Comments: 38
bunnylove2 [2013-06-24 03:43:36 +0000 UTC]
Pfft, I have too many favorite moments.
But for a favorite character?
Hmm...well, besides Ed, I'd have to say Greeling. Both Greed and Ling I find that to some extent, Ling is just like me, can be jokative but serious. And Greed...well just because he's really bawus and underneath all that greed, he is a really, really good guy.
This is really amazing. Even for a sketch. ^^
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bunnylove2 In reply to TheWizpir [2013-07-06 19:43:22 +0000 UTC]
no problem! x3
I could see that
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lotrprincess [2013-06-04 00:42:06 +0000 UTC]
"The Elric brothers spoke more between themselves than to any other person they had ever met. They could talk together for hours on end, knew what each nuance of the other's voice meant, could often even predict what their beloved sibling's next words would be. But sometimes...sometimes, it was a silent communication that said more than the longest speech."
FMA, my first anime and forever favorite story. Edward is my favorite character, and the moment I love most is when he sees Alphonse's body in the Gate while escaping Gluttony's belly.
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lotrprincess In reply to TheWizpir [2013-06-08 00:18:15 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome. I was struck by a bolt of inspiration while looking at it, hence the psuedo-poetry. Now if I could only get that inspiration for the stuff I'm SUPPOSED to be writing...
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ArtsyVana [2013-05-29 15:46:46 +0000 UTC]
Very nice!
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Buggie1112 [2013-03-30 06:03:08 +0000 UTC]
So good :')
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landra15 [2013-03-28 00:07:44 +0000 UTC]
so cool
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Gragonwings [2013-03-26 12:01:27 +0000 UTC]
Good picture! I love it!
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ANIME--FOREVER In reply to TheWizpir [2013-03-27 03:49:47 +0000 UTC]
Your welcome!
and cool, that your gatta do, more work.
Of these two. Hah ha, don't over work yourself now. Take
your time, Miss. There's no need to rush, nor there is
anybody rushing you. Okay?
Hehe, gatta say. It's great!
That your doing it, because your a fan, of that favorite series,
of yours!
I like that.
Ps Keep it up, stop if you gatta!
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TheWizpir In reply to ANIME--FOREVER [2013-03-27 18:39:09 +0000 UTC]
Haha well thanks, no need to worry though, I got dis!
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Abbi-Black [2013-03-26 03:09:51 +0000 UTC]
One favorite moment in the show? Hmm...
Probably the moment towards the beginning of Brotherhood when Ed, Al and Winry are on the train to Dublith and they start freaking out about how teacher is scary?
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rosewitchcat [2013-03-25 21:05:55 +0000 UTC]
what pretty brothers elrics
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