TeaPhotography — Lily for Lily for Lily for Lily...

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Published: 2016-05-08 09:10:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 876; Favourites: 54; Downloads: 0
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Description Dedicated to a very dear friend: Lily for her birthday specifically, which was April 18th!

A bit be-lated but truly with genuine wishes and I know she knows it. Or I hope so.

Lily has been a very close dear friend for a long time on dA, but also outside of dA to the email and the pen-pal (or "snailmail") stage, and it feels very much like I know her outside of dA. She feels like a (much) younger sister, or maybe better yet, a niece. I admire Lily for her intelligence, and her commitment to Uni, devotion to her family, and even her desire to remain supportive to our shared group of Unframed-Nature , which is great, but her schooling comes first!

I'm appreciative of her willingness to stay in touch with me, update me, etc. even when I've not been able to reciprocate quite as equally- receiving notes/email about how she's doing brightens my life! Lily is truly a good person, kind, compassionate, and truly helpful.

AND, I am in love with fractals, and therefore her own work- you should check out her work!

Dear Lily,
Thank you for everything, meeting you has been an awesome experience... I know school is is very important, but I truly hope you'll always keep up your artwork, be it fractaling or "paper cutting" (I forget it's real name) whatever you are interested in- as it has been my best therapy, and I must not give it up, no matter the things I *have* to do. I wish you to do your best in all of your endeavors, with fun, too.  I am very proud of you-
Much Friendship, ~Tea



[ NOTE: Thank you, in advance, for any 's I may receive for this image. I am honoured and grateful that anyone would think well enough to it. So thank you from the bottom of my heart . I understand if you don't have time to comment, but thank you for any kind comments, too. It's important to know this NOW, as I may NOT be able to do individual thank-you's for 's, or in case I cannot respond to each comment, either. Thanks for understanding. And, if you just came to view, I appreciate that, too.

Respect � Tea Photography.
ALL work produced by Tea of � Tea Photography is protected, and shall NOT be reproduced, altered, or used in ANY kind of way.
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Comments: 27

JocelyneR [2016-05-20 05:19:48 +0000 UTC]

What a stange flower! 

Superb photo! 

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TeaPhotography In reply to JocelyneR [2016-05-21 02:25:11 +0000 UTC]

It's a Calla Lily or sometimes called a Peace Lily.

Thank you dear Jocelyne!

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LindArtz [2016-05-18 02:13:25 +0000 UTC]


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TeaPhotography In reply to LindArtz [2016-05-18 03:31:25 +0000 UTC]

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Aussie-Blonde [2016-05-17 05:00:28 +0000 UTC]

beautiful flowers...so pure.

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TeaPhotography In reply to Aussie-Blonde [2016-05-18 03:28:17 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so kindly!

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Aussie-Blonde In reply to TeaPhotography [2016-05-19 00:12:51 +0000 UTC]

your most welcome always

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ShinyHeels [2016-05-15 09:32:59 +0000 UTC]

Very beautifulhappy Birthday for her

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TeaPhotography In reply to ShinyHeels [2016-05-18 03:28:00 +0000 UTC]

You are so sweet and kind, how nice of you!!

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ShinyHeels In reply to TeaPhotography [2016-05-22 14:44:27 +0000 UTC]


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Doll-Ladi [2016-05-09 22:03:39 +0000 UTC]

Wow I just love the purity of white flowers. This is so totally beautiful up close. what a charming birthday gift. I love it. Very nice capture Tea

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TeaPhotography In reply to Doll-Ladi [2016-05-12 18:25:20 +0000 UTC]

I know you do, and *I* love how you love white flowers for the reason of their "purity". I think that's so wonderful!

Anyway, thank you for such a kind comment!

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Annissina [2016-05-09 11:57:44 +0000 UTC]

Aww, thank you so much, dearest Tea!! I love all flowers that have my name in theirs! Thank you for the lovely wishes, they really mean a lot. And I think the art you mean is quilling. Love you lots!  

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TeaPhotography In reply to Annissina [2016-05-12 18:23:20 +0000 UTC]

You are so welcome of course, so much my pleasure!!
I know you love all the "Lily flowers" - I'll probably try to keep up the tradition of doing a Lily flower just for you, if it's possible. I've done it before so.. yeah!

I mean every word... you are one awesome person, what else can I say, except... write your biography!

Yes, quilling, I'm sure, well you would know, you do it... but my brain was too tired to remember, and I was short on time to google. But I LOVE when you've made those cards!!

You know, I love you lots, toooo!

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Annissina In reply to TeaPhotography [2016-05-12 18:28:00 +0000 UTC]

Aww, that would be lovely! I'm happy with any kind of flower really, so even if you can't, it's fine!

Yeah, about that... I'm not sure where my quilling set is at the moment! I haven't made them in a while, and I think I took it with me home and back to the dorm, and... yeah. But I'm getting back to fractalling, so that's even better in my opinion!

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TeaPhotography In reply to Annissina [2016-05-13 01:19:01 +0000 UTC]

We have various lilies that bloom on our own property, these here do, in gigantic amounts each year at this time...

these being the most common ones, which is why last year, you got the same Lily as a gift, but luckily completely different:

We do have others, but they are a little more "hit and miss" - I'll try for a different kind of Lily for next year...
as long as YOU know that YOU, are ONE OF A KIND!

Ahhh yes, well fractalling is your main art- and I can't wait to see any new work! YAY!

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Annissina In reply to TeaPhotography [2016-07-10 17:54:43 +0000 UTC]

Off, this got lost in my inbox! Well anyway, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING, my dear!!

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mockingbirdontree [2016-05-08 15:17:24 +0000 UTC]

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TeaPhotography In reply to mockingbirdontree [2016-05-12 18:17:32 +0000 UTC]

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Arte-de-Junqueiro [2016-05-08 10:26:55 +0000 UTC]

Fabulously detailed shot dear Tea!!

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TeaPhotography In reply to Arte-de-Junqueiro [2016-05-12 18:17:20 +0000 UTC]

Much appreciated Mel, dear!

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davincipoppalag [2016-05-08 09:54:44 +0000 UTC]

Very beautiful Tea.. happy birthday to Lily!

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Annissina In reply to davincipoppalag [2016-05-12 18:45:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, Dave!

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davincipoppalag In reply to Annissina [2016-05-12 19:14:33 +0000 UTC]


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Annissina In reply to davincipoppalag [2016-05-12 19:40:33 +0000 UTC]

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TeaPhotography In reply to davincipoppalag [2016-05-12 18:17:00 +0000 UTC]

Why thank you! And how kind of you to add wishes!

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davincipoppalag In reply to TeaPhotography [2016-05-12 18:17:57 +0000 UTC]


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