecreamSundae [2018-03-28 21:50:37 +0000 UTC]

Uwaaa just incredible; you look just like her

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staleydm01 [2014-12-15 21:54:42 +0000 UTC]

Your hair looks a bit shiny that's why people should only buy human hair wigs

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starparticles In reply to staleydm01 [2014-12-16 23:44:13 +0000 UTC]

My real hair shines a LOT more than that wig... It's a natural reaction light. And do you know how much a human hair wig costs? It's way out of budget for most cosplayers.

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staleydm01 In reply to starparticles [2014-12-18 09:57:31 +0000 UTC]

Try a wig from Jon Renau junior, it's synthetic range but good and someone on Etsy said cosplay is expensive and if you want some advice you can always add me on Facebook.

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starparticles In reply to staleydm01 [2014-12-18 10:23:49 +0000 UTC]

Thanks but no thanks, I'm a well experience cosplayer and I'm very happy with my wigs.

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staleydm01 In reply to starparticles [2014-12-21 14:44:59 +0000 UTC]

If you are a cheapskate then we don't want your types ruoining our expensive hobby with your hideous wigs, if you don't have brown hair you shouldn't be Katniss

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starparticles In reply to staleydm01 [2015-07-03 20:04:19 +0000 UTC]

What the heck is your problem? Elitists like you are the one that are ruining cosplay. Plus, Katniss has dark brown/black hair. Do your research.

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staleydm01 In reply to starparticles [2015-07-04 13:12:03 +0000 UTC]

I ruin cosplay because I have money and I would never want someone to notice I was wearing a wig, being a perfectionist isn't bad it stops people realising you didn't get a wig that can pass for real hair, you got a piece of fiber that barely stays on your head as very few even have a lace front.
From my point of how I see THG I see Katniss as having medium brown hair (especially if it's dyed from dark blonde - thank-you JL for ruining my vision) and research is the opinion of who writes it.
I like getting every details right it stops people making errors, a cheap wig will give your neck swelling I did my research on that and you may disagree but us rich kids know how to play this game and we'll continue to.

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starparticles In reply to staleydm01 [2015-07-04 14:30:16 +0000 UTC]

Wow, you're pathetic aren't you. Everything you're saying is full of shit, and i'm not even going to comment on the horrible wigs you are wearing in your pictures. Please learn to have respect for other cosplayers. Thinking you're better others, especially when you're not, is bad way to be.
And why should i live up to YOUR standard of how Katniss is, the one that is in your head when i'm clearly cosplaying from the movie? Seriously. Fuck off.

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staleydm01 In reply to starparticles [2015-07-04 16:50:39 +0000 UTC]

I guess with language like that your are some poor kid from the streets.
I wear human hair lace-fronts that are custom made so not shiny or likely to be called fake by anyone.
I never respect people, I booed a Russian at Wimbledon as she was beating the crush of my life.
I am better as I spend money and effort on my work and my standard of Katniss will never be based on Jennifer Laurence as the amount of hair dye in that movie irritated me and the fact she was 6 years too old to pass as a teenager.
I cosplay from the Β books when the movie is wrong so don't have a go at me if you can't afford this hobby and give Arda a chance to run their business making Chinese people work for $1 a day making fake things that will never be believed as hair.

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starparticles In reply to staleydm01 [2015-07-05 07:23:36 +0000 UTC]

Yeaaah right. Keep telling yourself that dude. Β 

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staleydm01 In reply to starparticles [2015-07-05 16:22:22 +0000 UTC]

what is the matter with you, you're trying to think you do a better job of this than me and how can you, you haven't the money?

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starparticles In reply to staleydm01 [2015-07-05 23:41:09 +0000 UTC]

Yeeep. Just keep going there friend. Β 

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staleydm01 In reply to starparticles [2015-07-06 08:50:05 +0000 UTC]

Why do you hate someone making an effort just because they have the money not to cut corners?

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starparticles In reply to staleydm01 [2015-07-07 13:13:31 +0000 UTC]

I'm not the one hating hereΒ Β 

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staleydm01 In reply to starparticles [2015-07-07 20:29:54 +0000 UTC]

You hate elitists, I only came here to say I wasn't a fan of your wig, I love the rest of the outfit it was just an opinion from a fellow cosplayer.

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StarbitCosplay In reply to staleydm01 [2015-07-07 21:03:54 +0000 UTC]

I'm sorry but I'm starting to think you have some social issues here. You were being rude and I called you out, then you started attacking me and my cosplays. And yes, I hate elitists, most cosplayers do. We're literally dressing up as fictional characters here, we're no better than everyone else. Lets just leave it at that, go on and live your life without attacking people for not wearing YOUR preferred type of wig. It's just sad.

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staleydm01 In reply to StarbitCosplay [2015-07-08 10:51:23 +0000 UTC]

Social issues no way, I'd tell someone in person their wig didn't look real.
People come on here with opinions whether good or bad, some people do certain aspects better than other people.
Calling with names hurts, cosplayers shouldn't hate us we want to make an effort as much as you do.
I think I am better than you I do own my own business and wouldn't touch Arda with a barge pole, they sell the cheapest quality material you can buy and it's bad that they get away with it.
Not wearing my preferred type of wig, some of the things people have on their head are not wigs they are jazzed up crete paper creations, a wig is something that fits it's client, without a lacefront it can't promise to rest on a hairline and look natural and if it's shiny or not made well I think you should mention it, if my cosplays had mistakes I would love people to tell me what I did wrong so I'd never make that mistake again.

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SilverDragoness29 [2013-11-29 00:14:41 +0000 UTC]

Wow, you look just like her! She's next on my list to cosplay hehe.Β 

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PonySplash [2013-05-01 18:33:03 +0000 UTC]

Nyaaa, I LIKE your boots! *.*

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LhasaCook [2012-08-18 22:52:57 +0000 UTC]

You do such great hunger games cosplay I love it!!!

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prettytwistedangel [2012-06-13 21:14:11 +0000 UTC]

where did you get the bow, cause im planning on cosplaying her in october, or if u made it then how X brilliant cosplay aswell i hope mine will turn out as good as urs did

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starparticles In reply to prettytwistedangel [2012-06-22 16:26:13 +0000 UTC]

I bought it at a local sports store, and then painted it black. Thank you!

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tyillustration [2012-06-08 01:52:53 +0000 UTC]

Awesome Katniss cosplay!

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Phangoria [2012-05-18 05:39:55 +0000 UTC]

You look awesome! I hope I see you at DragonCon!

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musicity [2012-05-15 20:48:29 +0000 UTC]

Wow this is great!

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starparticles In reply to musicity [2012-05-17 21:55:18 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! C:

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Eaglelives [2012-05-15 06:31:08 +0000 UTC]

That's excellent, well done

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starparticles In reply to Eaglelives [2012-05-17 21:55:07 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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Eaglelives In reply to starparticles [2012-05-17 23:39:44 +0000 UTC]

You are more than welcome

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