WDWParksGal — Sunrise

#building #clouds #cloudssky #morning #sky #sun #sunrise #trees
Published: 2015-08-29 03:34:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 499; Favourites: 31; Downloads: 20
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Description Since there is a sunset picture on the Golf Course is posted figured I had better post a sunrise

Additional views will be posted at TheStockWarehouse ~ currently there is a folder of daytime sky pics ~ sta.sh/21eroxqk9l0r ~ housed in the Sta.sh, all unrestricted for use
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Comments: 14

doolhoofd [2018-02-28 21:25:42 +0000 UTC]

"By measuring the number and luminosity of observable galaxies in the known universe, astronomers put current estimates of the total stellar population at roughly seventy billion trillion."
- Maria Temming, How Many Stars Are There in the Universe?

Eustace: "In our world, a star is a huge ball of flaming gas."
Ramandu: "Even in your world, son, that is not what a star is, but only what it is made of."
- C. S. Lewis, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, chapter XIV

"The sun? Conscious? How?" "In a way lower organisms like you have difficulty to grasp. One thought from the source takes longer than a human life. A conversation with other stars takes thousands of your years." "All the stars are conscious?" A dry laughter resounded. "Of course. They are the original inhabitants of the cosmos. Without them there would be no organic life, let alone organic consciousness."
- Elian Lazaro, Elysium

"The sun alone appears, by virtue of his dignity and power, suited for the duty of moving the planets, and worthy to become the home of God himself."
- Johannes Kepler, The Harmony of the World

"The proposition is that Sun is a living, conscious being with an intelligence that dwarfs our own. I am not only suggesting that Sun is a large complex system with some form of self-governing intelligence to it, but also that it is a living being, aware of itself and its place in the universe; that it is fully conscious and communicates with other conscious beings at its own level, and other levels; that its consciousness is so far beyond what we enjoy that it could be accorded deity status of a high order, and be recognized as a conscious being by atheists and agnostics, whatever spin they put on it.
As staggering as this proposition might seem, it is hardly novel, and was once held as a near universal belief or understanding in most parts of the globe. It is possible that generations of Neolithic peoples, the ancient Sumerians, Chaldeans, and Assyrians, the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Maya, Inca, Aztec, and the ancient Celts and Native Americans were not completely deluded. Perhaps they were right to regard Sun as a living celestial being, rather than view the prime enabler of life-on-Earth as just another random event in the infinity of space, deserving neither credit nor appreciation. We can add the world's 750 million Hindus to the list above, as well as followers of Shinto, the native Japanese religion revering Sun goddess Amaterasu."
- Gregory Sams, Sun of gOd

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WDWParksGal In reply to doolhoofd [2018-03-04 03:00:07 +0000 UTC]

Of course, all planets and stars have their own consciousness

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Minato-Kushina [2015-08-31 22:05:35 +0000 UTC]

You must have gorgeous sunrises and sunsets there!

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Heartofwing [2015-08-30 02:42:36 +0000 UTC]


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MightyMorphinPower4 [2015-08-29 19:37:33 +0000 UTC]

Beatiful shot

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WDWParksGal In reply to MightyMorphinPower4 [2015-08-29 20:25:14 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! It surely was a beautiful morning. There are many wonderful views from the porch where I now live. Just breathtaking!

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DiamonEyes [2015-08-29 04:15:15 +0000 UTC]

Now THAT is one EPIC sky photo!!!

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WDWParksGal In reply to DiamonEyes [2015-08-29 20:27:19 +0000 UTC]

~ have been taking a lot of pictures lately.... have an entire folder of daytime sky pics in Sta.sh on one of my stock sites ~ sta.sh/21eroxqk9l0r ~ all from the comfort of the front porch!

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DiamonEyes In reply to WDWParksGal [2015-08-29 23:34:59 +0000 UTC]

OH WOW! they're all so beautiful!!! You are majorly talented and a beautiful woman all-around!! God worked overtime to bring you into this world with your amazing talents!

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WDWParksGal In reply to DiamonEyes [2015-08-30 20:11:01 +0000 UTC]

You are so kind

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PaMonk [2015-08-29 03:37:26 +0000 UTC]

Oh! that is a Beautiful Sunrise and clouds are so Beautiful.

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WDWParksGal In reply to PaMonk [2015-08-29 20:28:21 +0000 UTC]

It was just gorgeous! There are a lot of wonderful picture-taking opportunities living here

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PaMonk In reply to WDWParksGal [2015-08-29 22:07:02 +0000 UTC]

Awesome it looks like a Beautiful Place to live.

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WDWParksGal In reply to PaMonk [2015-08-30 20:11:26 +0000 UTC]

It truly is. Hubby and I are very lucky to be able to live here

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