Tokki-Trickster — Trick or Treat Part 1

#asriel #chara #frisk #undertale #comic #halloween #trickortreat #trick_or_treat #undertale_game #asriel_dreemurr #undertale_asriel #undertalefrisk #friskundertale #asrieldreemurr #undertalefanart #asrieldreemurrundertale #frisk_undertale #undertalechara #undertale_frisk #undertaleasriel #asriel_undertale #asrielundertale #chara_undertale #asriel_dreemurr_undertale #undertale_chara #undertale_frisk_fanart #undertale_fan_art #frisk_the_human #chara_and_frisk #chara_dreemurr #frisk_and_asriel #undertale_asriel_dreemurr #undertale_frisk_and_chara #frisk_and_chara #asriel_and_chara #undertale_chara_fanart #asriel_dreemurr_fanart #frisk_dreemurr #chara_and_asriel #chara_the_human #chara_dreemurr_undertale #chara_dreemurr_fanart #october2017
Published: 2017-10-30 21:59:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 725; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 3
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Description Originally there were no parts to this comic, but because of how long it was I was forced to break it into two parts.

So, does anyone remember those candy-bowl hand things? You know when someone wasn't up for the task of greeting trick-or-treaters in the flesh they'd just leave out a bowl of candy. Okay cool. Then, there those who left these devils out. The ones with the robot hands-oh gosh, I hated them as a kid! They'd have a sensor in them so when you tried to take some candy the hand would clap down on your own. The ones that could talk were even worse. 

At the very least they made for a good inspiration for a comic featuring Pirate Frisk, Vampire Asriel, and Snail Chara! I hope you guys like the costume designs. You can probably tell I had a lot of fun with Chara's. Speaking of whom, yes, Chara go! Vanquish the evil hand monster! Destroy it!

Part 2 here!: 

I hope you guys enjoy! And Happy Halloween!   
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Comments: 5

Budderisveryspecial [2017-11-11 01:00:42 +0000 UTC]


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Tokki-Trickster In reply to Budderisveryspecial [2017-11-11 03:13:14 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Budderisveryspecial In reply to Tokki-Trickster [2017-11-11 03:18:29 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome

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Gloryraiin [2017-10-31 00:02:00 +0000 UTC]

Ooooh! This looks great so far. I remember you said you were working on this *v*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tokki-Trickster In reply to Gloryraiin [2017-10-31 01:23:18 +0000 UTC]

Ah yes! It took me a really long time, but it's finally finished! I'm very proud of it.   

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