VenGethenian — Dorthonion Immortal

Published: 2006-07-30 02:58:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 4075; Favourites: 37; Downloads: 52
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Description Gorlim and Eilinel -- Traitor Betrayed and his White Lady, theirs the beautiful and tragic love story that would have, in better times, been the rival of Beren and Luthien's tale -- and indeed, their tale begins it.

Gorlim betrayed Beren's father Barahir and destroyed their people and their homeland -- all for the love of his wife, Eilinel the White. This is the two of them, Gorlim brandishing his sword over the Northern slopes of Dorthonion overtaken by a dragon and a Balrog looming over the Mound of the Slain, armies marching below, and to the right, the mountains of Dorthonion as they appear over Ard-Galen, the lush green plains that were burned when Melkor's armies invaded from the Helcaraxe. Gorlim wears a kilt because Tolkien's descriptions of the Beorings and their homeland seems so very Scottish, right down to the native plants -- whin and adler and heather, corestones and tarns in the highlands.

The falling cards are personally symbolic, and the one at the bottom is meant to be the 10 of Swords in the Tarot -- "Ruin".

The Elvish writing reads "Traitor Betrayed" and "White Maiden".

The poem, which is hard to read because cell phone camera photos tend to be, is below. It's one of the only poems that's ever made me cry. I'm so pathetic. e.e But it's so them, and so beautiful. One can only hope beyond hope that despite Sauron's promise to cast Gorlim into hell, they found each other in the end.

"Sonnet" by Hillaire Belloc

We will not whisper, we have found the place
Of silence and the endless halls of sleep.
Of that which breathes alone throughout the deep
The end and the beginning; and the face
Between the level brows of whose blind eyes
Lie plenary contentment, full surcease
Of violence, and the passionless long peace
Wherein we lose our human lullabies.

Look up and tell the immeasurable height
Between the vault of the world and your dear head;
That's death, my little sister, and the night
Which was our Mother beckons us to bed,
Where large oblivion in her house is laid
For us tired children, now our games are played.
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Comments: 12

DGraymanFanatic [2019-03-02 19:46:56 +0000 UTC]

I don't really see it as a rival to Beren and Luthien, being that Eilinel was dead by the time Gorlim was an outlaw with his companions. 
They did love each other deeply, I agree. And it was tragic. But not really comparable in my mind to Beren and Luthien. 

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Bearuthiel [2011-06-19 19:02:25 +0000 UTC]

It reminds me "Braveheart".

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VenGethenian In reply to Bearuthiel [2011-06-19 21:08:37 +0000 UTC]

I can't say I disagree, and in part the resemblance is a little purposeful. I do think Tolkien was pulling from tales of Robert the Bruce to write about the outcasts of Dorthonion. If nothing else, there is no question whatsoever that Dorthonion is intended to be a geological equivalent, right nown to the descriptions of native plants in the Lay of Leithian.

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Andreth [2010-10-17 13:58:09 +0000 UTC]

Oh my God I absolutely love this! So beautiful. So sad...

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VenGethenian In reply to Andreth [2010-10-24 05:50:24 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

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Ilahmec [2007-10-09 02:42:31 +0000 UTC]

I really like this! It seems as though he's drawing the scene with his sword. Very LOTR.

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vanitachilovetolkien [2007-01-01 00:15:28 +0000 UTC]

Interesting way of showing arts...

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CookiesHeart [2006-10-17 08:58:14 +0000 UTC]

Great - great couple

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Glorgindel [2006-10-15 19:55:21 +0000 UTC]

great drawing!!

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Embrethil [2006-10-15 11:29:02 +0000 UTC]

it's really good, you pay a lot of attention to detail!

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Elenmire [2006-10-14 09:27:23 +0000 UTC]

is very worked. the pose es very good and also the background

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SirithrosLirenel [2006-07-31 13:39:29 +0000 UTC]

Wow I really like the details! ^^ It's very nice.

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