Tigershard-R — [SonicAU] Pan Family Dinner (art by Finimun)

#archiesonic #dragon #eating #family #food #panda #sonic_the_hedgehog #sonicthehedgehog #sonicau #sonic_au
Published: 2024-03-17 03:24:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 10209; Favourites: 101; Downloads: 1
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Description Apparently, today is Panda Day, so now would be a good time to introduce the rest of Dulcy/Ducenia/Dul-Pan and Go-Pan's family.

The dad is Gai-Pan. He work at a shop on the side of treasure hunting.

His wife, and Dulcy and Go-Pan's mom, is Gi-Pan. She works at a restaurant where she is best known for having "the best buns in Chu-nan". Bao Buns, that is.

Gi usually makes a huge amount every day but ends up with more leftover after closing. Luckily, because of Dulcy's appetite from the day she was hatched, she can clear that out those plates without letting it go to waste.

They usually have a variety of other dishes at the table, but these are the most fun to eat.
Dulcy © Sega/Archie Comics
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Comments: 3

alexwarlorn [2024-03-17 03:27:52 +0000 UTC]

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LogiTeeka In reply to alexwarlorn [2024-03-17 04:07:00 +0000 UTC]

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Tigershard-R In reply to alexwarlorn [2024-03-17 03:56:35 +0000 UTC]

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