OWNER : k1234567890y
Auction ends 48 hours after first bid
[ For the last minute bidding : Add 60 minute before closing the auction ]
[ Please bid on my 'BID HERE' comment and reply to the last bid ]
[ No watermark ]
✦ Full resolution image without watermark delivered upon payment received
✦ Please be responsible with your bid (do not edit, cancel or change your bid after it is made)
✦ Credit is only needed when the original artwork is used
✦ Do not claim the design or artwork as yours
✦ Can be moderately modified original artwork (40%)
Changing clothes is OK
✦ Can trade or gift
✦ Do not resell higher than the price bought
Your own artwork must not be added to the price when resell
✦ Can be used commercially: Extra fees will be charged for commercial use rights (60%)
✦ Report back when used commercially
✦ Report back to me if the ownership changes
✦ If you are caught misusing the adoptable, I have the right to take back the ownership without any refund. I have the right to resell the adopt or use it in any way. You will also be blacklisted.
✦ NO NFT and Vtuber
✦ The artist can use original artwork for portfolio