userup — DB Trio Elemental Clash

#crossover #elemental #pokemon #three #warcraft #3vs3 #hearthstone #legendary #regice #regirock #registeel #versus #worldofwarcraft #deathbattle
Published: 2018-06-30 00:44:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 471; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description Now for two teams of three elementals ready to clash.

Team Azeroth

Fire Elemental- Elementals of fire that reside in the Firelands.

Earth Elemental- Elementals of rock that live in Deepholm.

Ice Elemental- A type of water elemental that are found in the Frozen Glade.


Team Hoenn

Registeel The rock peak Pokemon it can repair itself by fitting rocks onto its body.

Regirock The Iron Pokemon its body is made of metal that's harder than any other.

Regice- The iceberg Pokemon its body is made of ice that cannot be melted by fire.

which team would win in a death battle and how you decide.

meme from   fav.me/d8lwaqx

Deathbattle (c) Screwattack
Elementals (c) Blizzard Entertainment
Pokemon (c) Nintendo
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Comments: 1

manati20 [2020-11-11 06:18:38 +0000 UTC]

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