Vegetto12 — L

#goosebumpsoc #goosebumps
Published: 2019-08-25 20:20:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 221; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description Since I'm still recovering i have been trying to draw a bunch of random characters in random poses. This is so far the one one I have finished since I haven't been able to wear my glasses that much. Doesn't help the medicine makes me dizzy and I can't my antidepressant medication with the antibiotic. Sorry about the mini rant life hasn't been the best lately. This is my goosebumpsona "L" She is a very old doll that is designed to look kinda like a dummy. She has no memory on how she came to be or who even made her. She is very shy and gets scared by anything really. She is starting to fall apart but she does try and go into the outside world to get what see needs to fix herself up. She often wear old baggy clothes to hide herself so people often think shes a lost child.

I own L.

I don’t own Goosebumps.

art by me. 
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