Tea-Itch β€” STORMY WEATHER: Prologue P3 (REMEMBER)

Published: 2012-12-19 11:32:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 7310; Favourites: 128; Downloads: 14
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Description Greetings Everyone,

I thought that I might do something new in this page. Using a Japanese sound effects, un no I don'ta speaka japaneez. You can find the link right here [link] . It is really useful.

I've got to be honest with you, I am not that good in plotting dialog, due to grammar. So if anyone have any comment about it please don't hesitate.

Critique is always welcome. Thanks for viewing and stay tuned for more!

Most importantly, Happy Holidays!



NEXT (Coming Soon)

Edit 1: Adding Shimmer and Bloom effect on second panel
Edit 2: Fixed spelling mistake "Quite" to "Quiet" corrected by ~xx-amaramis-xx
Edit 3: Changing Speech balloon to Thought balloon in 1st panel. Fixed word(s) "Chilly Dog" to "Chili Dog" and "Realised" to "Realized" corrected by ~shadamyluvluv


Based on original Shadamy FanFic Story Stormy Weather (A Must read Story ) by ~StarTheHedgeCat or ~swalka1991

Program(s): Manga Studio EX4

Reference(s): The Jaded Network (Japanese SFX)
Sonic the Hedgehog & Amy Rose (c)
Related content
Comments: 42

Serenaaaaaaaaa [2025-01-19 14:14:11 +0000 UTC]

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Serenaaaaaaaaa [2025-01-19 14:14:10 +0000 UTC]

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shadamyoniclover123 [2014-08-16 23:38:02 +0000 UTC]

plz tell me when next is out

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maissa20 [2014-01-27 09:10:27 +0000 UTC]

Make the next one plzzz!!!!!

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maissa20 [2014-01-22 15:29:14 +0000 UTC]


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4evershadamyloveraly [2013-09-24 22:32:07 +0000 UTC]

plz make more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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blackheart354 [2013-08-15 18:40:25 +0000 UTC]

nnnnnnnnuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Β 

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Amyrosiethehedgehog [2013-08-06 10:56:35 +0000 UTC]

I wonder if you still continue thisΒ 

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shadowluv101 [2013-07-22 23:02:40 +0000 UTC]

this is really good so far! i luv how u drew amy! She looks really good

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KhloeAlyssa [2013-05-01 20:00:36 +0000 UTC]

Next please! ^^

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ThePeaceluffer [2013-02-05 19:44:12 +0000 UTC]


pwetty pwease???

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SaDoAmY [2013-01-17 10:26:28 +0000 UTC]

the next please

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shadamyluvluv [2012-12-22 12:23:43 +0000 UTC]

Great comic and art work so far ^^ I really love where you're going with this.

Btw, in the first panel, its not that big a deal or anything, but you used 'chilly' as in 'it was a cold, chilly night' but when were talking about food it would be 'chili'

Also 'realized' instead of 'realised'... the last sentence looks a little to wordy too, but its 2:19 am here, so oh well ^^

Sorry to be a pain, I know its a lot of work to put this all together, but from with what all I've seen it looks like you're taking help from the comments so I just figured...

Well thank you for this comic, and if this small stuff doesn't bother you than just skip this comment and move right along! ^^

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Tea-Itch In reply to shadamyluvluv [2012-12-23 19:58:43 +0000 UTC]

First of all, thank you for your compliment and comment

Second, you made a good point about the word "chili dog" because this is the actual used for food. So yes this will be corrected and you will earn a credit for that

About "Realise" and "Realize" it is hard to know which word is more preferable, same goes for apologise and apologize. I often use letter S though because I see it most of the time when reading an article. I think it is the use between US and UK English words. However, this can be corrected with no problem. The last sentence seems alright although I might need to recheck it.

You are not being a pain you are just helping me in pointing out error, minor or major, like others and I really appreciate that You might think that I feel ashamed with simple mistake and could be difficult to fix but Hey I am not perfect well I could be a perfectionist with art somehow haha

You are most welcome and thanks for your comment once again. I am very glad that you are interested in the comic. Make sure to read the fanfic, it is really great!

Have a great day and happy holidays

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shadamyluvluv In reply to Tea-Itch [2013-02-25 02:04:41 +0000 UTC]

no problem!!

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cutegirlmayra [2012-12-21 19:24:22 +0000 UTC]

XD that was great! lol, poor Amy though.. I wonder what Sonic did to her? and I happen to think Amy's antics are just so funny and cute, but she needs to cool down on her 'undying devotion' sometimes..

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Tea-Itch In reply to cutegirlmayra [2012-12-23 19:17:46 +0000 UTC]

You will find out soon

Well that's what most girl are when they are full of energy and obsessive and that's the fact I guess

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cutegirlmayra In reply to Tea-Itch [2012-12-24 04:41:06 +0000 UTC]

-excited- >0-u-0<

lol, I suppose, but still. XD haha!

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SilentGummyBears [2012-12-21 02:48:20 +0000 UTC]

eeek sew excitid for the next! <3

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Tea-Itch In reply to SilentGummyBears [2012-12-23 19:15:18 +0000 UTC]

Stay tuned!

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SilentGummyBears In reply to Tea-Itch [2012-12-23 23:39:15 +0000 UTC]

I Will!

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ShadowBabe1 [2012-12-20 11:51:03 +0000 UTC]

once again you surprise me with your style.....
the daylight is colorfully and fresh ...and i like the shadows and lighting you did on the last panel..
Amy's teary green eye brings sadness, but makes me want more
can't wait to see the next page

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Tea-Itch In reply to ShadowBabe1 [2012-12-20 17:29:28 +0000 UTC]

I am glad that you like the page my good friend!

Yep, it is more like a good mood mixed with a dramatic feeling, which I refer as the mix of emotions for the readers, which make them a lot curious as you are

I won't disappoint you!

I hope you are doing well with your artwork!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

ShadowBabe1 In reply to Tea-Itch [2012-12-21 09:25:27 +0000 UTC]

cant wait ...your very welcome
I'm working on it as we speak
but soon you and others are in for a big surprise

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Tea-Itch In reply to ShadowBabe1 [2012-12-23 19:14:22 +0000 UTC]

Looking forward to it and I love surprises!

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HayaKenta [2012-12-20 04:46:34 +0000 UTC]

Nice work Tarek! I'm glad to see this baby done! I like the sparkles you added to Amy. Noticed that you switched Amy to be running on the left side too. Looks good. I'm curious what got you to change it though. Also, I like how Amy's got tears in her eyes on the last panel. Looks good and sets the mood.

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Tea-Itch In reply to HayaKenta [2012-12-20 17:16:29 +0000 UTC]

Thanks Caro! Oh yeah I am glad as well, it took a while but I guess it is worth it. Keep trying out something new like several times till I guess a good result. Well you requested to add the sparkles although I did tell you that it might look good ^^ Oh that? well I noticed that Sonic is holding his chilly dog with his left hand so I kind of flipped them both because previously he was holding it with his right hand so that part was kind of a goof

Glad that you thought of it that way. I was thinking in combining the comedy and dramatic scene in a page would give a mix of emotions for the readers.

Thanks your comment my dear!

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Shadddyismy4ever [2012-12-19 17:59:24 +0000 UTC]

aaaaah that was so sad but i love it ^^

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Tea-Itch In reply to Shadddyismy4ever [2012-12-19 21:11:16 +0000 UTC]

Glad you enjoyed it

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Shadddyismy4ever In reply to Tea-Itch [2012-12-20 16:11:37 +0000 UTC]


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Tori-the-Sand-Cat [2012-12-19 14:49:58 +0000 UTC]

Only grammatical point is Sonic's thought bubble; I presume you mean a "quiet" day, as in low volume, rather than "quite" as in Amy is "quite" pink. Otherwise, grand.

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Tea-Itch In reply to Tori-the-Sand-Cat [2012-12-19 15:03:57 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow well I am "Quite" surprise that I've mistyped that I will get this one fixed. Cheers!

You sure will make a great teacher haha

Thanks once again ^^

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Tori-the-Sand-Cat In reply to Tea-Itch [2012-12-19 15:05:15 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. Your art is, as ever, spectacular. It's only a niggly typo.

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Tea-Itch In reply to Tori-the-Sand-Cat [2012-12-19 15:12:55 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome VB Thank you my friend. I highly appreciate your kind word. True, it always happens to me.

Anyways, I better check your work. It's been a while that I haven't been reading your stories. I hope you are doing alright as well

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Tori-the-Sand-Cat In reply to Tea-Itch [2012-12-19 15:37:52 +0000 UTC]

I haven't updated anything in months.

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Tea-Itch In reply to Tori-the-Sand-Cat [2012-12-19 21:10:58 +0000 UTC]

Very busy these days huh?

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Tori-the-Sand-Cat In reply to Tea-Itch [2012-12-20 00:29:35 +0000 UTC]

University does that.

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Tea-Itch In reply to Tori-the-Sand-Cat [2012-12-20 17:06:44 +0000 UTC]

So does work...

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LadyRoga [2012-12-19 11:46:29 +0000 UTC]

"HA WAS GAY" *shot*

I kinda understand Sonic, I don't like to be disturbed while eating my chocolate either xD

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Tea-Itch In reply to LadyRoga [2012-12-19 11:57:07 +0000 UTC]

LOL! With his chilly dog Sadly, he could barely enjoy his day whenever she appears. That's a fact :<

True, I wouldn't like it either.

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LadyRoga In reply to Tea-Itch [2012-12-19 12:50:34 +0000 UTC]

Well, it's a big sausage...>D
That's why she's funny and annoying at the same time :/

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Tea-Itch In reply to LadyRoga [2012-12-19 14:01:20 +0000 UTC]

OOOHH!! You got me there!! xD

Yeah, but she is pretty

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