The-Necromancer — Landships on the Move

#army #landship #military #steampunk #tank #tanks #war #dieselpunk
Published: 2021-02-22 11:56:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 1998; Favourites: 35; Downloads: 0
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Description Just another day in the armored division...

Music to view by: www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz2WOl…
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Comments: 3

wraithsith [2021-04-17 20:40:07 +0000 UTC]

Is this one of your only land-vehicles? I find WWI to be an interesting era, as your work seems to be more Trenchpunk1914 than dieselpunk . Have you ever looked at the pulp magazines, dime novels, or speculative magazines? Like Frank Reade weekly magazine, Beadle’s half dime library, The Electrical experimenter, La Guerre Infernal, Popular Mechanics Magazine, Modern Mechanix, Popular Science, or stuff of similar content? pin.it/1bpFqnF . I’ve found the weird bike & gun combos to be interesting ( pin.it/14AiHTw ). As well as the body armor used in the time ( complete with some foldable sets for snipers! ) -, pin.it/77GHJZD as well as all those wack ways of launching grenades! pin.it/6vK3WU2 ( I’m surprised they didn’t resort to Atlatls, Plumdata, or Woomeras, though i do know they used slings to put grenades on rooftops during the Spanish civil war)

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The-Necromancer In reply to wraithsith [2021-04-18 11:58:41 +0000 UTC]

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wraithsith In reply to The-Necromancer [2021-04-18 20:09:34 +0000 UTC]

Well trenchpunk isn’t a thing, it was deWitteillustration ‘s idea, now there’s a group for it Trenchpunk1914 I basically see it as the gaps between steampunk & dieselpunk ( I’m sure dewitte can tell you more about it), as steampunk ends with the victorian era- which was 1890s( though i guess it *can* go to the edwardian era, or the Belle opoque, it generally doesn’t seems to get into the later half, and certainly not the First World War. Whereas dieselpunk starts during the interwar period through the 1950s, but I don’t really think covers much of the end of the biplane. Decopunk a subset of dieselpunk doesnt begin until the 1920s. So i guess Trenchpunk is either the epilogue of steampunk or the prologue of dieselpunk. In the 1890-1920 period but really focusing on WWI and the revolutions & war leading to it and following it. )

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