ToxicOxygen — -.: Not Really Nuzlocke 15 :.-

Published: 2012-03-10 10:01:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 2928; Favourites: 32; Downloads: 15
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Yeah this one was much longer than I thought it would be! I just kept on adding more panels... My notes only cover bare minimum basics, so 90% of the time I make it up as I go.

Liiiiike the smoking thing. Now, that is a direct reflection of myself. I hate smokers. At our bus station downtown there are signs EVERYWHERE that say "do not smoke", and guess what happens? THEY DO IT ANYWAY.
I suppose how Pokemon Koi reacted is how I wish I could react, expressing myself through art and all that shizz-nizzle.
Plus, wouldn't it be an interesting concept? I can't remember if I saw any character in the anime ever smoking a tabacco pipe or whatever, but nevertheless I'm sure if it existed, there would be laws.


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Comments: 32

crazynoggin [2014-11-11 03:05:47 +0000 UTC]

Exactly what I thought.

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sam557 [2013-07-04 11:29:02 +0000 UTC]

Your ability to make even the creepiest of Pokemon look like they came right out of Cute high with an adorable honor roll never stops to amaze me.
P.s. I'm very sorry if that was a bad sentence I'm drinking coffee and it's about three in the morning last time I checked so yeah...keep up the good work.

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ToxicOxygen In reply to sam557 [2013-07-04 16:05:12 +0000 UTC]

Hee it's okay.

But what Pokemon here is creepy? o0o

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sam557 In reply to ToxicOxygen [2013-07-05 02:58:51 +0000 UTC]

Beedrill those vacant eyes planning my murder with some form of torture. Like locking me in a room with professor Oak for example.

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ToxicOxygen In reply to sam557 [2013-07-08 04:59:42 +0000 UTC]

Warrior is a badass, you'll see.

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PokemonxPJATO [2013-01-29 17:25:57 +0000 UTC]

When is the next page coming? Lol on the "I'm a good samaritan" Rocket grunt.

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ToxicOxygen In reply to PokemonxPJATO [2013-01-31 00:03:29 +0000 UTC]


Here you go.

It's seriously the absolute worst page though. It has no flow, the art is shoddy, and I just gave up at the end. Sorry. The next page will be better.

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PokemonxPJATO In reply to ToxicOxygen [2013-03-03 04:04:51 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I've seen this page. It's not as bad as you think. It's actually pretty funny, w/Kurt being a crazy old man on medication. I do hope you make another page though. This is a pretty funny comic. (totally unrelated advertisement in next sentence)I know this has absolutely nothing to do with my reply, and it might seem a little annoying to you, but I finally made an artwork good enough to put on DeviantArt, and I would really appreciate it if you looked at it. I haven' posted it up yet, but once it's all colored in, I will somehow post it up on my page in about a week, if I can borrow the camera from mom. Don't worry about your comic. I'm sure you'll come up with a good page 17.

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ToxicOxygen In reply to PokemonxPJATO [2013-03-03 05:12:15 +0000 UTC]

Actually, I have page 17 up now ! And it is MUCH better quality than page 16. Instead of a few hours, I spent approximately an entire day pouring work into it. I hope it makes up for the lack of quality!

I have the script for page 18 all set, but what I'm currently working on is revamping the very first page (and in the process of doing so I found myself basically recreating it, oops). I'll be doing some fix-ups and revamps of other pages, too (not quite as extreme) and when that's done I'll be putting this up on Smackjeeves.

Just send me some links to what you want me to see and I'll check them out.

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BrokeNanny91 [2012-11-11 08:48:37 +0000 UTC]


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SandEmoPanda [2012-07-21 16:03:34 +0000 UTC]

The horrors of Azalea Town... Hahaha, that is just so hilarious.

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ToxicOxygen In reply to SandEmoPanda [2012-07-21 21:05:03 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, thank you!

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SandEmoPanda In reply to ToxicOxygen [2012-07-22 18:03:05 +0000 UTC]

You're so welcome!

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saltydoesDA [2012-04-03 23:28:39 +0000 UTC]

You turned into a solosis?

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ToxicOxygen In reply to saltydoesDA [2012-04-04 00:11:30 +0000 UTC]

Oh my god, are you talking about the face? XD

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saltydoesDA In reply to ToxicOxygen [2012-04-04 17:18:12 +0000 UTC]

someone should make a plz account of that.

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ToxicOxygen In reply to saltydoesDA [2012-04-04 18:06:25 +0000 UTC]

You could XD

As long as you link back to this comment in the journal or something.

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saltydoesDA In reply to ToxicOxygen [2012-04-04 22:36:49 +0000 UTC]

[link] Here it is

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saltydoesDA In reply to ToxicOxygen [2012-04-04 17:17:23 +0000 UTC]


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Mla-wolf [2012-03-25 03:26:22 +0000 UTC]

Th-That... D':

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DistahDrawer [2012-03-13 22:40:07 +0000 UTC]

1st panel = Win! Their eyes are so cute!

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ToxicOxygen In reply to DistahDrawer [2012-04-26 03:39:22 +0000 UTC]


But I am having mixed feelings about Perelofe's eyes in that panel... hm...

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evetype [2012-03-11 05:51:59 +0000 UTC]

This just reminded me...
What do Ash and friends eat at the Pokemon Center?

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Luna-pon [2012-03-10 18:40:38 +0000 UTC]

...and still, while creep-rockets are around, no one bothers to lock their doors.
Pokemon-logic, keep onnnnn working.

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ToxicOxygen In reply to Luna-pon [2012-03-10 21:38:33 +0000 UTC]

That's why I try to make it have as much logic as possible ( ̄∇ ̄'') As has been shown through my many text-vomit panels.

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VampGirl548 [2012-03-10 18:18:00 +0000 UTC]

that is repulsive. those rocketrs are going down!

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ToxicOxygen In reply to VampGirl548 [2012-03-10 21:34:13 +0000 UTC]


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VampGirl548 In reply to VampGirl548 [2012-03-10 18:18:09 +0000 UTC]


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Fluna [2012-03-10 15:09:16 +0000 UTC]

Poor Slowpoke ;_;

I really dislike smokers.. sadly my mother is one of them OTL

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x-AnEternalDeath-x [2012-03-10 11:15:48 +0000 UTC]

I love the "HOLY SWEET MOTHER OF FUCK" face. xD

And the smoking of slowpoke tails. Pure sickly genius.

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ToxicOxygen In reply to x-AnEternalDeath-x [2012-03-10 21:35:44 +0000 UTC]


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x-AnEternalDeath-x In reply to ToxicOxygen [2012-03-11 00:28:06 +0000 UTC]


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