Comments: 12
gethsemane-butler [2008-02-24 05:12:46 +0000 UTC]
:is too distracted by Jack's utter sexiness to even notice mediocrity...: Wait...what mediocrity?
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terrabm In reply to gethsemane-butler [2008-02-24 16:14:50 +0000 UTC]
Yay for Jack's sexiness. He is quite the sexy beast. Yes. (licks Jack) and tastes like rum! and uh...salt.
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disposableactor [2008-01-21 08:37:30 +0000 UTC]
HOW DARE YOU! The Kraken will live forever in our hearts! He is the king of the sea and will destroy you!!!!! I will tell his tenticled highness that you bad wordsied him!
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Miss-Dutch [2008-01-20 18:19:29 +0000 UTC]
Jack's cute!!
And the turtle looks cool
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whipblade2 [2008-01-20 17:17:08 +0000 UTC]
I think the colorings just fine! ^_^
Cute Jack, the turtle is so kewl!
Its great sis!
..I'm so jelous how you can get your bodies to bend whatever way you want them to, and it looks natural.-
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terrabm In reply to whipblade2 [2008-01-20 23:49:31 +0000 UTC]
THAT did not come easily. In fact it took me years to even learn to properly GUESS which way things should bend. I look at my arms and legs and such in a mirror alot for references, but stock photos are a GODSEND. Trust me. It makes everything easier.
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