tripletwelve — July 27

Published: 2018-07-27 22:14:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 166; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 1
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Description It was so beautiful outside that I absolutely had to take a break from the commission piece I've been working on in the depths of my basement and go out! So here's a little part of my backyard and a few of the happy little trees that live there.

I bought a bunch of these little 8x10 canvases thinking they'd be easy to just carry with me and whip out wherever, but painting out in the elements is hard!! I was fighting the whole time against the sun and wind drying out my paints and then simultaneously having an all out war on bugs (including a ladybug that decided to make itself at home on my glasses.

Spent about 2 hours on this. Acrylic on canvas, 8x10
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