ToastSamurai — Boy of death

Published: 2011-04-22 17:59:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 678; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 11
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Description DIEMAN... GEDDIT?
k well this pose didn't end up with the kind of energy i hoped and it's a bit off... GDSFK

I had a sketch i was gonna use, but i ended up not liking it, so i jsut started over digitally xD


I've been eyeing this version of him for a while. WANTED TO TRY DRAWING IT, CAUSE I NEVER GOT TO DRAW THE CRAZY HAIR LAST TIME. JEEZ.

Just let me know where man, and I'll go in and fix it all ninja-like.

I MADE HIM LOOK KIND OF ANGRIER THAN I WANTED TO... Must be all thsi god of War Im playing >.>

lol. oh god. no work today. so so nice. LONG WEEKEND!

But i have to clean my room.
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Comments: 15

Dieman [2012-04-07 19:21:20 +0000 UTC]






This character is awesome.

Actually in all seriousness I really like this, you've got the dynamic arm angle, the exploded shirt sleeve which is like WHAT THAT'S AWESOME, and the hair looks pretty damn good. I really think this is one of your best drawings of Dieman, and I need to find more words to fill this because it has a 100 word minimum.... Well, you could have added shoelaces, I guess there's that critique.... but damn, exploded sleeve. Very cool.

So yeah, that's my critique of like 50 words and then my fill of the rest. I guess that- OH GOD FINALLY ENOUGH WORDS

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Dieman [2011-06-30 20:22:24 +0000 UTC]



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ToastSamurai In reply to Dieman [2011-07-01 06:15:42 +0000 UTC]


FFFUUUUUU! Im trying to draw ;A; I've been trying to do some Character study stuff to egt sue to drawing my characters. BUT THEY NEVER TURN OUT AS GOOD AS YOURS O I EGT DISCOURAGED. lol xD Guess I gotta just start rolling with it.

But yeah... there's that whole lack of tiem thing, too ;A; JUST WAIT MAN... IM FREE COME MID-AUGUST ;_; !

I wanna take a better stab at drawing Agatha : D Almost did it tonight but I was all, "Derp."

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Dieman In reply to ToastSamurai [2011-07-06 06:25:16 +0000 UTC]


Derp indeed.

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darknataku17 [2011-04-23 05:42:20 +0000 UTC]

Holy crap. You're such a bamf. Iisjdfijfkdld;skjfdkls

This piece is so cool! I love how his shirt is torn, and his pose I can never compete with your colouring. /goes off miserable

Awesome work man! keep it up!

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ToastSamurai In reply to darknataku17 [2011-04-23 13:23:50 +0000 UTC]

A BAMF? cool stuff, man!

haha thank you : D. BAW. YOUR COLOUING LOOKS GREAT DUDE. SRSLY. You colour way better than mine was even 3 years ago. I CAN SHOW YOU SOME PICS MAN, THEY'RE NOT COOL >.> lol! SRSLY. You're awesome.

Thank you very much, i shal try my best!

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AngelicAdonis [2011-04-22 22:59:56 +0000 UTC]

Love his coat, and most of all his BIONIC AAAAAAAARM!!!!!!!

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ToastSamurai In reply to AngelicAdonis [2011-04-23 13:24:45 +0000 UTC]

I KNOW. I CAN NEVER QUITE DRAW HIS ARM RIGHT... I think it's suppose to have mroe detail than that, BUT I JSUT SUCK. But it is quite cool!

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AngelicAdonis In reply to ToastSamurai [2011-04-23 21:14:32 +0000 UTC]

I think you did a great job on his arm I know mechanical parts are always tricky, as they require much symmetry.

You're welcome there Toast!

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Dieman [2011-04-22 20:04:13 +0000 UTC]

Guuuu he looks like he walked out of DBZ or something, the way you did his hair

It looks great! I'm really happy you worked on it so hard, and I like the exploded sleeve thing going on there x3 And hey, he's sometimes angry too, and I think you made it look like he's gotten serious and is trying to hurt somebody. Guuuu you make me feel like my characters aren't losers the way you draw them, it's like they might actually be a bit badass. AND THAT'S CRAZY

Minor quibbles: he's got a red triangle on his left cheek and he doesn't have pupils when he looks like this. Also, he's got a black line around his mouth, kind of like slightly subtle clown makeup (that was what I was thinking of when I put it on him, at any rate), or a bit like lipstick if you really want to think that, but... don't. Here's a ref: [link]

Clever title, hurr hurr

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ToastSamurai In reply to Dieman [2011-04-22 21:07:48 +0000 UTC]

LOL I KNOW <.< I always ahve trouble trying to amke it look right. my sister actually came in as i was doing it (she always asks me what im doing so I explained it to her and showed her the original and all that (I was basing it off of that one really awesome detailed sketch that appeared pretty early on in ur gallery~))
anyway, basically all she said was, "You gave him anime hair."
derp! xD

LOL <.< for some reason felt liek working with the torn sleve thing. I UNNO xD

LOL UR CHARACTERS TOTALLY ARNT LOSERSSS. I still gotta re-draw agatha sometime since i totally screwed it up last time xD THEY'RE ALL REALLY COOL.

ALOO. Fixed, i think? let me know how it looks and i can work with it more if you'd like!


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Dieman In reply to ToastSamurai [2011-04-27 22:37:30 +0000 UTC]

I like how people draw his hair differently than I do. Sometimes I even draw it differently... If I can interject here, I like how I've simplified it over time, though. The original drawings were... bad. I tried to draw all 9 spikes, which always looked ridiculous, but in time I came around to only ever drawing 3 from all angles, or maybe a few more if there's a reason for them to not be uniform. But yeah, I like to see what people think of regarding his hair. You seem to go for a more plausible shonen hero-styled hair, making them less vertical and thick and maybe more like just longer sections of anime hair. Nothing wrong with that, though.

I'm glad you like that pic, it's still one of my favourites, too. It avoids anime conventions to a certain degree, which I want to do with the style. I don't like my stuff looking like "anime", people will lump it with other stuff if it looks like a Toriyama ripoff or whatever. SO YEY

I'd LOVE it if you drew Agatha again. If I can help: she's ninja-y. Try to make her more like that, if you do draw her again, and I think you'll have her physical personality down correctly.

It's pretty much fine as-is, yeah. Anything different at this point (he's usually squinting his right eye, but whatevs) is just going to be your take on him, so there's no reason to change it.

I'm working on a new picture that I think you might like...

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ToastSamurai In reply to Dieman [2011-04-30 13:43:14 +0000 UTC]

WHAT SRSLY? I totaly made an effort to egt all 5 spikes in, because i thougth there were only 5 xD I was all, "IT'S SO COOL THAT THE NUMBER OF SPIKES IS A DISTINGUISHING FACTOR" (even if it isn't that's how I saw it xD)

I guess i can see 9 in the other pics, now that you mention it. Was probably just the angle of the other pic. And probably partially the fact that Im a Retard. BUT YEAH.

I agree, having 3 seems like a good idea! I was gonna say "It gets the point across" But that would have been a horrible pun. Also Im biased and am a fan of simple things. But I think Dieman can rock the hair either way!

ALSO. Im curious to see what the relation is like between Dieman and Agatha. For some reason I kidn of get it could be like a Spike and Fey (however it's spelt) Vibe... Where they jsut kind of don't really egt along cause she isn't a "traditional woman", but are still kind fo friends. BUT IM PROLLY TOTALLY WRONG. Just been wondering about it. The character interactions, that is. You should do one of those memes where they force the characters into situatiosn with eachother. WOULD EB COOL! that's just me though : P

SQUEE. Was is the dieman one you just uploaded a while ago? Cause that one was pretty awesome. ;A; ~ DON'T KNOW IF I COUDL HANDLE MORE AWESOME PICS. might combust 'er somethin.

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Dieman In reply to ToastSamurai [2011-05-02 19:57:41 +0000 UTC]

Their relationship.... yeah, they're kind of like Spike and Faye, but they like each other even less than S&F do. Their relationship is pretty complicated though, I'll leave it at that so I don't drop spoilers. But I totally wrote up a long thing and just erased it all hur hur hur

Yeah, it was the one with the two forms, and the finger on the eye and stuff. SO THAT'S IT I GUESS

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ToastSamurai In reply to Dieman [2011-05-02 22:47:11 +0000 UTC]

BAW I WAS SO CLOSE TO OBTAINING MORE INFOOO. But srsly i won't tell anyone if you do happen to slip stuff. BUT I GUESS I'LL HAVE TO WAIT AND SEEE~

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